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Posts posted by Miracon

  1. grt1 - Thanks. I'll send her the link so she can check it out!


    ccmt - Hysterical! :P And they ARE cute! If they wouldn't eat your house, they would be a great pet! And knowing my friend, she would keep him!


    MJL - Too funny! Why don't we just eat the same garbage they eat?! :lol:


    Nick - Good to know! I haven't been there in years (not since I bought a hovabator to raise silkworms to feed my Bearded Dragons - but that's another story!).

  2. Thanks Hud!


    And Nick...that's super kind of you to offer! One day I'm hoping YOU will need something I can help with!! Haha! I'll keep you posted if she may still need it by then. I phoned the municipality but they don't do anything about private properties. And I phone the toll rental places but the few that do have them are out (must be the time of year! Haha!).


    But then I phoned the SPCA and they gave great advice. They said to soak rags in ammonia and place them in a coffee tin with holes in the sides. They said raccoons hate the smell and will stay away. So she's getting the stuff tonight and setting it up right away.


    The raccoon already ate a hole right through her garage door wall and she can see outside now. And at the moment she's going through a rough financial patch and her father has just become gravely ill so this is the last thing she needs! Haha! And she is the kind of person who would do anything for anyone so I hate to see her run of bad luck!


    Thanks again for everyone's help! :D

  3. Just wondering if anyone can help me out with finding a decent place to rent a boat on Simcoe. My boats not holding up right now and dont want to bring it any help would be great.


    Here are a couple of places I found by doing a search...was actually just looking too as I want to take my son out for the Barrie Fishing Festival.


    Lake Simcoe Marine


    Bonnie Boats


    Never used them though so can't recommend. But hope it helps! :D

  4. moved to Barrie not too long ago and been just fishing Little lake and kempenfelt a little bit but no luck. got a buddy coming down with a boat and was curious about some good areas to go for smallies and maybe walleye, I would assume I need to get out of kempenfelt. any tips about fishing on simcoe would be great! (of course, im not asking for anyones favourite spots, just some tips for a new kid in town)


    Can't tell you good places to fish but Welcome to Barrie! :D

  5. You think thats bad . We've got four farmers up here on Horse Shoe Vally Road spreaden'er , their putting it on heavy , man its bad , its that time of year those guys every where lay it on . Shure hope the fish don't get sick.........................


    When I used to live in the North West end of Barrie, it was very ripe for about a week in spring and fall! Used to run from the door to the car! I am not missing that! :D

  6. When the big guy bit I almost thought it was a giant weed cause that is what I'm used to catching! But I could tell right away it was something pretty big! It was an awesome feeling reeling it in and not knowing what was on the end!!


    And Thanks Nick! I did get the baiting the hook experience from going to the Kawarthas on the long weekend when I spent all my time feeding the fish!!!! They just kept eating the worms off my hook....laughing at me the whole time! But taking the fish off was new!


    Nick didn't mention I was useless if the fish swallowed it though! :lol:

  7. Bought myself a Panasonic camcorder (HDC-TM700) for my fishing/hunting trips this month. I was just out at Eddie Norths and I got some great footage. My camera saves the videos in a MTS file. I would like to know a good program to covert these files into a mpeg or avi file. A video editor would be great too. What do you folks suggest?



    Here is a great free one...


    Any Video Converter


    And a great cheap paid one...


    AVS Video Converter


    Hope that helps! :D

  8. Thanks Urban!


    ccmt - We were having troubles remembering exactly how Nick showed us to filet so we hit YouTube as well. I found a video showing the same method so we could remember. But we also found this one (it was beyond our skills though!)...



    Nick is being too generous - he caught some of those! Haha!


    And too funny...love the Bud in the pic! Great looking snack! We called ours dinner! :lol:

  9. I know I mentioned how much you guys in here ROCK from all the help I received as a newbie! Well to top it off, Nick (N.A.W.) was incredibly kind and messaged me offering to take myself and hubby out on Simcoe for some perch fishing. We took him up on his offer and went out last night.


    Nick was absolutely awesome at giving us great advice and he even rigged up a few lines for us. It was a huge pleasure meeting him and having the opportunity to maybe finally catch a fish after fishing Pigeon Lake and not even a bite.


    We went out from Tiffen launch and tried a few shallower places. Nick caught a Gobey (and killed it) and Rob caught a Sunfish! Haha! But that was still better then me...zilch! We went further out then between 40 and 50' (I think) as mentioned by some one else here. And finally...my first fish! The perch were there and between us we caught about 50. About 13 or so were keepers.


    Just as we were about to head back in...I caught this guy!!! :clapping:





    :thumbsup_anim: And finally got to be on the other end of the camera for some Fish Porn! Hehehehe!


    Here was our dinner last night! (But by the time us amateurs finished cleaning them...we ate around 9:45 PM! Haha!)



    Here is Rob trying so hard to filet exactly how Nick showed us on the boat. (It turns out our so-called awesome Berkley knife is CRAP! - But he did a great job in spite of it!)



    And we saved the big guy for last (just hoping not to mess him up! Haha!)



    Again...a HUGE thank you to Nick! :worthy: We are extremely grateful and it's always a pleasure to meet great people! And you weren't kidding...Simcoe Candy! :D

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