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Posts posted by mattp33

  1. My guy at the tackle store made me buy split ring pliers today. We got to talking and he said "if you are going to musky fish you are going to need these" He started going around the store and grabbing thing and those pliers were one of those thing. Also spro split ring and treble hooks! I third the very very useful tool!!!

  2. Hey guys I am changing the spark plugs on my 89 merc 90hp. I went to the marina and they gave me NGK BUHW-2, when I took the covers off it has BU8H plugs in it? Did the guy before me use the wrong plug? It runs fine now so should I replace the plugs with the same or should I be using the ones the marina says it calls for?



  3. Wow! I read your comments and my eyes popped when I read the part about your dog. Two years ago I was sitting on my deck when I heard crashing and banging in my garage. I look in to see my fishing rods flying around, bouncing off power tools and my yellow lab peeling line off a baitcaster like a friggin 80 lb tuna. I can't write what came out of my mouth. The dog went in and sniffed a crankbait and snagged a treble hook through a nostril. He went nuts and I don't blame him. I lost two rods and 5 years off my life in stress before I managed to stop the dog, get side cutters and cut the hooks. I sweat just thinking about it. I still feel like a asshat.gif about it...poor bugger. My rods NEVER just stand up within reach of the dog now. It was horrible.


    PS. Oh before someone asks, the Boga didn't work either whistling.gif



    WOW! I didn't read this before I posted.


    I thought mine was a freak accident but I guess I am not alone! Thanks for sharing, I thought I was the worst dog owner in the world. Might still be, but I am not alone hahahahahahasarcasm.gif


    Same thing tho I know how you feel about lose of years off your life. I was alone in a boat in the middle of lake nosbonsing. I got 2 of the 3 hooks on the treble cut but the 3rd was going downt towards his mouth deep in his nose!

  4. Oh ya...Long needle noisewhistling.gif lol mental note = add to shopping list!


    I do have a really good pair of cutters, I learned that with a dog.


    K short story = Fishing with my 8 month old choco lab, 2 rods rigged in the boat. Dog starts to move towards spare rod that has a flat fish on with 2 trebles. I see this and start to move towards as well. I reach to put my hand onver the lure as he moves in for a closer smell. We got to it at the same time, him on the bottom treble, my hand on the front treble. He gets pricked as I tried to pull the rod away (trying to prevent him from getting hooked) We play tug-a-war as the treble sinks further into his nose and further into my hand!


    I also had a few stiches and a emergency trip to a vet in north bay to have the hook removed from his nose. Thanks goodness for a great couple in the boat about 300 yards away. They came to our rescue, as soon as they heard the dog they knew what happened. They said thats why the dont take there dog fishing anymore.

  5. I think Mike has a good point. Now that I think about my hand was awefully close to those trebles and the fish was green, so had he thrashed it was very possible to be hooked to the fish. One time I was hooked to my dogs nose (dont ask, I am still tramitized by the accident) With that said, even if the fish is in the net you gotta get your hand close to get the lure out. Do you guys cut the hooks rather than remove the lure? I saw on musky hunter that they just cut the hook and thats it. I bet those treble are $$$. I guess if your the musky hunter you dont pay for them but I DO! If it were the fish or the hook, the hook would be cut in a heartbeat but... just sayin. I have got a lot out of this thread and I am glad it didn;t go bad. It was hit or miss there for a few posts.


    Thanks to everyone who contributed, I learned a lot and and yes...I got the bite now! Going to try to get a bigger one this weekend.


    Here we go!clapping.gif

  6. The fish was on vylnil in the shade of the seat. I know its not the best but I REALLY wanted a pic and was alone in my uncles boat. I picked up a nice big net that was recomended by my local tackle store. I am sure I will get better at handleing them as I get a few more under my belt. The fight didn't last long as he hit at the side of the boat. I know a bit about the fish and they are kinda delicate for their size. I think we all have to start soemwhere and we learn as we go.


    My Rod is a 8ft st croix legent tournement muskie rod. An I LOVE it!

  7. Thanks guys I think I got the bug now! I cant believe how much these darn baits cost tho! I am trying to build a goto box. All I got is a couple big bucktails a used suick from a friend and 2 believers, I can see myself spending a lot of $$$ to buy stuff that may or may not catch anything. Any recomendation would help. I dont wanna go too crazy on lures but I think I need a few more to deal with different conditions.


    BTW My first came on an old chewed up believer a friend gave me.

  8. I had some time off so I took a day trip up to pigeon lake last week. The plan was to get my first muskie and it WORKED!clapping.gif I was casting for a few hours before I stumbled upon this guy/girl. I have never seen something like it. I saw him following all the way to the boat, as soon as the lure changed direction during my figue 8, WHAM! FISH ON I yelled (I was the only one in the boat!rofl2.gif ) Talk about a green fish at boat side! Not huge by anymeans but its a first! Then I got this bass on muskie gear, he didn't stand a chance!







    By mattp33 at 2011-08-25

    By mattp33 at 2011-08-25

  9. Be VERY careful in there. Stay in the middle and dont stray to far from the dam. They have been pulling water out of there for a couple of weeks now. Oh and a spare prop is a good thing there or an old one at the very least. I took out an outdrive there last year and still dont even know what I hit. Ask at the gate house about sunken hazards, they will give you a rough idea of whre they are. You are safer closer to the dam.

  10. Hey guys. I am heading up to scugog tomorrow and my buddy backed out, something about his wife being sickblahblah1.gif . Anyways, I would rather fish with company rather than alone. Any takers out there? Fishing for bass going to try to be on the water for 8 or earlier. I'm leaving from Orangeville so if you are on the way I would be more than happy to do a pick up.



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