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Posts posted by Miracon

  1. As a newbie here...I just want to add my unbiased opinion!


    Held further away from the body...close to the body...regular lens...fish eye lens...whatever! It's still a big freakin' fish! Especially to a newbie here whose PB is a 12" Perch!


    When I joined this forum and knew any pics of mine (at least for the next few years) would pale in comparison to the more advanced anglers here, I still felt excited to post my future experiences with pride!


    BUT...when I read this thread and went from "WOW what an awesome fish!" to reading everyone complaining about how the pic was taken, I thought...this is way out of MY league! And now I will feel I will never measure up so ...why bother.



    The complaints have seriously discouraged me from wanting to post any future pics of my journey into this hobby for fear they aren't "technically" correct. I won't ever have a qualified "photographer" on board. At most, I'll have a P&S camera with an amateur behind it. And the angle may never be quite right...and I definitely might not know how to correctly hold the fish yet!


    So...my question then is...


    Is this forum THAT serious about the guidelines of the pictures taken...that simply taking pride in a shared interest and posting fun pics to excite all AND make all newbies want to take part in the sport not acceptable?! I certainly did not get that impression from the awesome members here so am a little surprised by this thread!

  2. My grandfathers girlfriend was diagnosed and finished all treatment approx. 8mnths ago. She is completely cancer-free now and doing very well! Keep focusing on the positive outcome that could be your Mom's.


    If she hasn't already, have your Mom watch The Secret. There is a great part in there for her. In times like this, it doesn't matter how "out there" believing in something may seem, if there is even a slight chance it might work, it's worth a shot!


    All the best thoughts and hopes to you and your parents Dave.

  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing Terry! Was super fun to watch! Can't imagine the feeling...yet! ;)


    Drifter...Holy Crap!!!!! That must have been a moment! I am in complete AWE of that pic! His head is bigger then your buddy's!!!!


    I really look forward to some PB's in the future! All I have is my 12" Perch! LOL!

  4. Awesome report G-Man! Great fishing and great reporting! I love the jab at your Dad for holding the fish closer to the camera! :rofl2:


    And I hear ya about having to wait til April now! I just got into fishing myself at the end of this summer and that's all I want to do now! And I have been swamped with an unexpected family medical emergency so haven't been able to even dock fish on weekends let alone watch the season end! :( So I can't wait til April either! :D

  5. Glad this thread came back up as I absolutely LOVED reading solo's squirrel adventure! Way too funny! Thanks solo for taking the time to share that!


    As for the pike eating the baby duck video...it's an incredible video to watch...but I love ducklings! I used to feed them every year when we lived on the lake. Cute little guys! So am a little sad at that one! Although I am sure I'd get ribbed about that in here with all the duck hunters! :whistling: But not afraid to admit it! :D

  6. It's just a meal and an excuse for a day off!


    Family is more then that! And you get to choose what days become Special to you, and celebrate those instead!


    Forget the significance of the weekend and take everything one step at a time now. It sounds like she is an amazing person and that's all it takes to have HOPE on your side!


    Who gives a rat's ass what Thanksgiving is anymore! Make your own Thanksgiving and make it count! That will mean more to your whole family then a date on a calendar!


    All the best wishes are sent to you and your family! :D

  7. Oh Boy! She just caught Rocky this evening! He's in the trap right now! :thumbsup_anim: So I asked her "Now what are you going to do?", and she said..."I don't know!" :rofl2: But at least she can relocate him and save the rest of her home!


    Thanks for everyone's help!

  8. If that is true then when my tire lost pressure would it be because the oxygen leaked out... and the nitrogen would still remain? If so, would the nitrogen content increase and approach 100% as I continnually replaced the lost oxygen content with and 80/20 nitrogen/oxygen mixture?


    That would be cheaper than actually paying for the nitrogen.


    Just asking.


    I had my front tires replaced a while back and they filled all 4 with nitrogen. Crappy rims started slow leaks in both new tires after only a short period. I had to fill tires at least twice a week and just used straight air from gas stations. I saw no difference. They leaked as quickly as the old tires with straight air.


    2 blowouts recently (not one but 2 - at the same time!) and 4 new rims & tires with just air. Haven't had to fill them yet in 2 mnths! And steering straight for the first time in years! Woohoo! :clapping:

  9. Wally - you said it!!! :-)


    Sinclair - You are probably soooo right! But then again, I was more interested in the 2 rods peeking out from the garage loft then the closets full of shoes I could have had! Not sure how many women would have thought the same! Haha!

  10. Go get um you got 4 rods to use now. You will find you are spoiled after awhile and will fish with 3 and 4 rods rigged at a time. I have usually 4 rods rigged one with top water, one with spinner bait, one with senco and the last one has a crank bait. You can then as you move from spot to spot figure out what the fish want in that area as the areas change without retying lures.




    Thanks so much Art! I am writing down how you mentioned how to rig them and will follow your advice! :D

  11. Does he take lessons from Kelly Davies? He used to run an open mic at sticky fingers once a week.


    I'll ask them about the name as they have many open mic's. Kelly is not a teacher at R&B's but I know they will know the name. The teachers at R&B's are...Rob Drake of Zeus, Brett Caswell of Brett Caswell & The Marquis Rose, Dave Murray of The Marquis Rose & solo artist, Darryl Hardy, Julien Michaud, and Bryan Lake of Richmond Switch!


    Such a talented bunch! :thumbsup_anim:


    And thanks for saying my son Connor is doing great! I am proud of him. His teachers say he is playing stuff most can't get til their 30's and they love they can give him anything and he can do it! As a mom, I gotta love that! Hahahaha!

  12. Thanks Dan! They are an AWESOME music school in Barrie! They hold 3 shows a year (at Sticky Fingers) so students can play in a live setting and get used to it! The teachers fill in where they need to (even if they dislike the song! Haha!)! In this case, the drummer (11 yr old female) picked the song and then they asked my son to learn it as no other student could shred it like him. The 2 singing are 2 of their teachers. These guys give sooooo much of themselves for their students, it's insane! They are the absolute best!


    Thanks for liking the video! :D

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