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Posts posted by bassfighter

  1. Try this site http://www.fishaddix.com/. I got some useful information and was successful.


    in Jacksonville , Fl, not too far from orlando, less than 1 hr, there is a Guana dam that situated between saltwater and fresh water, info was posted on this site. http://myfwc.com/viewing/recreation/wmas/lead/guana-river/visitor-information/


    A nice beach (shore fishing) with shower and washroom for free as well just 5 minute walk from the dam. There were fresh water trout with teeth around 5lber and other fish to be caught since there were baitfish entering the dam. There were also fresh blue crab of decent site to be caught or bought from locals for $1. I was wading with swimming short up to my waste and fishing at the same time, it was cool. I witness some fish landed by others while shore fishing at the beach area. they just casted using shrimp or other cut up bait bought from walmart, then coarse fish, rod holder to be burried on the sandy ground can be bought (or home made)for around $10 at local shop. There is a BPS somewhere there. This Dam is one spot I would definitely go back again on my next trip. I was the only tourist that bought the freshwater license sold at the convenience store beside the entrance to the dam and park that day,(free parking at the convenience store). Non of the other anglers bought the license, after I enquired, and some were from out of state .


    To learn to surf fish ,watch this video . shot at Baha mexico


    Other place to fish were on bridges at jacksonville or most water front, check this http://www.fishaddix.com/ site again. very informative site. There were lots of mackerel to be caught by locals, I was just observing the anglers while my wife sat on the car waiting. I try to be reasonable when I travel with my wife to not be too obsess with fishing, I witness a 50+lb tarpon jumped right up when others were fishing at the bridge. then a 7-8 lb shark was landed as well, that same moment I was there for roughly 15 minutes time frame. This was before it got dark. We stayed at Jacksonville for a night, I was using hotelcoupons.com walk in rate every time I travel to USA to get excellent deal on motels. I will call the motel 1/2 hr ahead of our arrival to ensure they have room for that rate, the coupon generally work all throughout the year, except during summer months then these rate run out very fast by 2pm.


    check email for tampa bay



  2. I was surprise at Ebay's new fees for seller. they charge 10% even on your shipping cost, while paypal charges 3%, then applicable currency exchange.


    I sold a used tennis racket on line, was not aware of the high fees ebay charge these days.


    For those who intend to sell stuff, just ensure you are aware of these fees. I hardly sold anything on Ebay, I heard many sellers are leaving EBay and selling stuff on Amazon. or Ebid.or have joined two other growing China on line store.

  3. I ordered some stuff last christmas to take advantage of free shipping.Some goods comes from their Ontario warehouse using Canada post, even if I bought in $US on line, since we have a vaughn store, they charges HST automatically, Then there is $3.50 brokerage fee on orders over $15.


    If the good is not available in their Ontario warehouse then it will be coming from US warehouse using UPS, Brokerage fees are also based on a percentage of the final amount. If the item is from China, the rate of duties will be different. Made in USA- no duties. UPS need to go through individual items to collect the duties from country of origin, this is where they get you.


    I know that many items are not worth shipping from USA, to canada. Bigger establishment do not want to use USPS. Someone need to go to local post office to drop them off at times. so asking UPS to pickup is more feasible to them, but not feasible to unsuspecting Canadians.

  4. During the recent power outage, a family died from carbon monoxide poisoning when they sticked their Bar-be que grill inside the garage, then close the garage door completely . I am sure they are not that stupid, they might not have assumed the fire to stop burning for whatever reason, causing the gas fumes to have travelled everywhere without them even noticing while sleeping. They never woke up.


    Another famous female reporter in US was trying to ignite her Bar-b-que , not knowing how much gas was already release in the BBQ grill enclosure, when she ignited it, the cover burst open and fire just engulfed her face and body in seconds. She suffered from major burn.


    Any gas product should always have adequate ventilation. Sorry to somewhat scare you, but better to be over protective than to be sorry.

  5. Date: Dec 6, 2013

    Number of fish landed – Got skunk in the morning. Then three Female brown after 3pm. I Monster Brown by me and two from my other buddy. Fish were all Release.

    Number of anglers fishing in our area: 15, most of them bottom bouncing with roe.

    Technique used: Spinning reel . Cast and retrieved with spoon, and jig on Plastic minnow.

    Number of lures we lost- We lost 8 spoon and jig that day. Ouch!

    Total Hours fishing- 8.5 hrs. From 6:30-11, then from 1:30-5:30pm

    Temp-: -1 degree. It was 12 degrees warm the day before, a cold front came in.

    Wind direction- W 15km wind. Cloudy day the whole time.

    Water clarity – 3 foot visibility .


    Fish from 6:30- 9am . Our regular spot did not produce, so we hiked, moved and fish at 2 other spot , I witness couple of fish landed by two center-pinner, but for us………. no takers again, we fished an area where the water depth measured at least 25 foot deep, it was hard to manoeuvre our spoon lure due to moving current. We tried fishing almost vertical jigging, then quit by 11am. We decided to head to another town, to take a break and to re-group. By this time, we must have lost at least 6 spoon. Water at the river was faster and higher then what we had experience prior week.

    On our way to the parking lot, I spoke to another angler, he said he just finished fishing an area, witness many anglers landed at least a fish. I would also assume many fish would have migrated northbound, since it rained a day before. By this time, we have decided to quit fishing the river, avoided too much hiking. Took a lunch break.

    By the time we fished again at 1:30pm, there were at least 10 guys, we witness at least 5 fish landed by anglers bottom-bouncing with roe, most fish landed were brown except for one rainbow. My buddy landed a small female brown weighing at around 1.5lber. He was using spoon. While I was still skunk at the spot that I normally produce.


    By 3:30pm, I asked one of the experience locals why no one fish that section of the water, he said current was way calmer , but commented that using lures should produce . We decided to switch spot and fish the calmer section that others rejected. I switch from Spoon to 3/8 Jig on plastic minnow , bottom bouncing hoping not to get snag. After few cast……..FISH ON! Fish did not even surface or hardly fought for most of the fight, just felt like a dead weight. After many years of landing all kinds of trout, it was the first time I felt the difference in heaviness fighting for this fish. I had to patiently and slowly drag the fish close to the shore line with the 6lb mono line on my reel, I asked my buddy, who was holding the net, “Could it be a big carp on a winter months? ………a big Pike?” When the fish finally surface …………….It was the biggest Female trout I have ever seen landed as of yet. I did a rough estimate using my hand on the size , Girth was around 30inches, while length will be around 30”. Anyone have a clue how much it could weigh? I would say more than 10lb for sure, the fish looks more like a big fat carp.


    Through all the excitement laughing, I tripped, fell and accidentally bent my reel handle. While trying to straighten/fix my reel handle, my buddy decided to switch to my 3/8 oz jig on plastic minnow. After few cast…………..FISH ON, another female brown of roughly 4lber .


    I tried to bent the handle back using two pliers, but the handle still wobbled during the retrieve. By 5:15pm, after another 15 minutes of fishing. We were contented, and decided to call it a day. We were all glad to have redeemed ourselves. From initially having a bad morning of fishing, then through few important decision to change our lures and fishing location, we were able to land some decent size catches.

    We did not get our numbers that day, but the Big monster female brown I had landed will always remind me that persistent, to trust our instinct, to make some decision making adjustment, can help during tough conditions.

    Tweak plastic minnow I used by darkening it using permanent marker:

  6. Aside from all my positive experience i had with Kijiji, I wasted my time on 4 occasion in the past from trying to buy couple of items:


    1. The fellow said the he only used the item twice, by the time I showed up, the item was at least 20 years old antique carpet shampooer, I said it was very old, he replied he was not the first owner, since I did not ask , but he insisted he used it twice.


    2, After I showed up to buy some electronics, another buyer was also there almost the same time, the seller wanted highest bidder!


    3. I showed up and want to test the item, it was not working, he originally advertised that it worked the last time he tested it, I then ask when he tested it, the fellow responded............ a year ago.


    4. I was giving away free stuff and few responded, the first person who wanted it did not show. I have re-post the ad.

  7. I am semi-old school, brings my laptop to US all the time, Free wifi, I use free google phone and yap away for no cost, or use skype for international calls . Many places have free wifi, strarbucks, panera bread, mcdonald, malls, all Hotel or motel have free wifi, just park outside, and browse away for free. I also check for cross border busyness and decide last minute which border I will be crossing back to canada, to not have to line up way too long, especially avoiding lewiston bridge.


    I am with wind or mobilicity here in GTA, cost 10-15 cents to text from US, and 20 cents for calling within US, no need to change plans. For other less important calls, I go back to using my laptop. I pay $20 with wind and they provide $5 credit every month for first 10 months, which I used for texting outside my zone, including using in US.


    I was in Buffalo and bought a PC tablet from walmart US last week for $80, 7" size, tried and tested it, work very fast for wifi browsing and youtube images downloaded very clear and no freezing, but too complicated for emailing,or sending uploading my fishing picture, forced to use different cables, different emailing applications compared to my traditional laptop computers. It took me a while to familiarize with some apps, and getting used to typing on the touch screen. It's smart apps remembers new email and automatically compiled them and showed my what are new unread email, but someone who wants to use the tablet and check their email also need to register with googlel. After two hours of playing with it, I returned the PC Tablet back to Walmart Buffalo, best happy decision I made!

  8. Tell the fellow that he has to pay or you will take him to court plus other expenses including your time and gas money, you will not lose on this case, ensure you have extra copy of the OP ticket, include a list of all items that was lost, plus your time and gas, make sure you bring your friend along during court appearance as witness.


    I know it is a hassle, but he was negligent regardless if he has no intent of hurting someone. Being Negligent is punishable by fines in our court system.

    Court would like to always know that you were willing to settle out of court, but defendant did not care of taking responsibility, which gave you no choice but to go to court . He does not stand a chance.


    He even endangered everyone in his boat. the more the court will support you!

  9. I landed three of this type of saltwater fish while fishing New Haven Connecticut area on June 25th, the fish I landed, which I do not even know its name, the fish do not have any teeth, yet it was aggressive enough to attack my Kwikfish/flatfish. Two fish landed were around 1 lber, while the third one was roughly 3 lber.

    Location: Walnut beach, New Haven Connecticut. Saltwater shoreline fishing.

    Weather: calm sunny hot day, around 85 degrees, hardly any wind.






    two video:





    Water had receded by 7am when I got there, at first glance of the area was to my disappointment, sandy bottom and flat shoreline everywhere. I was not sure if I was able to even catch anything since there were no rocks, nor weeds, no corals, except sand everywhere, but lots of clams. Quite a few people were collecting buckets of clams for food. Water was flat, clean, and very calm and I was able to walk for half a Km out of the shore, before water reaches knee deep. I casted for half an hour, but was getting negative vibes, after viewing the sandy flat bottom around me, a very different experience compared to fishing our Kawarthas lake, when we normally would fish on weed beds.


    When I notice my line started to move to my surprise, I made a comment to myself and said "NO WAY!" Another fish was also followed the fish I just caught(see video). Then the second fish came 20 minutes after, and the third bigger fish , all within 2 hrs of fishing. I called it quits since I left my wife at the motel and we have to check out to go somewhere else. The tide had also started to come in, I was concern, that I would not be able to get back to shore, since some areas I ventured through have deeper drop off slope and sea water could fill it quite easily in no time.


    I was also using my waders with a leak on it, not sure how the rubber mold had broke into two inch hole , it was somewhat uncomfortably fishing with full of water inside one of my legs, even if water was warm.


    Based on this new discovered fishing experience, I would comment, it would be easier to fish on saltwater system. There seem to be more fish compared to fishing our over fish pressured lake system. The fun part of my fishing day was I was using artificial lure rather than having to use clam as bait.

  10. As debluz had suggested, buy a hydrometer from princess auto, they are cheap to own, to ensure stores do not rip you off telling your battery is dead when it was not. Plug your trolling motor to get the battery somewhat discharge, then charge it up again to full charge. test the liquid using the Hydrometer, let it sit for a while before testing the acid inside the battery, the meter will tell you which cell is alive or dead.


    Buy batteries from Costco, no question ask on return. and cheaper, keep your receipt. Very good batteries for the money and warranty, and last long if well maintained.


    I do not trust the hybrid battery, so I have three batteries on my boat, two deep cycle for trolling alone and one for starting. just in case for emergency back up.

  11. grab a spray bottle and add some dishwasher or shampoo ,spray all over your boat, check for bubbles. mark it with a marker, then seal with goop or shoe goo very durable flexible hard rubber-like glue. no need to patch. Micheal's sells them , use on line 40% coupon. The air should not deflate hardly for just a day, my inflatable last for weeks, and hardly any air gets out.

  12. For catfish- try frenchman bay on the bridge or the walkway not too far from parking lot and marina, using worm will guarantee you will get one, no catfish really too big down there except the carp. use corn for carp. Have to fish down below, fishing above the bridge is illegal. Water temp has been perfectly ideal to catch many species at this time of the year.


    Try port hope for carp, using bottom with weighted slip sinkers or use small float as option, try worms or canned corn, chum the area first with corn or bread. they are there now. Due to heavy vegetation on some areas, try both technique . fish close to the factory wall, the bay of ganny river, past the marina. There are other fish including bass and silver bass as well.o


    Port union also has catfish, mouth of rouge river also has catfish.


    Add some kind of bell or sounding system on the rod, so your kid does not have to focus on the rod for too long, they can read a book,move about, or do something else, bring a small radio, etc...just hope a big carp does not take your bait, have to run and chase after your rod as added excitement

  13. Date: May 3,2013

    Number of fish landed -One 5lber Lake Trout landed around 9:30am at whirlpool. Another another Lake Trout around 8lber at 4pm .Two more lost during short fight.

    Number of anglers fishing in our area: 10

    Number of lures we lost- I lost three 3/8 jigheads and 2 spoon. My buddy lost 6 lures from mostly spoon to crankbait. He lost a fish during a short fight.

    Location- FIshed the river from 8-12, went to US to pick up some stuff bought at Ebay, then fished again from 4-6pm Water clarity- 4-5ft visibility. Very high at this time of the year.

    Temp-: 12 degrees in the morning , then 20 in the afternoon, it was already over 18 one day before. A Sunny day.

    Wind direction- NE 12km. No wind at all down below


    I have to semi-hold the fish close to its gills, (no fingers touching the gills) since it was slippery and trashing so much, the fish was release very fast. This 8-10 lber Lake trout gave me a great fight, I thought I snagged a Carp, since it took a while to surface.



    Another 5 lber Lake trout from whirlpool in the morning. Also release http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/5lbertrout_zps36bb5495.jpg


    Story: We got down below by 8am. Met couple of anglers on their way up the whirlpool stairway, they stated they did well during night fishing from 2am-7am when water was low. Very snaggeable and hard to control our lures due to high water by the time we start fishing at 8am. We need to go back when water is low during the night. While on our way back up the Whirlpool Niagara Stairways.


    Witness this 24 " snake trying to swallow a Frog that was bigger than what it can handle. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/snakefour_zps246c302e.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/snake3_zpsb4eda34c.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/snaketwo_zps3623d18b.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/snakeone_zps3f46e8b3.jpg My buddy grabbed the snake by its tail, and it refuse to drop the frog.




    Sorry for the shaky amateurish video. The frog tried to escape and hid under a rock, but the snake persisted, and refuse to allow the frog to get inside further. http://s223.photobucket.com/user/bassfighter_album/media/MVI_0006_zps9203309a.mp4.html This short video showed the snake just initially grabbed hold of the tip of the frog legs, http://s223.photobucket.com/user/bassfighter_album/media/MVI_0004-1_zps27629115.mp4.html

  14. I was down at buffalo gander mountain on dec after thanksgiving week. it was a boring store, quite limited stock shelves headed towards christmas holidays. Then I was at Rochester Gander mountain store. on Jan 15, 2013, I almost bought the $40 long 10' steelehead/salmon rod rated up to 17lb, a good deal which I did not buy since I already have lots of long rods, then no other deals worth buying. Prices are not as good as it used to be.


    The US stores are controlling their inventory as we speak, especially with all the other US stores closing report. however, once they have real sale during spring, rods and reel can be price better than most Canadian stores. Their online stores are also killing their own retail outlet. Retailing is getting tougher every year.

  15. I order and get item ship using USPS to a mail box address across the Lewiston border, have lunch across, get some cheap gas, then fish at whirlpool niagara to maximize my day. The mail box company charge $5 per package, lots of Canadians use the address to buy goods in US, they provide a ### number, not a P.O. box number, so Many seller at ebay will ship for free to this address.


    UPS shipping charge very inexpensive for corporation in the US, such as cabelas or bass pro, sometimes cheaper than USPS. Most companies do not have time to drop off package to local post office, too costly for anyone. So they prefer UPS to pick them up at their store, seller assumed they are doing Canadians favor by using UPS, the rate seems to be comparable and faster than USPS.


    Since most US companies' employee do not understand importation duties added to shipment to other countries, they chose UPS. This is where UPS takes advantage of the situation and charge unsuspecting Canadians brokerage fees and duties, HST taxes to receiver. Even products under free warranty replacement get brokerage fees added if full value gets declared, since the shipper wants to declare the goods at full value to take advantage of free insurance covered for the first $100 value. I always have to quibble and deny receiving package from UPS, I then call the warranty company to re-declare the package to no value or no charge for Free replacement. Corporation sometimes rectify the issue with UPS and no brokerage fees corrected, many times, the shipper just end up paying the brokerage fees and duties just to release the goods sooner, since some shipping employees are just too lazy to re-file other kinds of UPS paperwork. Corporation employee has so much things to worry about, and very few employee working in the shipping department care about items shipped to other countries.


    We all learn from our past mistakes dealing with UPS......................for me..............always enquire before buying in USA! Calculate potential added expense when buying goods in US. Many goods bought in US is not under warranty in Canada. However, US warranty are way more reliable than Canadian warranty base on my experience. Easier to bad mouth a company in US via on line, so US companies seem to take care of customer service better if they knew their reputation might be jeoperdize.

  16. I miss the original look, since it seemed more creative to have that color combo look, than the present blue and shades of blue look.


    Others might mistaken ontariofishingcommunity.com for this other site http://www.ontariofishingforums.com/forum/.


    I like the original color of Green and Taupe color combo. I have notice some companies have the same original colors. http://www.cabelas.ca/retail_stores/


    basspro.com http://www.basspro.com/


    dicksporting.com has the same green http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/home/index.jsp

  17. Best to do when going across is to buy something, even if it was under $50, at a 24hr walmart or any fishing store, not just mere fishing across. The custom officer assume everyone going across is to shop , so without declaring anything, they assume you bought some expensive fishing stuff, hid it to avoid paying potential taxes. You can also say you visited Gander mountain or Dicks after your fishing trip, bought only whatever worth of stuff, disappointed, since they do not have good deal this time of the year.


    My buddy and I got searched for 1.5 hrs once after we fish across till noon, we did not show any proof of our catch nor did we buy anything. They check every single box of our tackle, and our car........ inside out. To an officer, it really sound fishy fishing across US when we have our own canadian body of waters of fish, those who do not fish do not understand our fishing philosophy.


    However, if I go across with my wife for 7 hrs, and we bought less than $150 worth of stuff on many dollar store or stuff from cheap liquidators store, the customer officer just let us go. We declare right when we entered the US border early morning that we are there to shop for the day.


    The officer laugh at our purchase once and let us pass, after I declared I bought a bowling ball. Even if the bowling ball and accessories were over $100. Peace Bridge officer are more lenient then Lewiston bridge officer, Lewiston bridge is also closer to the outlet stores, so many go to shop there.


    Custom Officers are lenient when people declare their purchases, unless they notice a bunch of women immigrant going across for the day for the first time, they are more likely to get search, especially if they mention they only bought $50 worth of goods shopping at Galleria. It might sound discriminatory, but the type of people who shop then lie seems to be those who were not familiar with the system. The more you go across, the more a consistent track record pattern get establish, then no issue going across in the future.

  18. My Analysis on Salmon feeding habits within the last two month, Pattern different from all other years.


    It is more important to figure out when fish will likely hit our presentation, than to mere guess when more fish entering into a pier or river system. My information facts finding results were collected after 13 attempt on Pier Salmon fishing. I also constantly spoke to locals on what was happening days before and after a rainfall.


    4 skunk evenings were 1-2 days after a rainfall and on colder evenings with higher then normal water level. Fish refuse to bite:

    1. Hardly seen any fish landed by most anglers. In general , fish not interested in feeding, though I still have 1-2 hook up. Fish still visibly jumped or surfaced on these so called slow nights. Took us many hours of fishing time to just get a hit. Two out of four unsuccessful fishing nights I had were on a Sunday evening, well crowded by weekend anglers. Temp had dropped around 12-15 degrees. Norm temp days before or after these cold front were 18-22 at night.

    2. Pattern of fish not feeding seem to be 1-2 days after a rainfall and cold front temp came in with less than 15 degrees at night. Having E or NE wind under 10km/hr or at night. More rainy days before does not necessary mean more fish landed.

    3. Lots of anglers also showed up on days after a rainfall. Less probable spot for us to fish.

    4. Skunk night are good information gathering nights , to help us weed out these nights, to become more experience in planning out our next fishing adventure.

    5. Prime fishing spot known by most anglers, where fish enters within the river mouth or at the pier, were not necessary producing as much as previous year's numbers. Prime Fishing hot Spots were widely open and available by 11pm, especially during weeknights, Anglers leaving early means no new anglers coming in for the later midnight shift, since many were getting skunk days after rainfall.


    A friend who landed using lures for the first time fishing for Salmon http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/Untitled-2.jpg



    Prime89, another board member successful evening fishing with me http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd294/bassfighter_album/IMG_00071.jpg


    Few picture I had , I chose to stop taking picture to speed up the release of my catch, No fish taken or killed No need roe either!







    9 successful evening totaling more than 20 Salmon landed by me to date and at least 25 more lost fish. 85% of fish landed were with spoon or other lures, While remaining 15%, I was using pompom with Oyster oil or marshmellow during coarse fishing. Warm nights with temp between 18-22 degrees and low water level make fish active to hit on anything:


    1. Just based on my landed numbers excluding friends I brought to the site that landed, I consistently land at least couple and lost at least couple more Salmon on each successful nights. More were landed by other anglers that fished with or around me. Fish were aggressively taking lures more so this year then through coarse bottom fishing. On a hot fishing night, we experience lots of bump while casting lures or bump on our line while coarse fishing. On a Hot fishing 1-2 hr time frame, we got a hit within 10 minutes of casting, the rest of non casting time were used up from fighting with the fish right to the time some photos were taken. Fish most active time frame was around 10-1 am. Fishing frenzy seem to die down just before 2am. We did however landed once after 3:30am. Since it was too tiresome to fish too long again, and fish seemed to be active before 1:30am, we never fish past 2am again in our future Salmon fishing adventure.

    2. Best fishing nights were 2-3 days after the rain, Water level inside the river were back to its lowest level. Cold front prior nights change dramatically back up to 20 degrees warm evening. High Humidity were visible due to our tackle box being wet with moisture. Wind direction normally came from the SW or NW at 10-20km/hr. The rougher the water , fish seem to be more active.

    3. When fish wanted to bite, they hit on anything regardless of no glow on our lure, and regardless of how experience an angler was. Line just have to be on the water during that short fish feeding frenzy. The less time we shorten our fish fight, the more fish we hook. Since I brought few Novice anglers, who took a while to land a fish, I was not able to fish more than I should have. It took us just few minutes after landing one to get another hook up. Fishing was that easy when fish just want to bite!

    4. I avoided the Normal pattern from the past after evaluating few skunk nights. Less anglers showed up on pressumed slow nights means more room for us to fish. We just have to be at a spot and fish will be active when the right moment for them to feed.



    More Rain and cold front this year does not necessary mean more fish landed even if more fish seemed to have arrived:


    1.Rain might have brought in more fish to the area, but fish might be on a spawning/migration mentality ,they have the instinct to enter into river system and stop feeding.

    2. Murky river flow quality/clarity seem to not be suitable for fishing, though somewhat slightly higher level due to some rainfall, water temp inside the river were way warmer than the temp at the mouth of the lake. Fish might hesitate in hitting or not necessary like the warm water temp flowing out of the river this year, so they stage more at the pier. In the past colder fall weather pattern, when the water temp at lake Ontario were already colder by August month, fish might find the river water temp suitable for migration.

    3.Many seem to not do as well this year fishing on known spot close to the river mouth, gotten skunk when they fished 1-2 days after the rain, especially when a cold front sets in where the temp drops to under 15 degrees, regardless of the higher water level.

    4. River water level has been low this year due to minimal rainfall. Many fish decide to turn back, hesitate in entering the river and decide to hang around the bay or mouth of the river for a while, waiting patiently for right temp , then the fish will be back in the feeding mood.

    5. Feeding pattern inside the river might be somewhat similar to fish staging at the mouth of the river, if the fish, waiting at a deeper pool before a rainfall , believe they have not reach their spawning location, they might be tempted to feed again.

    6. Less anglers showed up means we have more room to move around. In spite of the freedom to move on a good fishing night, we tend to stay on one spot without having to explore somewhere else.


    Conclusion on when to aim that fish will hopefully be actively feeding:

    Avoid fishing at least 1-2 days after a rainfall. Fish might be on migration mode.

    Check previous days weather pattern to avoid cold front days or nights. Wait for more stabilized temp.

    Avoid fishing with the crowd and on weekend, Mon-thurs seem to be good fishing nights.

    Check water level above normal to avoid too high level http://www.wateroffi...tml?stn=02HD012 Low consistent water level this year seem to be better for pier fishing. During winter months, the warmer temp..... the better.

  19. Whatever happens to bragging rights of fighting and landing fish using lightest possible mono line weight? Advance angler use to aim to try to lower their line weight usage for the challenge.


    Isn’t that how fishing became a sport? Adding element of risk and uncertainties, a chance for the fish to get away and beat human patience and experience! Landing a fish was not only the main excitement in fishing, or everyone would be using 25 lb mono line and land the fish in no time. Not all anglers want to put their catch on the table then, landing their personal best fish using lightest line, and for a long time was the story to brag about for years to come.


    If we all want to ensure we land the fish today, we were told to use heavier expensive braided line weight and sophisticated advance reel. Less chance of skill needed and less fish lost. The pros were the ones creating trends, just yank the 5 lb bass right inside the boat since no worry of 50 lb braided line breaking or fear of losing the trophy catch. Fighting fish for long time has been discouraged today.


    Since the invention of Braided line:

    1.Fighting fish longer has been frowned upon, claimed to lower mortality rate of fish during a long fight.


    2.More profitable for retailers if braided line were sold.


    3.Though more feel using braided line, but more visible compared to mono line, now we need to invest in Fluorocarbon leader to cover the visible braid line. Fishing seem to get even more complicated than ever. Just like the trends in our home décor. 40 Years ago , all homes were only with hardwood floors.Then as trend changed and invention of carpet, we added carpet on top to keep the place more soft and insulated, then the trend today is to go back to hard wood floors , but add an expensive rug(to not look like carpet,) since the Hard wood floor was making our feet cold during winter months. We then have to take our shoes off when we enter our home, since what we had invested expensively might get dirty, The expensive rug area should only be used during an invited guest.


    Many different type of line today, colors, strength, some floating some sinking, invisible and some vibrant, multicolored, etc…. Imagine going to a coffee shop and getting confuse on the type of coffee available, when all we want was something hot with caffeine!


    More advance drag system and smoother reel have entered the market to help us not lose our catch. Then on the contrary, We take out the drag on a Centerpin Reel since fighting fish on a dragged reel is not much of a challenge and for the average angler.


    Then we have to catch and release our catch for future reproduction, but substantiate/allowed to kill one or two female for the roe, so we cans use the bait to catch more fish. What about the consequence if every one just catch one female each season? How about those who believe fresher new roe/skein attained every so often can catch more fish that they will release? Then we throw away un-used roe believing we can get new ones since we can catch more fish.

  20. Lost and got my lure back! No big deal Right! Since everyone read these type of stories all the time........ Read on!


    It was a bad night fishing for Salmon at a pier(never river fished for Salmon and no need roe either). The cold front seemed to have shut them off. Skunk galore! Not even a bump or hit on our lures or anyone coarse fishing! Fished from 9pm-2:30am, Fished jumped every so often, but nothing of the ordinary.


    Couple of anglers who used glow spoon, that showed up by 12 midnight, has landed two fish. Regardless of their success, the pattern that evening was slow. Hardly anyone around by midnight to my surprise since being skunk seemed to be the Norm for everyone within days before.


    By 1am, I told my buddy that we needed to split up, I left to fish at least 200 feet from him. As I arrived to my spot, first cast….my first big hit of the night, fought with the fish for 5 seconds, then my mono main line and my 3ft Braided leader line SNAPPED! Got separated; lost my new spoon to the fish. The Salmon jumped few times, tried to shake the lure off , it was the last commotion of the night. I went and sat on my chair, felt dejected from the lost new spoon lure, but excited to have finally gotten a hit. Re-tied another lure, left my gear, then decide to go tell my friend regarding my first hit of the night.


    After walked past two other anglers who also casted lures, told them of my good and bad news, and just about to reach my friend, I yielded “ I finally got a hit but lost the fish with my new spoon” . Just the same instant. he responded...... “I JUST GOT A HIT! When he retrieved his line out, he said”I believe I just got your spoon back.” Exactly the same time as I arrived to investigate , I said “No way!” I originally assumed my friend snagged my other spoon that I had lost the last time I was there, to my big surprise….. it was the same spoon with the same 3 ft braided line I lost few minutes ago.


    What was weird about the whole incident?

    1.The time I lost the lure to the time I got my lure back was roughly 12-15 minutes and 200 feet walking distance apart.


    2.The salmon that had my lure has to go through two other anglers casting spoon, they were fishing between us, yet they never encountered the same fish and no other hits!


    3.Seemed like the Salmon waited till I finished retying, then swam at the same pace as I walked to see my friend, avoided both anglers line as well.


    4.As the Salmon with the spoon, arrived to my friend casting distance little sooner before my arrival, my friend has to aim his cast at the right spot, the right time, then the salmon has to take his presentation , to ensure his spoon will snag my spoon, to be returned to the proper owner.


    5. The time my friend retrieved the spoon out of the water, and the time I arrived to see the lost lure was exactly the same moment, not any second sooner or later!


    6. No fish tale lies that evening regarding a fish finally hit my lure on a slow night ,without obvious proof.


    7. The Salmon has to be thrilled, the spoon was off his mouth!




    Here are some of my improvised glow spoon, cost less than a dollar: More effective in casting with confidence, since one does not have to worry of losing them.

    1. Lure Cost 50 cents from Le Barons.

    2. Bent and glued penny to make them heavier

    3. Added Glow tape from BPS or from other fishing store.

    4. Pure UV light bought from dollar store, used to detect currency.

    5. Glow paint from dollar store.

    7. Hook re-sharpened





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