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Posts posted by mattp33

  1. Just some aside info for yah... if your vehicle is older than 1999, then a check engine light will not fail the test. The vehicle is subjected to the old test and can pass that as long as it meets the old requirements. Vehilce "newer" than 1999 has to be put through the "new" test. One of the (OK, only!) advantages of owning an older vehicle.



    Yes...I should have noted that. Not sure what year the OP vehicle is

  2. I run a fluoro leaders for almost everything, I think its a confidence thing for me anyways. I use either 20lbs or 15lbs flouro in a decent brand that I can get cheap. I only use 20-24 inches of it at a time. I think I bought a spool 4 years ago and still use it. I feel its ok value for the money. I even use seagaur #20 leader material on my flipping stick. Pain in the ass to tie but very strong and holds knots well

  3. Have to ask... are you sure you're connections are correct and you're not running 12v instead of 24?


    Ok so with all the sanding and epoxying I ended up putting the boat back together at about 1:30 in the morning. I inadvertently connected the 24V Jumper from ground to ground. I was getting really strange reading on the multimeter when I was investigating. Having a good long look at it revealed my mistake. Made the chages and the terrova now humms!!! I should have known something was up when the terrova was turning really really slow. Oh well, easy fix at least

  4. Ya the Tim's cup with the bolt would have been easy lol. I put a small rim of 5 min as a rim laid the epoxy then set the ducer in an taped it into place then layer a bag with some water in it on top. Seems to keep it where I want it while it cures. The test will come tomorrow on the water. Worst case it doesn't work then I will try to get it off and wet mount it.


    I got good clean glass under it, my fear is that it shifts and lets air under it

  5. Done right?


    Ok so the time has come. Going to get some slow cure epoxy, sand paper and new clamps for those hoses(I'm sure those rusty clamps will break) I am going to sand and clean the area in front of the old transducer. I will then slightly rough the bottom of the transducer to give it a good seal. I will make a glob in hope that less air gets in. I will "try" to mix it gently again hoping the least amount of air gets in it. Then set the transducer on it and nudge it in. I will try to get it nice and straight and level, but thats my fear with epoxy. I only got 1 chance so here goes!

  6. The challenge with wet mounting it is I have a stepped hull bass boat and the lower "step" has all the drains and fills on it and not a lot of room for well anything else. I think if I mount it on the upper step, I will have horrible signal do to the air that will be under there. I just bought the boat, and the guy had the dame setup with a hummingbird crap unit but it seemed to read clear. How do you guys deal with the stepped hull ducer mount?

  7. So I just picked up an HDS unit and I am going to install the transom transducer as a shoot through. This is my very first time doing this and I am a little nervous. Any advice?


    I heard that I can use marine silicone or slow cure epoxy. I am leaning toward the silicone as I can remove and adjust it if I need. I am not sure what to use to clean up the hull. I will sand it down and use a degreaser maybe?


    Thanks in advance






    I am super happy with the RAM mount install at the console

  8. I need to replace this but The 1 I got only has 5 wires, why does this have 6? I JUST got the boat.





    Should I just grab a test light and figure out what gets power and when and just connect a 7 way round to it?


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