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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Only chance I had to eat them was when I was in Hawail at a friends relatives I ate everything served except you guessed it the bowl of minnows.


    We have all had the goal fish conversation with our buddies first the drinking then comes the dares........................NOT!


    I feed them to my walleyes thats it.Or maybe BITEME next time he falls asleep in the cabin. :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Got out today at 2pm Glen and I decided to arrive later hoping to encounter a late day walleye bite.This was Glen's first time fishing in waiters so caution when walking was the main focus.Mike our trib fisherman arrived at 3:30pm .We gave it our best effort but conditions were tough the winds were blowing around 80kph so casting was more like rapala kite flying.We saw another 6 fisherman who gave up because of the winds they did not have waiters which made it tough to cast into the deeper water.3 outings no fish weather permitting we will try again.


    Preparing our day to get skunked.We had no Idea.


    The walk to the rapids yes this is ice about as thick as pie crust nothing to hope for.


    Wow thicker ice.Look Tracker some ice!Get the Jiffy ready.


    As you can see by the spray on the Lachine rapids the wind was blowing very hard.


    This is the spot for Brown trout Glen has had his new boots on for 15 minutes and he is already telling me he is going to out fish me.(He usually does)


    Yes I know once again I am not holding any fish but hey would you look at those powerful rapids!


    This is great spot for Walleye from May to November as for January we are trying to find out.


    Ya I'm pissed I just lost an $8 Rapala :(

    Time for reload.As the sun goes down I am thinking about that lucky Cliff.I would do anything write now to just hook into a Pike.No bloody battle scars though.


    This is Mike our rapid fishing Master.Laidies look up!


    We finally gave up.Still beats working.


    Can you tell I lost 3 pounds?


    The ride home this is the Champlain Bridge heading back to the South Shore from Montreal.

    Not an exciting report but I can not believe this is January.

    Need some ice. :worthy::worthy::worthy:


  3. Yes Cliff I am thinking about it bringing her back out.Problem is I don't have a 4X4 so if the ramps are a little slik its going to be alot of work, salt,traction aids and friends pushing.If i take it out and it gets cold like -20 I will have to change the oil in the foot.This weekend I will be using the hip waiders.



    This is what I really want to take out.



    This is what I keep thinking about taking the tarp off.



    Question is should I ?Is the cold weather going to come?

    I really am not sure yet.Depends on the next 2 months.


    :worthy: ice :worthy: ice :worthy: ice :worthy:

  4. With this crazy January weather...someone has to go pull them beasts out of the water!!! Go for it!!!


    I'll be heading out in the next few days too...still got that walleye fever going....even though I haven't caught a big one in a few weeks now...


    Good luck!


    I think that Pike Cliff can compensate for no walleye in the last 3 weeks. first Pike ever 10lbs. Cliff its only a matter of you getting out and then will just see another post of a double digit.I'll give it a try this weekend even though the last 2 times I got skunked.CDN tire must be supplying you with Bob Izumi in person or a years supply of horseshoes for you know what.


    Yes I am jealous.


    go get em.


    Mike :worthy::Gonefishing::angel:

  5. Nice report Glen and it sure looks warm unless you have started to become less effected by the cold like a canadian.What are the bigger fish in your Lake?Oh and one more thing I don't think I have ever seen you in one report without sunglasses.It was not me who voted about the deep tan lines in the New years resolution thread.I am curious are you hiding some tan lines Glen?Happy New Year .Take care of your Dad.Mike

  6. Glen I think you are already 50% canadian you are starting to fit in with us except you always have a great tan.So whats next your starting to say eh.You may be drinking Molson Canadian beer soon ,a snow shovel perhaps and maybe ice fishing.Sctv wow Glen I am impressed you picked a great series of DVD's be careful this may cut into your fishin time.What will happen to the redneck fishing reports.Hoser eh.Mike :thumbsup_anim:

  7. I really have lose some weight I am going to try and trade the Keg for a six pack.Since taking a sales job on the road 7 yrs ago I am 25lbs heavier and the holidays did not help.I drive 1000kms a week not good for the waistline.The wife just got cordless headphones for the stereo which I will be borrowing to take my walks on the treadmill.I 've got to do this I am starting to feel like a blowfish. :worthy:<_<:(

  8. Goals for 2007.I would like to catch a Muskie any size or a double digit pike.I would like to better my PB walleye of 11lbs 8oz in 2005 and again in 2006.Try to catch a land locked Salmon and a lake trout.Fish more with my boy who is eight and my Daughters 10 and 12.Have my wife Hypnotized so that she will like fishing.More camping more outdoors stuff.Mike :Gonefishing:

  9. Yes your hard water reports do please me .With no ice in sight in Montreal your reports also tease me.Thanks Tom keep them coming its all we have for now.Oh yeah we do have the Redneck fishing reports I like those too Glen.Pan fish eh............I really like Tom's pan fish LOL.MMMMMMMmmmmmGood fish fry.


    :Gonefishing::santa::worthy::lol: Mike

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