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Posts posted by Miracon

  1. I am not fooled by the oversized coffee thermos...I can spot a double Rye & Coke a mile away!


    LMAO Sinclair! Too funny! It actually holds 5 beers! :thumbsup_anim:


    Found it at a garage sale for $2 and was the only way I could keep dragging him around with me!

  2. Here are the pics of the 2 fish hubby caught. Being amateurs, he didn't even know how to hold the fish so I could take Porn Quality! Haha! We just knew they had big teeth and were pretty pissed! That will be our next lesson...how to hold the damn things for pics!



    His first good (to us anyway!) catch...




    Attempting to hold it...non-teeth method! Haha!




    Notice Gordon's Rocks in the background as was recommended by a member here - we were in a rowboat rowing against the wind so getting behind the rocks was a chore!...




    The 2nd catch keeping the first company! No Porn pic...his teeth were bigger! Hahahahaha!




    The only thing I caught and even that went over the my hubby!




    The awesome couple Bob and Sue who showed us how to prepare the fish...



    And at least I got to eat fish even though I spent the weekend just feeding them!!!


  3. ccmt-I have a pic of the 2 fish my hubby caught but they are just in a cooler and are embarrassing compared to all the pics in here! Haha! Will post anyway for proof! Haha!


    solopaddler-That is very kind of you to say! I will keep going! Thanks! :D

  4. naw, you got a good deal on those combo's you got at CTC. Don't get me wrong, CTC is good but some of the people have no clue what they are talking about. Not CCMT, the ones in the store.


    As for the beer and lcbo run, keep in on the shore as you want to come back from your trip. that and the OPP will be out in full force this weekend as it's the last long weekend. And the new law is if you are busted in a boat you get your Drivers lic. suspended, the one for your car not the boaters card...


    Glad to know the rods are good! They worked great! Except...I can't catch anything to save my life! Haha! I did not catch one single fish...not one. Not even a sunfish! A couple next to us casting out in the same spot as me, caught 12 blue gills between them using the exact same bait as us...everyone laughed at me! Not a single bite...nothing, not even one that got away! It's quite the joke now considering how excited I was to go fishing! Haha!


    At least my other half caught a decent sized pickerel and small mouth bass. So it wasn't a total wasted trip. And I am not giving up and continuing to fish locally in Barrie.


    At least I found out I'm great at starting a fire! :D

  5. LMAO @ the whole Fish Porn thing! We had actually just started making a new video!!!! ;-) But I get it now! We can cancel the amateurs! LOL


    @ Rizzo...Don't say that now...we just bought stuff based on everyone's recommendations! Haha!


    Actually...We went to Crappy Tire (sorry ccmt!) for licenses and found Quantum combos on sale...reg. $129.00 for $79.00 (plus 10% off from fishing license application). Please don't tell me they are crap after deciding to splurge on that purchase....Hahaha!


    Got great fishing line and picking up live worms (besides the plastic Yums recommended here!). So hoping we are not off to a horrible start as newbies!


    Oh...and hit the Beer and LCBO store so think we are prepared!


    Can't wait to check back in with everyone and hopefully have a few awesome pics (PORN quality!) with a few fish! :D

  6. Just so you know... FISH PORN or it didn't happen


    Thanks Geoff! Good to know. And I was actually just looking to take the boaters exam online tonight. If I can't get it, I'll be rowing instead! :-(


    Thanks ccmt! Hope I end up with a few good one's to post!


    Musky - not sure about the Fish Porn comment! That went right over my head (not that I'm a stranger to porn! Did I say that out loud??!!!)!

  7. good luck! just make sure everyone has what is needed, safety gear, fishing license and boaters card before you hit the water. don't forget to take pic's!


    Will do! Off to Crappy Tire in a few minutes to get the fishing licenses.


    Hope I end up with a few good pics to post! :D

  8. I just wanted to thank the awesome members here!


    Since deciding to go away fishing this weekend only a few days ago and having no clue about fishing at all (except a few pathetic past attempts and a handful of sunfish!), I am soooo glad I found this forum first!


    From the great members here I learned where to fish, found accommodation, was advised where to specifically fish at that location, what to use on our hooks and a technique to catch. Wow! I am soooo excited about this trip and from all the great recommendations, am hopeful I will actually catch something!


    I have printed out all the advice and will follow it to a T! I can't wait to come back here and report the experience.


    Thanks for being patient with a newbie! I know how frustrating we are (I am a mod in a few other unrelated forums and hate people like me!!! Haha!).


    In your debt!! :worthy:

  9. NO NO NO!! That's for bass and crappie. Musky is a different animal altogether. You need specialized rods/reels, lures, release equipment, a net/cradle, etc.... DO NOT FISH FOR MUSKY WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT!!!!


    Got it!! Haha! Just going to go after the bass then! Someone had just mentioned there may be musky and I have no clue about fish yet...just starting out. That's why I am here and sure glad I seem to have come to the right place! :D

  10. Can't go wrong with a small hook, a split shot a foot or a foot and a half from the hook and a half worm (or a whole worm). Bigger shot for deeper depth.


    Glad you replied bigbuck as I was just looking through this forum to find out the best bait to use for bass and musky. I'm a complete newbie and will be fishing for 4 days on Pigeon Lake this weekend. I'm very excited for the experience alone but would love to catch at least one decent fish! :)

  11. Ask Norm to point out Gordon's Rocks to you...you can see them from shore...


    Fish on the west side of them out about 30 feet and cast towards the lodge...should be a few bass hanging around and the odd shoal carp (musky)...


    Then try over by the islands near Big Island or by Hurricane Point if the water isn't too rough...


    I'd be out there myself but the "Tin of Beans" is still in drydock...sad.gif





    Beans...Wow! Thanks for the awesome advice! Going to follow it to a T!


    Will keep you posted how we do!


    Too bad you won't be out...could have bumped into you!

  12. Take Pigeon or Buckhorn, the other two are quite small.


    Thanks Garry! And thanks to everyone else who offered advice! FishLogic's links were awesome and I found a place from there. I've booked at Trails End Lodge on Pigeon Lake. They sound great and their prices were lower then anywhere else too! Norm there is even supplying us with fishing equipment and a few lessons from him! :clapping:


    I will definitely come back here and let everyone know what it's like.


    Here is the link if anyone is interested...


    Trails End Lodge

  13. Big Cliff - Too funny about the wife comment! Haha! Thanks so much for the suggestion. I just phoned them but they are fully booked. But they look great so I will keep them in mind for next year.


    FishLogic - I've been going through the links you sent and am finding a few vacancies! :clapping: And looking it up, I see you are right about fishing in the Kawarthas! Maybe I'll actually catch something this time! Haha! Thanks again for passing on that info!

  14. Thanks everyone for taking the time to offer great suggestions. I am definitely going to look into all of them. I know I've left it to the last minute but I didn't realize we were going to be free til a few days ago! :rolleyes:


    I did just find a few cottages online, on Silver Lake, Parry Sound, that are available and reasonably priced. Does anyone know if that is a good spot for fishing?


    Again, thanks soooo much! :)

  15. Hi All! I am new here! And also quite new to fishing as well but looking forward to taking some time to make it an enjoyable hobby. I hope to be able to learn a lot from this forum.


    I am looking for any suggestions as the where to go this weekend that is no further then 2 hours from Barrie (any direction). We were hoping to get in some good fishing (for amateurs!) which would include needing to rent a boat. And also be able to stay for 2 nights. I've exhausted the internet trying to find something so thought here would be a great place for ideas.


    Thanks so much in advance! :D

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