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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. Glad to hear you got out. Soft water will be gone soon. Were you shore fishing or in a boat?

    I almost brought my canoe (my only vessel). I would have but I couldn't talk anyone to going with me and they are a bit of a pain tossing around yourself (although I'm getting better at it). There are quite a few areas to fish the without a boat anyway. There are a number of docks and a boardwalk that goes right across the lake there. It's actually a nice place. Wish I could catch something LOL.

  2. I fished Valens yesterday (if you can call it that LOL) :blink: . Threw all kinds of stuff out there, but no takers.I knew the weather was questionable at best, but I if I didn't go I would have kicked myself. It was still nice to get out and I knew I had no chance of catching fish at home. I did have a HUGE boil come up right in front of me and man I was pumped. It startled the heck out of me actually. I threw my spinner bait everywhere around it, but to no avail. I was just hoping for one more nice pike to top off my first real year of fishing. Oh well, I can always pray for another chance to get out. :Gonefishing:

  3. One more bump. This really has been a good thread. Thanks to everyone who posted and those who are still going to for sharing their wisdom. Maybe I'll put a few of these on my Xmas list. Thanks again guys. Oh, is anyone using the Northamfishing lures?

  4. I'm addicted to my WFN. I like alot of fishing shows. Keep in mind I'm a newbie so my opinions may vary greatly from some of the seasoned veterans on this board. Classic Patterns may be the most informative for me. It's really good at teaching you how to fish. What to look for as far as structure,weather,reading the water etc. Charlie Ingrams on Fishing university is pretty good at teaching too and he's funny with lines like "it excites me down to my googles" LOL. Fishin Canada is a very good show IMO and one of the few that will give you the locations they fish (right down to coordinates sometimes). If I had to pick one TV fishing celeb to go fishing with it'd probably be Pete Bowman from this show. Actually Ron James from Fish TV seems like he'd be fun too.If you're looking for something intense Extreme Angler definetely fits the bill. Man can that guy catch some Kawartha bass..... awesome! Definetely "power fishing". On a completely different wavelength, the scenery and production of Mark Krupa's Hooked on Fishing is great. He's also really excited about fishing (almost in awe) and that comes through in every show. To use a musical analogy,Mark Krupa is jazz, K-Dawg is thrash metal. It depends what you're in the mood for. Darryl Choronzey and Bob Izumi are great to watch but sometimes they pump the products (older shows especially) so hard it drives me nuts. I guess that's what pays the bills sometimes it just get a little excessive. I'd still love to go fishing with either one and that shore lunch would be great.. yum. Now The Next Bite I've only seen once so far. Either I have a conflicting schedule or it's not on that much. Seems like it's only on at 1:30 in the morning darn it. I'd love to watch more about those "toothy critters". Man I could go on all night. Go to WFN and check it out. They have some shows on demand right now so if you have high speed you can watch some shows. Seriously ....... check out the Lumberjack Larrgemouth Extreme Angler (go to the top 15 tab on the top of the page). Happy couch warming.

  5. Great info guys. What colours/patterns are you using? So for example if I bought a husky jerk, would you go silver/black or perch, both etc. ??? For what target species?If anyone is adding to this list the more specific you get the better it will be for "us newbies" here (I know some of you already were specfic,thanks). You don't have to let us in on ALL your secrets, but I for one can use all the help I can get. Is anyone using anything unusual that most anglers would say "would never work" but are having success with it themselves?

  6. I'm just starting to learn, but that is half the fun. I am by nature a "sponge" and when I jump into a hobby I research it like crazy trying to soak up all the info I can get my hands on. I think everyone here has helped me at least better my chances and as time continue hopefully the odds will continue to shift in my favor. Sure alot is opinion and conjecture, but realistically that's all science is with a few facts to back it up. What is great here is a there is such a wide range of experience and generally the "masters " are quite willing to help to greenhorns like myself. There is definetely a wealth of experience here. Thanks guys.

  7. I was enjoying reading about everyones favorite lures and now that the thread will be closing I thought it would be great to continue it here. This time your top three or four lures would be incredibly educational (and much appreciated) tool for myself and I'm sure others here. Next time I go shopping I'll be bringing a list compiled from the knowledge gained in this thread. I guess even though I'm a novice I'll start.

    1. Strike King orange and chartruese spinner bait (caught my first little muskie on this so it had to be #1)

    2. Hula Popper (frog pattern)

    3. BPS Topknocker (black/silver)-man does this thing rattle!

    4. Storm Rattlin Chug (blue/silver shad). Topwater is my favorite. :Gonefishing:

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