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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. I've herd many stories of huge muskies in the spring and fall, if you go to local tackle shops along Hwy #69 they have some pictures of fish you never see on the net that are just huge like this one but they are caught by guys that don't really musky fish and have no need to weigh or measure the fish but I bet they start musky fishing after a nice ski...lol.


    It just makes me wonder how big they get in the bay, I don't think 70lbs + is out of the question, there's so much water that probably hasn't even been fished and the musky fishing pressure is low but it's getting more popular every year so I think something huge will turn up soon.

    Maybe on one of those bucktails in your signature. Let's see..... hmmm....... you could call it the "GbayGiant"!

  2. Just got these today. Bought them from an OFC'er (vanillagorilla). Can anyone name them all (or any). Not that it's important (well,not life or death anyway LOL),but I'd llike to know what they are when somebody asks. Thanks guys.


  3. I think the real problems with the Leafs IS the fans. The fans who won't let them suck. Think about it,all the teams that are good right now SUCKED for quite a while. Take Atlanta and Ottawa as examples. They sucked for a LONG time. They got high draft picks and most importantly let them develop . There were no immediate expectations placed on these teams and they let the young guns mature at their own pace. I'm not saying you can duplicate these conditions completely,but stop selling the farm (literally) for instant gratification. A great example is the pickup of Raycroft for Tuuka Rask. Don't get me wrong we needed Raycroft, but give up some of the present. A couple years down the road with Poggie and Rask the Leafs may have had the world by the tail.Let the Leafs miss the playoffs if they have too. Sell or trade off some of the old stable if the right deal arrises. I wonder how many teams asked about Sundin.If the right price is offered I think you have to let him go (for young talent). I think they need to make a concerted effort towards a certain time span,not far into the future (say a five year plan) and pet EVERYTHING into that plan. Don't worry about today as much. The fans have been loyal throughout the last fourty years, what's another five?So Mr. Ferguson, here's hoping you have the guts your father did. Here's hoping you'll turn a deaf ear to those who want instant gratification. Have the balls to build for the future of this franchise sir. We'll all stand by you (at least the real Leaf Fans will). I'm a devoted Leaf fan until death..... (I BLEED BLUE) . Please win a cup before then! ;)

  4. Brantford seems to have lots. Typical price gouging though. The gas companies should have their prices more closely regulated. Really, what other consumer goods fluctuate to that extent ...... especially on holiday weekends? Funny how that works, isn't it? Must be just a big coincidence!

  5. Seemed like I'd been there not too long ago when I looked at the pics. Then I realized it was when I got married. We went there on our honeymoon almost seventeen years ago :w00t: I hope you took the tour inside the parliament buildings .... gorgeous. Also the museum of civilization (you can see it in yours and even better in CrisS's pic of the lock) was a great place to visit (was there only ten years ago) and they have an Imax theatre. I love those Imax movies. There is definetely alot to do in Otterwa. Glad you had fun.

  6. I feel, being a newbie here that I almost shouldn't comment on a subject like this,because I don't really know you Lew, but it seems to me the timing is awfully close to your daughters mishap. Somehow events like this are sometimes eye openers. Seems like we go through life coasting alot and every once in a while you get slammed into a wall and you are forced to open your eyes. Sometimes we don't like what we see. Anyway,I could be way off base here. If I am disregard what I've said. You know, you seem like a real nice guy Lew. You go out of your way to help others. I'm sure your handshake is as good as gold too. Whatever it is that driving you nuts,just give it a few days and I'm sure it won't seem quite as bad. Take care there big guy.

  7. Here is a response I received from one of the councillors in regards to the letter I sent yesterday to the mayor and all councillors. Maybe this will help explain things a little.

    Dear Sir


    Please be aware that this is a small piece of land about 100' X 50 where we

    have had challenges with security and so have the neighbours. This land is

    not designated as a park and it is hoped that it will soon be used by Canada

    Customs as a secure area for cross river ferry traffic. I believe that once

    cross river traffic begins the land will restricted to all except those

    going into the United States via the ferry.


    Please note that we do not restrict fishing on any other property in the



    If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us.


    Unless I have missed something, it sounds like this has maybe been blown out of proportion a little. My response to this was that if a system is implemented, it should be done so that anyone can buy a permit, and not just the residents of NOTL.


    I will post any other responses I get.

    I got the exact same reply ...... word for word LOL. I guess I didn't even deserve my own response. Plus I only got one reponse (sent it to all the councillors and mayor). Oh well,better than none. Please keep us updated on this Rick.

  8. I'm going to have to go with my kids. My son (nine) and daughter (twelve). I really want them to have a love for the outdoors-fishing,camping etc. ( I really need to put my wife in here too). I guess I'm trying to make some great memories with them, before they're too old and "too cool" to hang out with dad. This thread is actually quite touching and alot of people are choosing loved ones they miss. It kind of brings a tear to your eye. I thought about that too and then decided I'll take the people that are most important to me now. :blush:

  9. I decided to do some trib fishing this year for the first time. When I was there I witnessed so much junk lying around that I decided that the next time I went, I'd have a few garbage bags in tow. It took a grand total of about 10 minutes to completely fill them and about 30 seconds to take it the garbage can that was right there. Beer cans and bottles, fishing line, coffee cups, plastic bags, fast food wrappers were strewn about. Unbelievable....

    That's great. I did the same thing at a local pond where people were always allowed to fish. I used to walk the family dog out there (I miss that silly dog). Now there are "no tresspassing" signs. So I went fishing out there anyway (I know...bad boy) and couldn't believe the amount of crap scattered everywhere. The next time I went I brought a garbage bag and stuffed it right full. I figured I was doing my part. It makes it nicer for me too. I don't want to see all that junk while I out there trying to relax and enjoy myself anyway. What is wrong with people these days??? You know what,I didn't catch a thing there that day,but I felt really good about what I did. I was kind of hoping the owner would've seen me or an O.P.P. with the ten pounds of garbage I collected. I bet they would give me special permission, because they'd know I wasn't one of the morons who was making the mess. Maybe everytime we see somebody throwing or for that matter even leaving cans,worm containers or fishing line behind, we should speak up and remind that person of "the right thing to do". Or like "Tinbagers" father we can chuck it in their car (I probably couldn't do that either). I always said that 90% of people are great and 10% are donkeyholes. Lately I'm thinking it's getting closer to 80/20. Look at it this way guys,if we won't look after these places who will? It doesn't take much if everyone takes part. (Added after my original post)I was just thinking about this topic and Mountsberg Conservation Area came to mind. Now this place could be beautiful,but is a disgrace. It was absolutely overwhelming the amout of junk that is EVERYWHERE. I didn't pick up anything but my own stuff at this park. It seems hopeless,so you just don't bother :wallbash: . It'd take me a month of evenings to clean it and people would just keep throwing crap faster than you could clean it up. It makes me really angry,but wat do you do?? :dunno:

  10. I'm currently in the middle of a search on the town's website and just found this link in regards to this thread:

    NOTL council meeting link


    I am going to read on further to find any email links to respond to this.


    Here is a little of it:


    The following is a brief summary of the recommendations from the February 5, 2007 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting, which have been referred to this Council meeting for consideration. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommends that: (see minutes for complete set of recommendations)

    A. Town property, known as 113 River Beach Drive, be signed "Access to Property by Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake Permit Only"; and a permit to use the property for the purpose of fishing, be available for Niagara-on-the-Lake residents


















    Councillor Art Viola has no email address


    I am going to send an email to them with a link to this site/thread

    I sent this to the Mayor (his was addressed accordingly) and all the councillors. I'd suggest everyone tell them how you feel. Let them make the correct decision. Make your voice heard if you want to be listened to! Here is the e-mail I sent. Hello,councillor. This is in regards to the recommendations from the February 5, 2007 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting, which have been referred to this Council meeting for consideration. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommends that: (see minutes for complete set of recommendations)

    A. Town property, known as 113 River Beach Drive, be signed "Access to Property by Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake Permit Only"; and a permit to use the property for the purpose of fishing, be available for Niagara-on-the-Lake residents. I can't tell you how much I disagree with these actions. As an angler I already have to pay for an Ontario fishing license which entitles me to fish all of Ontarios crown land. Do you know the can of worms (pun intended) you are opening?Should I have to pay an extra fee everytime I go fishing? Should every town,district or county all get a cut? Should I have to get an individual permit for everywhere I fish? Nobody will be able to afford the cost or time involved. For instance if I travel to fifty different destinations during one year should I require fifty different permits? Should I be required to carry a complete library around on my person so if I decide to fish a different area I can produce proof every time?Consider the time and costs associated with this both to the individual and the community.Do you know how many people are anglers sir?It is the one of the worlds most popuar hobbies. How do you think we'll feel about the discrimination being shown by you and your town towards us? What if all anglers stopped coming to your towns businesses because of these actions? What effect will this have? Would that be something positive or constructive for the community you represent? How will the people you are sworn to represent feel when you are adversely effecting virtually every household in your community? How many families do not have an angler among them or at very least their neighbor?Please reconsider your actions in this manner as it will not be taken lightly or accepted well by the fishing community.Please make the right decision in this matter. Thankyou,concerned citizen,Ken(I included my last name as well).

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