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Posts posted by Miracon

  1. Good luck! Remember, once you have the animal in the trap, toss a blanked or something over the trap, so they can't see you. Makes it a little easier.


    Thanks Nick! I'm just on the phone with her now. She missed him last night and heard him this morning. And there is more sawdust! Yikes! I've passed on your advice! :D

  2. I'll talk to my neighbour, he has a few traps, but I don't know how large they are. If not, then I might be able to grab one from the cottage, but that won't be for a few weeks.


    Something you could use for a week or two.


    Thanks again for your offer Nick! She tried a few things hoping they would work...but no luck! He's still eating her house!


    But she got a trap today from a co-worker and we figured out how to load it! Just letting you know she found one! Fingers crossed she'll be taking a long drive with a companion one way tomorrow! :D

  3. Not much takes my breath away, but a big bullet butterscotch brownie does! Crappy pics, but I wasn't in very ideal conditions to break out the DSLR. Big fish measured in at just under 24inches. My PB when it comes to resident browns. Long, lean and definitely mean! Went 2 for 2 on the night, other one measured in just under the 20inch range.


    Not that I'll even pretend to understand half of what that meant (except DSLR!)...nice fish!!!!! :thumbsup_anim:

  4. Good luck davis! Glad you found some helpful advice!


    And to touch on the team sports...my son had played with Barrie Minor Hockey for 2 years...at 5 and 6. And that is when he decided he didn't like team sports and wanted to try martial arts. And I couldn't have been happier! Some of the parents and coaches in hockey...holy

    crap!:wallbash: Don't yell at my 5 year old because he missed the net (or...maybe scored on his own...but still!!!)! Haha!


    I think the Martial Arts environment teaches them some great values compared to team sports with the wrong people around!

  5. Plus every thing else thats on my plate , got called back out with the excavator for an emeragency dig and now its go get the cat loader going that just died ... so much for going fishing , see ya's........................


    Damn! If I had have seen this yesterday, you would have had a taker! Haha!

  6. Great read Miracon, I hope the bullies realize that one day, they WILL be on the other side of the fence and hopefully change their ways before it's too late. The one thing people I know who have kids studying martial arts appreciate is that they learn respect. Respect for others but also respect for what they are capable of and to understand it's not something to be flaunted or abused. With such knowledge comes responsibility and a good school will make sure this is not forgotten.


    Thanks wooden! And you're right...a lot of focus is on respect and discipline.


    I will say though, I would hate for him to have made a career out of it! I like to watch UFC now and again, but that is not the kind of abuse any mother would want their son to inflict upon his body as a career! No cauliflower ears or permanent brain damage for him! Haha!

  7. My son took Jiu Jitsu when he was younger and also entered tournaments. It was a great time for him and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He became a junior leader and stayed until he received his black belt (junior) before he decided to try other things.


    He was pretty small for his age back then (now at 16 he's 6' and works out so I wouldn't want to mess with him! Haha!). We had a big bully 2 years older then him who lived on our street. He started picking on my son by doing things like knocking him off his bike and picking it up and throwing it to the ground. My son was used to fighting in tournaments but had never been in a street fight or actual confrontation as he's not aggressive at all. And he also had a rule at his Dojo that if you used your Jiu Jitsu outside of class, you could be suspended and he took that very seriously.


    I talked to his Sensei about was going on and he said...take him out! Haha! Not quite like that actually, but he was told he could use it for self defense. I also phoned my son's school and talked to the principal. This school had a rule that if you even fought off of school property, you would get suspended. But I told the principal that my son is in Martial Arts and if this kid goes after him in any way, I have given my son permission to take him out! I did use those terms! Haha! And I don't care if they suspend him. The principal said that he is aware of the bully as he has been suspended himself many times for fighting and picking on little kids and he also knew my son enough to know he has never been in trouble there.


    And sure enough...one day soon after, the Bully (in front of a few neighbours on the street who witnessed it) crossed the street onto our driveway and punched my son right in the face! And picture this guy was 2 years older and twice my sons size! In the end, the kid ran home crying and I got a call from his mom complaining that my son beat him up! Haha!


    And even now in high school the skills have still come in handy. He recently had a confrontation off the bus where 3 kids (a group known to attack random kids, get them down to the ground, and kick the crap out of them) jumped him and tried to take him down, and they couldn't. 3 on 1 and they couldn't hurt him. They left him alone after that because they were all afraid if only 1 of them met up with him. My son said unfortunately because there were 3 of them, he couldn't really get at any one of them and do damage, but they were unable to hurt him at all.


    So I'm thrilled with the skills Martial Arts gave my son for self defense. I even started the adult classes when he was in and if time permitted, I would have loved to have stuck with it. I was able to go up 2 belt levels before I couldn't squeeze it in my schedule anymore. But to this day, I remember what I learned. And it came in real handy in a bar one night! :whistling:


    So I definitely encourage anyone to put their child in. Here's a few pics...


    His first tournament...3 Events and 3 Golds! :clapping:









    Grappling...This was CLASSIC! The kid in white was ring side with poor sportsmanship. He was telling all the kids he was going to kick their butts and we watched 2 of his fights before my son had to go against him and he was dirty (a lot of illegal chokes and jabs). His coach was just as bad by encouraging him. And you can tell from the look on my son's face...he was scared! Haha!



    And this is how the round went...





    The kid didn't get a single point and ended up tapping out, crying! (Proud Mommy moment!)



    At the Dojo, they could win awards for respect, good sportsmanship, and overall helping others.




    And Grading day was always great to watch for parents...




    This is just to show they also had fun in class.





    And this is just to squeeze in...my son has always loved to fish! Haha!




  8. Sue just turned 65 and she loves music. We have bought countless CDs over the years, in many cases we have bought a CD for just one song on the whole thing. To be honest I think that sucks, I pay for a bunch of crap that I don't even want. For her 65th birthday I bought her an Ipod classic 160 and I have been trying to put her favorite songs on it for her.


    There use to be a sight called limewire but from what I understand, they are closed down but what I would like to know is; are there any sites that I can get MP3 files from either for free or for a reasonable price? please PM me if you can help. Thanks!




    Cliff...if you go the YouTube route, this is a great free program to convert Video to MP3 and then save the file to your computer...




    It's soooo easy to do. You just type in the YouTube link and Download. Then it asks you to save the file and you have the song. :D

  9. I just talked to my Brother-in-Law with the membership. He said he wouldn't do it again but has got some great deals and some not so great. He says it's really only good for people who have a lot of renovating to do and furniture to buy. Otherwise, he doesn't feel it's worth it and won't be renewing.

  10. OK...this is NOT from me (I'm on the "pet" side! Haha!)!! Rob (worse half) told me I have to add this to the other recipes being offered...


    BEST Goose Recipe EVER!


    Marinade the goose in wine (minimum overnight)

    Put it on a cedar plank.

    Put it in your oven at 450 degrees.

    When its done, take the goose out.

    Throw it in the garbage, and eat the cedar plank.

    Best timber you ever tasted!

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