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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. my thoughts exactly , iam not out there to hurt any one , theres no radio playing for three hundred miles , always consendrating on what am doingbecause i love driving but some folks just don't know .............
  2. I seam to be learning all the time , last few weeks fishing was no good because water was to warm so i waited , now the water might be to cold , o well i've caught e'm in both temps before , guess i was lucky but i was hoping the cooler water would yeid up my next time out .........................
  3. lol..........not yet , but i have a few good web sites saved in my favorites now..........
  4. Think i'll go perch fishing tomorrow morning at 5 if the weather is good , any one else going ?
  5. Wo' , good site . Thank you
  6. All i have to say is if your in the hammer lane and and a guy behind you has his front bumper under your rear bumper , boat or no boat get ta hell over and let him go by . Thats what 42 years accident free experince has to say . If you don't think so try driving the auto baund over in Germany or better yet drive Qc . Some of us are good drivers and I could go on but i'll stop here .
  7. Hi there SMALLY , Not so every will think i am totaly incapable , i was useing the weather network on line to get the marine focast but foud it no wheres ner accurate for the most part once i got out there , i was'nt aware of any cams on the bay but you know i've never checked before , i'll have to have a look online and see if there is such a link , hell that would be great if there was . But hec asking some one on here that might live on the bay would be first hand i thought as i would be first to reply to some one if i did .
  8. Thanks Rick , i solved the problem of having to decide , i fell a sleep right after i made the posting , just woke up now 2:45 , i think i needed it . After what you said i am glad i am not out there , spendt eight hours in that last saturday
  9. Thanks , just did'nt want to take an hour to get out pass Big Bay Point in rough water , done it to many times last week , this time thought i'd ask first , the rain is forcast but its hard to stay seated when the sun shows thru...... lol .
  10. any body know what the water conditions are like on Kempenfelt bay this morning , sorry but i am just new yet at this game to be able to tell from so far inland ....................just trying to find out if i should be out fishing or going back to work in the mud...
  11. HOPE IT RAINS...........
  12. You think thats bad . We've got four farmers up here on Horse Shoe Vally Road spreaden'er , their putting it on heavy , man its bad , its that time of year those guys every where lay it on . Shure hope the fish don't get sick.........................
  13. Whos all going out to the Barrie Fall Fishing Festival Sept 23rd to Oct 2 ,2011 ?
  14. All the the dri dri drinks wou would be on on me !
  15. i have more to learn..............
  16. His name is Roger , newer burgandy colour ford pickup , 16'black and ? MirroCraft with 40 Yamaha , body man at the 11 street and Sidney st body shop ,
  17. And your the guy who came to read it , why do you do that to your self ........lol .
  18. Wow i can't beleive theres so many , heres the other thing when i say hook them up to a can opener , my brother told me the otther day his buddy showed him his were he took the motor from a small sewing machine and has the skinner hooked to it with a pully , the thing gos like crazy , i'd tthink then you'd have to have a back stop on it so you could keep the fish from ending up in the living room ..........lol , o' yes thats a great vid on getting a fish ready Billy Bob , i'll have to teach my self that way , while its time for me to get off here and get on the excavator for another day , have a good one and happy fishing .
  19. Thank you ,then i am on the right trac with my ideas , no stupid mistakes done yet ...nice .....
  20. Neat stuff to know , nice trailer too ..........
  22. Now there you go , finally a picture and a place to buy one , THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU , take a look every one !.... now once every body gets one of thease here's what you need to do , get your self an old electric can opener and the floor peddal from off the wifes sewing machine . Take the butterfly nut off the skinner and fasten the skinner to the can opener thats now hooked up to the sewing machine foot peddal , set the thing up on the counter and tell me if you can skin a fish with a knife faster then this thing ...... Right there Musky Mike .............. I rest my case ..........lol..lol..lol. Thank you every one for so much fun with this , its funny the stupid post even went smok'en hot ..lol..lol. Great bunch of people on here and i am glad to have found this site ............ FROM ...Ron known as the Skipper "D'
  23. Eye's the boy that builds the ship and eye's the boy that sails'em , eye's the boy who catch's da fish and use's da skinner to skin them , eye's the boy who fillets da fish ands gives them to the wife to cooks , and eye's the guy who eats them . Some body please show me how to skin a fish with a knife so i can be a judge and put this post to bed ... lol ... lol .
  24. ebay .... lol , to complecated site for this old boy to be on .....
  25. The only thing i saw on the shelve were those scaling knifes , did'nt see theirs , will have to take another look
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