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Posts posted by Dan668

  1. Is it worth taking a drive to the states to fish? Thinking sometime in April. Haven't researched into this yet, not sure whats in season. Myself and a few friends want to make a 3-4 day trip out of it. Was thinking 5-7hours. Will that get me into decent waters?



  2. Looking to purchase my first flasher. Was going to make my hds portable but decided to scrap that idea. Has anyone here had any experience with this model? Ideally the lx6 would be a better fit. But it's not upgradable. Reedsports in the states has an awesome price on the unit. Just have to figure out how I'm going to get it.



  3. I asked this question last year, got some good replies. Solo Paddler gave me an excellent list which i managed to misplace somehow :wallbash:


    Not sure how quickly these get booked. Normally we just camp, but since ive acquired a boat, and got a dog, i think ill stick to a cottage this year. Getting tired of the setups, takedowns and moves with camping. Were looking to go around the end of july early august. So 2 weeks. Before i had stated that we would drive up to 12 hours, unfortunately a few of my family members may not be able to get the whole time off so we've decided that a cottage up to 6 hours away from the gta will probably be best.


    I did have a few places in mind searching online, but would like to throw recommendations you guys have into the mix. Waterfront would be preferred. Have to be allowed to bring a pet. Hope that fishing is good.



  4. I failed my g because of a 3 point turn in a neighbourhood. Their was a car backing out of the driveway about 10 houses down after a stop sign. Street must be fully clear. instant fail. I was pretty ticked. The sad part is i was done the turn by the time he started driving forward after backing out. Still had to make a full stop at the sign.. I already completed the first step. Then i seen him back out. What am i supposed to stop and shut off the car or maybe reverse to my previous position?

  5. My post was towards the op. Im from toronto. And this is with a 02 exploder v8. When I first got insurance, my parents were owner but I was principle driver. Statefarm tacked on multi vehicle, house and good student discounts ( over 70). When I turned 18, statefarm let me go on my own and allowed me to keep all these discounts.

  6. Lol, need it for my flex fuel caravan.


    My brother road races at cayuga whenever he has time. Hit a plateau at a bit over 500whp on 94 Instead of driving to guelph to get gas it be nice to have a few stations around here.

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