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Posts posted by Broker

  1. Hey guys,


    Living minutes away from the lower Grand river all my life and never had the chance to target steelhead, I figured that'll be my fishing goal this season :). Anyway I'm not sure how to go about things. First off I can fish with either spinning or fly rod (would prefer Flyrod) I bought some pink woolybuggers and these purple streamers that said they were for steelhead.

    Secondly I'm wondering when they start heading up the river and if it would be worth targeting them in york, or to go to a place where some would stop like the dam in caledonia. Sorry for all the questions!




  2. One more for me too ,


    Waterspout- Camping at rockpoint on lake erie near dunnville, it was packing day as we were heading home. We wanted to go for one more stroll on the beach before we went home, so off we went and someman come screaming tornado !!! we turn around and notice a huge water spout over lake erie coming towards us an sudden soaking of rain and gusty winds came through and we went running for the bathrooms as it was the only solid building aroud! Scary moment for sure

  3. Moose tracks - While at AP I was with a friend for a bike ride on a trail at around 8:30-9 oclock we were heading home, with only one route to get back to the campsite. On the way back I notice big moose tracks in the sand, i thought it was cool, carried on, came around a bend, and 2 big moose lay before me, a bull and cow. Standing nearly 20 feet away I thought this was quite neat, for the first 20 minutes.. Then I was like cmon, move over so we can get by as im getting eating alive by bugs. At about 10 I started making noises to try and scare them off but nothing, so i threw some rocks there way, then nothing, so i get on my bike and back up, and here galloping! The moose was chasing me down the road, they would stop and continue eating then get on the chase again, they dragged me back a whole KM and I was scared. I decided I would take a detour though the forest on my bike to get around them which worked. Boy was it hard to sleep that night

  4. Fishing was tough for me on that lake. Biggest fish was just over a pound. Couldnt figure things out at all, as no fish were where i thought they would be (weeds, rockpiles, logs,) so i went snorkeling and found the fish just cruisin' with no cover on sandy bottom. So go for a swim and see what ya find!

  5. I've also been trying to update my info for some time; picture, info, avatar?, it's a bit overwhelming especially if your not a techy. Still haven't got my jpeg to show when I post.

    This is might detour some newbies.

    Yeah, I do agree. When i first started i was avatar-less for while. I can't remember what exactly I did to solve the problem but what i believe i did was went to a picture editing website on the internet and downsxaled te image (because it said the file was to large) then it worked for me! :) dunno if that is your problem too or not, but i hope it helps!

  6. As Dan did, I will also introduce myself to those that don't know me. My name is Caleb, I'm a highschool student in Cayuga. I've been fishing with a couple members of this board and it was great, this place is awesome thumbsup_anim.gif I spend most of my time fishing the grand river for whatever bites but my favourites are the strong river bass & eyes. I do some kayak fishing and do alot of camping. Lately I've tried my luck at fly fishing and what fun it has been! catching bass often now and the odd mooneye. Tommorow I'm going on a hunt for walleye on the fly so watch for a report tommorow devil.gif Thats all for now, thanks!

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