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Everything posted by Kayakmike

  1. I was at Mountsberg today.....it has not been drained. Water level was very good...actually, the highest I have personally ever seen it. Water clarity was also good. Hope this helps.
  2. Likewise, I was thinking of going this weekend and was wondering if anyone can comment on water clarity. Usually it is not too bad but I seem to recall last year, around this time, it was quite murky? Perhaps it was caused by the fall drain that Super Dave eluded to?
  3. I enjoy fishing...Mountsberg....haven't been since summer. Someone had mentioned to me also that the water was very low. Last year I fished till the end of November....I'm hoping we get a few nice weekends yet...time will tell! Will post a report if I make it out. Rubber boats coming along for sure!!
  4. Thanks eman! I hope to try again in August...I guess time will tell if it all settles out from a previous weather disturbance or, as you say, it can just be decomposition...I'm thinking you are right with the latter.
  5. Curious to know, from anyone who might know....why is Mountsberg so murky this month?? I havent been in about 8 weeks and had a chance to go yesterday....but did not expect to find so much murky water. Mountsberg is usually weedy, but I have always found the water to be quite clear for the most part. I'm not from the immediate area and so I was wondering if anyone might know if it is due to a recent rain storm, wind storm or simply the June/July heat we have had this summer. Need to bring more tackle next time lol. Thanks All!
  6. I was there this past Saturday and the MNR was there in full force. They seemed quite pleasant...I got checked out in the parking lot...but as they made their way down to the shoreline fishing spots...they allowed folks to go back to their cars to get their licences. Those without, I don't think were so lucky. They also confirmed the sign in the Mountsberg parking lot is wrong. The sign says opening season for bass is the "last Saturday in June" but the regulations state "4th Saturday in June". I was going to stick to just Pike fishing that day but they said all was good! They were also going to let the Park know about the sign.
  7. This year I tried bottom bouncing for the 1st time too in Bay of Quinte. It is easier than I thought and rather effective....I will be trying it in the smaller lakes too! Had used a Titantium wire spinner rig kit...I just had to add the blade and beads....thought the titanium might not work as well as mono or fluoro due to visibility but it didnt seem to be an issue (added protection too against the northerns). Weight was 1oz in ~10 to 15 feet of water, speed about 1mph also. Both worms and plastic worms had worked...but the real worms did much better as far as bites. Want to try a rapala or wobbler too some time. Bottom bouncing makes me think of checkers...seconds to learn...a lifetime to master lol.
  8. When good bass go bad lmao. Great Video!!
  9. We just got back from Quinte....and you are right about the the walleye wanting worms...very few caught on artificial offerings. Of course, perch and white bass and sheepshead were all competing for same worm...enough to make you go bonkers at times. This year seemed to be a little tougher fishing than in previous years....we did ok but not the quantity of good bites as we had in previous years....nevertheless the walleye we caught were great in the frying pan!! Quinte is an absolutely gorgeous area....looking forward to going back!
  10. And KayakMike, good thoughts there, but I kinda like the idea of the self-inflating feature incase I bang my noggin on the way outta the boat and can't pull the ripcord myself. That's definitely a worthwhile consideration. However, I recommend double checking with the manufacturer and perhaps even coast guard/OPP at boat show etc....as that is in fact the distinction between life vest and pfd....a pfd is not rated to keep your noggin out of the water in the event of such a mishap. If that is a major concern, I would take my time and do more research.
  11. Food for thought....I have tested mine and found it does a great job of keeping you bouyant (chest and face out of water) but for that same reason I found it difficult to swim forward in, due to all the bouyancy...I deflated it a fair bit to be able to move forward more easily. So that being said, I'm not sure if auto inflate is the way to go....I like mine manual...this way if something happens, I can try and swim back to the boat or kayak etc without having the jacket inflated and being impeded...perhaps making for a faster and smoother easier re-entry into the boat. If I need the bouyancy...it's a simple pull. Mine is an older model...would be interested to know if others have test inflated and found the same issue in trying to swim with one on. I defintiely wish I had a collar model though. My $0.02.
  12. A clear case of when good moose go bad ...probably from watching too much tv, video games mixed in with a little bit of peer pressure and Jerry Springer! Their next move is to likely sue us for causing their wayward ways . They have gone bad indeed!
  13. Comedian Ron White said it best........"You can't fix Stupid!!"
  14. I agree...both of those boats look stunning!!
  15. A canoe...or perhaps even a fishing kayaking....be sure to take a look at those before settling on a canoe .
  16. Thx Kman...I will have to give that a go. I typically go after the bass more than the pike....but I am often surprised how few pike I catch in the meantime figuring they would be a little less fussy....but I will be sure to pack a silver bullet next time out . Weather permitting...I'll be there this weekend
  17. I think the real question is what didn't I try to catch them with ...that list much shorter. Mountsberg has skunked me on occasion in the past as well , but I'm getting better....earlier in the year I did ok with spinnerbaits but with the heavier weeds, weedless plastics seem to be the way to go as far as I can tell. Haven't found the knock-out lure or plastic for this lake yet....but I remain hopeful and enjoy trying.
  18. Thanks Roy!
  19. Went fishing at Mountsberg yesterday and what a difference from June's water level. I'm glad I decided to bring a pair of rubber boots as the new exposed shoreline and shallows were all mud! This also made things interesting at the boat ramp for a lot of people. The fish seemed to be quite active...jumping everywhere....but they weren't hitting as frequently as I would of thought. Or perhaps they just didn't like what I was throwing. Landed two nice bass....and miss another two fish (bass or pike). I also saw several decent fish but they were very skiddish and seemed to swim away quickly. Parking lot was near full with a lot of folks fishing by the dam. I seen other people with fish so the fish were obliging. A beautiful day with hardly a breeze!!
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