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Josh Rogers

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About Josh Rogers

  • Birthday 03/31/1983

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Caster (4/10)



  1. Beauty fish guys! Good job.
  2. Thanks Fellas. I love steelies and would fish them exclusively. I think fishing will be hot as soon as cons permit so make sure you get out there and catch a few of these beauties yourself. Tight lines!
  3. Nice fish and report guys. When it's this time of year and there is action to be had you need to have at it when you can! Plus you probably didn't have anyone walking in on your spots either!
  4. Hey everyone. How are you all? Well I managed to get a couple days off work this week and managed to go 9/14 between today and yesterday. My buddy that was with me yesterday got 2 and my buddy who was with me today got 7 with a 3 drift 3 fish streak! Most fish were caught on roe bags using 4 lb test and small hooks. Here's a couple that I got.
  5. That big purple hen is awesome! I wish there were more that colour! Nice pics boys. good work braving the weather! It usually pays off!
  6. Yeah Benny I knew you'd like the beard! Don't worry they're just starting to come in thick now so I should be able to get my fill before we head up! Let me know if you got time when you get back and we'll slay a few!
  7. Some beauty fish man. Gotta love this time of the year eh!
  8. wish we were there that is.
  9. Awesome trip and pics man. Bet you definately wish you were back there with this storm! We all do!
  10. Thanks fellas. It was definately a good 3 days of fishing.
  11. Sorry about the double post guys but I have one more picture that I want you to see. We moved farther down and after spending about 20 minutes clearing slush and ice at my favourate spot I proceeded to catch nothing. So I decided to start moving up through the slush in the creek. Get to another fav spot and first drift hook a monster. Fish takes 100 feet of line going down so I start chasing. Catch up and he starts going up taking about another 75 ft. So I move back up get him close and he decides he's goint back down again. This time no chasing just faught him back to me and landed this 34.5 - 35 inch beauty! Went back on Thursday and got 4 more none as big as this one though! Hope you enjoyed this. There will probably be more to come soon! ATF
  12. Hey All. Been a while since I posted here but I finally found out how to get my pictures to the right size to post on here so I hope you enjoy these. Last week the conditions were perfect for steelheading. Nice colour to the water not flowing too fast after the rain and melt. I started my week on Tuesday. This was the first fish of the day caught on a pink worm. Batteries died in the camera after this one but I got 3 more and my buddy got 1. Not a bad day! Wednesday the waters had cleared a little and there was a slush buildup on some parts of the water. Drifted right next to one of these slush spots and immediately hooked up. Landed that fish and went back and drifted the same spot and hooked a nice 8 lb female A little while later I moved down to fish some new water and hooked this bruiser. (Still using pink worms)
  13. Nice fish man. The steelies were definately hammering this week. Can't wait for the weeks to come.
  14. Nice report guys. Way to perservere through some tough times. Steelheading can be a frustrating game when you lose fish but good job keepin at them and getting a few!
  15. Nice fish. It's always the best fishing when you are out by yourself in my opinion. You can concentrate on your presentation a little more and landing the fish by yourself just takes a little practice but once you start landing them without a net you'll want to do it all the time. ATF
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