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Posts posted by SmokestackLightnin

  1. Years ago fans were made of metal and there was not a lot of controlling devices in a vehicle HVAC system. Today, fans are plastic (housing and blades) as well as several fittings and bearings for air blending doors. A cabin are filter is not a needed item, but it's nice to have to filter the air and protect components from contaminants. $90 seems steep, as mentioned above, there are other options to having it replaced. Your Owner's Manual should tell how to do it yourself, typically by unclipping the top runner on the glove box.


    Go on......I've yet to hear what bass tournaments do for the fishery.


    Well the first one that comes to mind is the Stoney Lake Combo which only pays back 60% of the entry fees. Yet year after year it sells out with 135 boats with all the money raised going to the Dummer Douro Fire Department. Now the money does not go into the fishery but the money raised over the years, and we're talking over $200,000, benefits the entire community.


    For specific fishery related benefits you may have to look at the anglers and not the tournaments. Just like PGA tour pros do so much for local communities and charities, the tournaments themselves are to showcase the golfer's talents. Oh, and there are numerous examples of cheating on that stage as well.


    Use Google, type in Ontario Conservation Projects and you will see many local BASS and other tournament groups cleaning up streams, rehabilitating spawning beds, adopting highways and taking pride in winning conservation awards. From there I would suggest you look at some the anglers, many of whom post on this board and Google their names. One would be Dave Chong and his Catch a Dream Fishing Derby, it doesn't directly benefit the fishery but man it sure does a lot for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. This event has a huge positive impact on kids and adults but Google will tell you Dave does a whole lot more.

  3. Summary of the situation from my third hand knowledge:








    Thanks for posting Charles. These 2 are a little thick. They enter 4 tournaments and win 3, place 2nd in the fourth. Each tournament they enter they have a high team number which tells me they signed up the night before or as late as the rules allowed. Probably need 4 events to fish Classic so they only do 4. Apparently a third person was seen helping, probably the guy who owns the pond where the fish were caught and transported from.

  4. Well if it's Ontario and it's an out of season fish then you have to do what the regulations say:


    Immediate Release of Fish - All fist that are caught unlawfully or are illegal to possess (e.g. during the closed season, of prohibited size, or are in excess of catch and possession limits) must be immediately released at the place and time of capture. This includes fish that may be injured during catch.


    Oh and because it says "immediately released at the place and time of capture" that means there is no time for a picture.


    Which hydroelectric stations were sold?


    4 were sold to Brascan. It was a slick deal for Brascan as just after the sale, we went through a very hot summer with a number of nuclear plants shut down for maintenance. The selling rate to Ontario Hydro soars and Brascan almost drains the entire upper Mississagi watershed producing power at a huge profit. Some lodges on the system closed due to no water. And then Brascan becomes Ernie Eves' largest corporate contributor. The whole thing stunk back then and the current situation stinks now:



  6. I would call the Ikea bags one of the cheapest drift socks, but not one of the best. I use Minn Kota socks and they work just fine. They dry quickly and easily roll up and store in a bag. I carry 3 in the boat and have used 3.

  7. Well that's it, third boil is complete and all cleaned up. The syrup is definitely amber and very good. We have collected another 250 litres of sap and will only need 100 more for the fourth and final boil.


    Now to get packed and get my sorry butt on a jet plane for 7am takeoff from Pearson tomorrow morning.

  8. Sap ran well here yesterday, with today's collection I have another 350 litres and just put a boil on to run all night so I can finish off tomorrow. I am also heading south on Friday and will be gone for a week. I am debating on pulling my taps on Thursday night but can see from the weather there is a perfect storm of sap running weather coming Saturday, Sunday and Monday...figures. I am usually done after three boils as I use 2 full 100 lb propane tanks for the 3 boils.


    I"ll make the call Thursday. The syrup so far this year is really light, golden and really sweet. I suspect the syrup on the current boil will be amber.

  9. Back when I helped my Uncle do sap we would gather the sap and dump the ice or if it was in the pails too long we just dump them ready for the next run. In the old sap house he had one big evaporator that ran close to if not 24hr a day, when he moved up by the road he had two big evaporators and two 1,000 gal holding tanks. Occasionally in the old shack with nobody around and that big fire going he would fall asleep and burn out the bottom out of the pan requiring a spare. The sap would go into the back corner of the back pan (about 12X 5 or 6) and as the new sap came in it would push the hot sap out the opposite corner into the front pan (about 6x6) . In the opposite corner there is a thermometer and when it gets up to temp you take off the syrup there. We tapped 4 woodlots, all buckets. We would fill the holding tanks and two gathering tanks so he must have had least thousand taps maybe two.


    Best guy to work with in the woods was Mum's Uncle, He taught me how to work with a gang and he was the last one to use horses. I remember the horses but I couldn't have been very old then.


    Sounds like great memories

  10. Temperatures have fallen so sap has stopped flowing. It ran well Thursday and Friday and as a result another 350 litres to boil. I setup a boil at noon today, it will run all night and I will filter it off tomorrow. Here is a shot I took 5 minutes ago of the second boil of the season.



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