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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. Nice job.Looks like fun. I'm sure it's alot of work draging around that beauty setup,but when it pays off like that,I'm sure it was worth it. Thanks for the pics and especially for explaining how you caught them and on what. A Mr. Champ in green tipped with a couple minnows eh?:thumbsup_anim: Great report for guys like me to learn the tricks of the trade. Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou. :worthy:

  2. Wish I was going. I haven't been to the ACC to see hockey yet. Saw the Raptors (beautiful seats for free). I went to the gardens quite a bit. When prices were WAY better and I didn't have kids etc. Too many places for money to go now and not enough of it to blow $400 on one game. Have a great time. Hope the Buds win. My two favorite teams by the way.

  3. I'm not a huge football fan, but I feel like I should hope for the Colts. I've been to Indy quite a few times (P.R.I. show) and really like the city. I've been in the dome a bunch of times too,but never for a game. I kind of feel guilty because we have a Canadian on da Bears, but I'll be cheering for the Payton/Harrisson connection Sunday.

  4. Thanks for the help everyone :thumbsup_anim: . I guess at the show I'll grab a 7' graphite rod rated for 8 to 15lb test with a fast action. I'll be checking the Fenwick, Shimano, Berkely,St. Croix and Quantums I guess. Hopefully I'll get a good deal on one. I'll let you know in a couple weeks which one I bought. I really did look in the classifieds here as well,but by the time I drive all the way somewhere for just a rod,how much did I really save. Not only that,but at the show I can really compare them and get a good deal. P.S. should I get hung up on the IM6,IM7 & IM8 ratings?

  5. Too bad I don't get that channel. I'd like to see them on the Detroit River. Can't wait to spring so I can get out there.


    Does anyone know if OLN went off the air or did they change their name? I'm looking to change my cable providers so that I can get some better outdoor shows.

    You need to see Extreme Angler. K-Dawg sets the hook so hard I swear he's going to pull the fish in half. I've always wondered how many small bass have flown over the boat :lol: . Don't expect to go right to sleep after watching this show. Maybe there should be a disclaimer at the beginning of the show- WARNING- watching this may cause quickness of breath,increased blood pressure,heart palpatations,insomnia,also may cause increased expectations which may lead to depression, nausea or vomitting. Watch at your own risk.

  6. He is a sports nut! I'd bug him about our sports teams vs his. Right now the Celtics are 15th in the East and the Raps are fourth and going to make the playoffs.

    Tell him the Jays are going to take out the Red Sox and the Leafs are going to smoke the Bruins. Ask him if EVERYTHING is inferior in Boston, including fisherman? :devil:

  7. I do run a performance shop. Hmm, I mostly deal with North American muscle cars,but I think we can work something out. I have a buddy,that drag races an electric motorcycle and is quite knowledgeable. He wants to build an electric drag car in the future. It's incredible the h/p and torque you can get from electric motors. They're consistent and reliable. They just don't sound the same though. Let me know if I can "hook you up".

  8. I for one would like to offer my gratitude to your brother-in-law. Our forces seem to be underappreciated here. I for one am very grateful we have such courageous men and women in our forces making our world a better place.Glad to hear he's coming back safe and sound. I think a little fishing is in order to help put his mind at ease.

  9. Nice fish. I bet that'll be yummy. My Grandfather used to give us a big bag of crappie fillets every once in a while and I swear they were the best. Then I had some at my Dads and he makes this sweet tasting batter ........ best fish I ever had!

  10. Holdfast and Fishfinder. I have an Ugly stick lite medium spinning combo already. I used that fishing all last year. I also have an ultra light setup from Shakespeare (10 bearing reel) which should serve me fine at the Orillia perch derby. I also have an old Shimano Bass One baitcaster that I'm going to try to play with and hopefully learn that art with. I'll probably get a cheaper MH rod for that and use it for heavier baits (should get less tangled up with the bigger stuff). I was kind of trying to have one setup that I would use most of the time that I would really enjoy using. I plan on having that rod in my hand (insert joke of choice here) alot this year. I have to admit an $18 rod that is your favotite is a great thing (what rod (model)is that by the way?).Now you say and I quote " PRICE HAS NO BEARING ON QUALITY AND DURABILITY". How can that be?I'm not contradicting you,I'm asking. I really do understand that it's completely possible for a reel to "feel fantastic" and be more reasonably priced. But I would logically think that durability should be affected by the cost. For example,how can a manufacturer afford to put titanium guides on an $18 rod? Wouldn't they stand up better to braided lines?I understand that price is never a guarantee and I'm sure some rods are really overhyped and overpriced,but spending a few extra $$$ should get you something,shouldn't it? I'm obviously not going to get a top of the line rod for the money I'm putting out, but I'd like to get the best one I can for the money and not just get a "fancy sticker". I was hoping for a $70-$100 that keeps up with or is close to "the big boys". Mark Kulik, what St.Croix would you suggest? Thankyou everyone for your replies. Keep'em coming. This is great.

  11. Thanks again OhioFisherman. I have not tried the Zoom SS+U tale worm before, but I will now. It has a very cool looking tail. I imagine you'd get alot of motion out of that. Now,would you cast that out far and retrieve it like a lure, let it sit a bit and retrieve it a little and drop it again,swim it all the way back (if so what retieve speed?) or simply drop it and use a jigging motion (tube style)?

  12. Okay,here's the deal. I'll be going to the Spring Fishing Show in a couple weeks (on the 18th) and I'll be looking to buy a decent spinning rod. It'll be a 6'6 or 7' (leaning towards 7') spinning rod and probably a med, so it'll be versatile for me. I'll probably spend $70-$100 on the rod (I'm on a budget here,hoping for a deal at the show) and am matching it with a Shimano Sahara 2500FB that I have already(actually I'm playing with it right now). I'll probably be mostly bass fishing,but I'd like to catch some Wallys and even pike on this rod. I realize that is a tall order for a "budget rod" or any rod for that matter but I want this to be my "go to" rod and reel. So what would be your pick?HAve you got someting similar? What do you think of yours? Thanks.

  13. Kenneyman, a lot of it is a confidence in the bait deal, I have easily had much better days using soft plastics for bass than live bait. Also had days when everything, walleye, panfish, pike seemed to want them too. The live bait wasn`t allowed in bass tournaments, and hardbaits aren`t always the best choice for a situation. Take some time with them or get someone that uses them to take you out, they can make a believer of you.

    Thanks for the reply OhioFisherman. Like I said,I'll definetely give them a try again next year. Sounds like you have a great amount of experience. What would be your "go to" plastic baits? Say a couple for bass, say bucketmouths and also a couple picks for walleyes? Send me in the right direction.Everyone seems to put in a little disclaimer, so yes I do realize these picks would be your preference, but that's exactly what I need. Anyone else who'd like to chime in or pm would be greatly appreciated as well. As I've said many times on here,I'm looking to learn all that I can. I'm not trying to steal anyones secrets ........... just borrow them LOL :lol: .

  14. Wow,what a cool toy! There sure were lots of perch there. You'd think they'd be hungry. Looking at all those perch swimming around ...........hmm, it's making me hungry. MMMM,Cove Room .............. Dover..........perch.

  15. I keep trying plastics, but haven't had a ton of success yet (I'm still a novice compared to most here). I'll give them a few more shots in different situations this year and I'm sure things will turn around. I think I'll try some of that paste or gel scent on them as well,especially the regular (unscented)plastic baits. Maybe that'll help? Can't hurt I guess? I hope they work out because they're really convenient and the biodegradable ones aren't even bad for the enviroment so I'll have less guilt. Really,imagine every lost lure,spinnerbait etc.,especially in the pressured areas. If you took the out the water level would drop LOL. Anyway, I picked the second choice because when I do use them, I'll put them back in my tackle bag (although seperate from the new ones) just incase I'll use them again and because I'm cheap......(okay, really cheap). Those Gulps go really hard after a while LOL :huh: . They're like little chartruese rocks. Has anyone seen the Dave Mercer ("facts of fishing") Gulp vs livebait video? Pretty impressive :worthy: . Like I said,I'll be trying them again next year.

  16. Fished Valens a couple times. Nice place,although I didn't catch much. Heard the ice fishing for panfish is good though. I might go to the derby if there's ice. I only live about 30 miles away.


    P.S. Where is Island Lake? Found one in Alberta,B.C. and Boca Raton Florida (can you say Tarpon). I'm sure you don't mean any of those.Where is the one you're referring to?


    Just found my own answer (I kept digging). For any others who don't know here's a quote from there site: Island Lake Conservation Area (ILCA), formerly known as Orangeville Reservoir, is located on the east side of Highwy 10 north of Highway 9 near the Town of Orangeville . Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has been operating the reservoir to augment flow for the Orangeville Sewage Treatment Plant, but with the secondary benefit of providing a recreational resource. Home to largemouth bass, northern pike, black crappie, rock bass (all introduced to the reservoir), bullhead, sunfish and yellow perch, it has become a popular fishing destination in both the summer and winter months. For many years, largemouth bass have been promoted as a catch and release fishery, with a secondary management goal of maintaining northern pike at low numbers. More recently, voluntary harvest limits for panfish (e.g. yellow perch and black crappie) have been introduced. :blush:

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