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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Nice to see you tried to save the little critter at least he didn't die in that hole .What a great effort by you going home and getting the tools to release the racoon and spending over an hour getting him out.Most people would not bother.Thanks Lew that was the best story of 2007 .Mike :angel:

  2. Thanks Nautifish for your great and detailed report nice pics and video.I won't be going out Saturday because a couple of cold nights have given us some ice.I will have to wait 2 weeks my BOQ partener Kenny has invited me and my 2 little ones, Ryan 8 and Robin(girl) 10 for some speckled trout fishing on the ice up in northern Quebec.We called yesterday there is ice but not safe.My oldest Daughter 12 said she doesn't want to go I am dissapointed :angry::dunno: .Oh well!keep the reports coming Mike :thumbsup_anim::worthy: ice :worthy: ice :worthy: ice :worthy: Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey Mike

    Bring a bathroom Scale????????

    I think you been in the Big Bird suit to long


    anyway you might as well leave the bathroom scale at home and bring a gram scale cause the chances of you getting anything in the boat over 10kg is slim to nil UNLESS YOU COUNT CANOES


    How do you vertical hold a canoe and do the people inside count as weight




    Pete you are too much fun I look forward to our next fishing trip together.Thanks you made me laugh!

  4. :unsure:


    ...and you wonder why you can't get a women in your boat Mike! :unsure:


    No problem getting women in the boat Wayne just can't get the most important women in my life to like fishing.I have spoken to her about hippnocess.2 daughters love it and now my sister has discovered fishing .No problem.


  5. To weigh a large fish that you want to release bring along that digital bathroom scale.When you bring in that monster .Hold the fish horizontally step on the scale record weight release the fish.Get back on the scale and you do the math.No need to hook the fish with a scale and hold it vertically.I guess this would be good for Muskie fishing.Mike :angel:

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