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Posts posted by SmokestackLightnin

  1. Jerk.




    Dan McWilliams is not a jerk. Dan is a standup guy who has done a ton for the outdoors and a lot of work getting kids involved in fishing. I knew Dan years ago when my parents owned a cottage on the Kawarthas and I hung around with his brother-in-laws. He has done extensive work with DU Peterborough. As well, the Greenwing kids derby which he runs has been going on for 24 years and is the largest one of its kind. His company, McWilliams Moving and Storage supports numerous local charities.


    I have not seen Dan in 20 years so it's not like I am a close personal friend. I do however see the work that he has done over the years as well as the good work he is doing for the City of Peterborough.


    From what I have read in the paper, Dan made a mistake interpretting the Ontario Fishing Regulations and kept 1 fish more than his daily limit. I am pretty sure there are others who are reading that have mistaken what is read in the regs. He accepted his mistake, plead guilty as he knew he was and paid his fine. Let's move on. All I ask is that before anyone condemns him as a threat to society, please Google his name and see what else this man has done.

  2. I dunno...

    Maybe I'm getting crusty in my old age but why are they continually harassing boaters?

    Especially when the "boaters card" means little to nothing.

    It's been decades since I have been pulled over in my car just to "check it".

    There are thousands of unsafe vehicles on the road yet there is little to no emphasis on that.

    Yes, I realize there are still a few boaters that may not have all they should have.

    Never see them at boat launches checking folks before they hit the water which would make a little more sense.


    Totally agree with this and others who have commented. The OPP have created a scenario where most of the uniformed officers are just highly trained tax collectors. Due to policing of smaller towns they feel the heat to generate revenue so we therefore have situations where we require a number of documents and paperwork and then get "zero tolerance" when something is missing. I can't imagine the outrage if they stopped every vehicle on the road for "document checks" on a continuous basis.

  3. Uh huh ... first contact would rip the bottom off it. That's why this boat is so unique.


    That's right it would rip the bottom off a jet ski. So now, the machines the jet skiers can purchase are indestructible and they can drive them further into the hinterland and disrupt places that have never been disrupted before.

  4. I didn't think you where allowed to use pressure treated wood for buildind docks? Not at my cottage anyways.


    Currently pressure treated lumber is an acceptable material for dock and crib construction. Also, there are no regulations or requirements for floating docks. Where is your cottage? It may fall under the control of a Conservation Authority which may have regulations different then the Ontario MNR.

  5. A strange spring here too, the second wettest on record, and living in farm country here it is weird to see the farmers fields haven`t been plowed of planted yet. My yard has basically been like walking on a wet sponge all spring, former farm field.


    With the flooding along the Mississippi river here in the states they are saying some farm fields may not dry out in time to plant crops this year.


    I am just north of Barrie and the hay bines were out yesterday making the first cut of hay for the season. The fields were being worked in April and planted in early May just before the rains. The corn is up about 4 inches and should grow about a foot with the coming sunshine. Even the beans are poking their nose from the ground. I have not stopped cutting grass for the entire month but am looking forward to actually cutting dry grass.

  6. Although I am not in the London area I live in a house built in 1865. When I moved here from Maple in 2003 I was given a quote from my then current insurer that seemed reasonable and we went with the policy. After moving in the insurance company sent an appraiser to the house who determined the replacement value of the house was $750,000 due to solid brick construction and other issues beyond our control. And this was a house that was completely renovated and updated. As a result they attempted to triple my rates and then inform me that they could not insure against replacement value, sounds like they were trying to suck and blow at the same time. Add in the coverage for my 4 outbuildings and you have an incentive to shop house insurance.


    My advice would be to ask around and find out who insures the neighbouring properties that are similar. I would specifically look for insurers that specialize in farm properties. We were able to insure our house with Peel Mutual, using a local farm broker at a rate that was less than the original quote we received from our insurer in Maple.

  7. There is a guy just south of Elmvale that is now building his second pontoon boat using plastic barrels. The first one has been in operation for a few years. He has 2 Mercury motors on the back and a 3-cylinder diesel engine. The one Merc motor is in tact and is used only in high wind conditions. The other one is strictly used for the lower unit as the powerhead is removed. The diesel engine pumps hydraulic fluid through pressure hoses which will turn the prop. Depending on the fluid will determine whether he is travelling in forward or reverse. At top speed it burns 1 gallon of fuel per hour.

  8. if you buy a used house do you not pay tax on it?




    If you purchase a used house you pay Land Transfer Taxes not GST or HST unless it's a farm property or business.

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