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Crazy Ivan

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Posts posted by Crazy Ivan

  1. Another version -


    In a baby food jar partly filled with roe, take a wooden or paper match and place it in the roe so it stands up by itself (head up of course). Light the head of the match and screw the lid on before it goes out. When done correctly, you'll hear a pop the next time it's opened. ;)

  2. Price went down again today - now the bibs and jacket can be had for $99 each!!!!!!

    My XL suit was too big - had to ship it to their return centre in Markham for an exchange - their XL is massive!!!!!!!!!!! (even with 2 layers of fleece). I am a stout, 5'8" and the Large is the right size. FYI, if ordering


    Can I ask what your total was incl shipping and duty?

    I'm thinking of getting this deal.

  3. For the riverine spawning musky it is very similar yes and that habitat is ruined from shoreline encroachment and urbanization.


    I agree that there is shoreline damage as more and more development comes to the lake.


    I'm hoping these fish will use the numerous mid-lake shoals and weed beds to spawn.


    I've lived beside and fished this lake my entire life and I know it quite well. I think the large pike I've caught in the Virginia beach area are spawning in deeper, rockier water than the pike in Cooks Bay. To me it seems like there is still some usable habitat for these fish.

  4. Except of coarse that pike and musky that co-exist use two different spawning habitats. If pike and musky spawn in the same place Pike predation wipes out the musky hatch. That why when pike are introduced to the Kawartha's the musky population plummets. There are two distinct breeding habits for musky. Riverine and Lackustrine. Not going to go into detail google it. One co-exist with pike one doesn't. It is the spawning habitat of the former that is ruined in Simcoe.


    I can see your point and this is a good debate.


    But the GB strain has never been tried in Simcoe has it? You are comparing the spawning habitat of Lakers and whitefish to that of musky.

  5. The problem in Simcoe is not being addressed the cart is being placed before the horse. Habitat degradation is destroying several habitats in Simcoe that will never recover. Musky/Lake Trout/Whitefish/Herring. If what you want is a put and take fishery for musky similar to the Lake Trout/Whitefish fishery that is there, then fine but you don't need Musky Canada's time and resources for that.


    I must respectfully disagree with you.


    If the habitat in Simcoe is healthy enough to support a reproducing pike population (which I believe it is) then musky will be able to survive and reproduce also.

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