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Posts posted by Chance

  1. Does anyone know of a good shop in the Hamilton area ? My prop guy just retired and moved down south. Willing to travel for the right shop. Also looking for a good used 25 M for a Yamaha 250



  2. Forgot to mention. Find out the hours on the motor AND the electronics. Saying its a tourney boat does not mean its been beat on and abused. He could of fished one tournament a year out of it . I am not sure how big you are but I found my stratos seats a bit tight behind the wheel. For reference I am 6' 4" , 255 lbs. and dont carry much fat. Something you should consider when buying as nothing will ruin a trip quicker than hitting your knees all day on the dash. Where do you plan on fishing ? Its a small boat so you will need to consider that as well.I would do some serious looking and also consider holding off until the fall. hard to do I know but you will get a much better deal then.

  3. I have purchased all my boats and vehicles states side and as long as you have all your paperwork in order it is a breeze. Make sure boat is free and clear as far as the bank is concerned,get individual receipts for boat ,motor ,trailer and all electronics. If you buy from a listed ad take a copy with you and above all else be honest about the price at the border.

    As far as price is concerned my last boat purchased was a 22 foot ranger commanche with a 250 yamaha on the back that had 68 hours on it. I paid 19 K for it. I did pay extra for having it shipped to me but you cannot touch that boat for less than $30 K in Canada.

  4. I agree with Harrison and it was lake Castaic in California. I have tried them down south and to tell you the truth your shoulder is worn out after a day on the water throwing those things and bringing them back. Great looking lure and the collectors go nuts over them. However slinging a few hundred dollars overboard in hopes it comes back is not for me.

  5. I choose what I contribut to, that's my right, and nobody will change that.

    I have contributed since 2006.


    If you can't participate in a little playoff bantering then perhaps you should either grow some thicker skin or just plain ignore it and don't participate.


    Note to self:


    Ignore Chance


    Check! !!

    Its funny you keep going back to thinking your drivel bothers me,not in the least. Trolls on the net are rampant and you are just another in a looooong boring line. Your posts however are a waste of bandwidth and really slow down the flow of the thread. Your last three lines are an example.Would you simply not remember to ignore me or did you find it necessary to post in case you forgot ?

  6. I really think the Bruins are going to have a tough time with New York. The Leafs ,let's face it,have worn them down,except for the last 1:22 secs lol.The rangers are bigger than the leafs and their goalie,what more can be said. I will also cheer for Ottawa,but Bill,that trade you have lined up,would be awesome. :good: .To add,I liked the shorter season.I don't know about you guys. Most interest I've had in a few years .

    I have to give the edge to the Rangers with Lundqvist in net. When he gets his focus he is tough to beat.The shorter season did seem to have a bit more intensity to the games.

    I am not sure if it was the shorter season or the players were just itching to play after the layoff. I have always followed the Flames so I got to see alot of Dion and he has not changed much.He was always stuck between an offensive d man and a defensive one.Unfortunately he cannot do either very well and looks lost most of the time.Jack of all trades master of none so to speak.

  7. Not a moderator on MCI forum, used to be forum director for a few years.

    Not even a member anymore. Not that any of that has to do with anything here.

    And to answer your question.

    No, I do not post regarding the laffs anywhere but here.


    The leafs did good, a lot better than anyone expected them too and the fans should be proud. It would have Been nice to have had more Canadian teams move on from round one. The future looks good for the leafs and the Sens had better be prepared for next season. A few more trades and the leafs will be that much better.


    So lighten up would ya, you should be happy they got as far as they did.


    I just think they suck!

    It has everything to do with this board. You ONLY come here to troll and try and irritate,nowhere else. You think mocking is warranted and you enjoy watching others fail and yet you tell me to lighten up ? I am very happy actually and support every Canadian team. If they win ,awesome,if they lose ,too bad maybe next game. The last thing on my life's agenda is to let the outcome of any sporting event bother me in the least.

    I think this is a great local board and I have met many of the members. Vast array of knowledge that I can both learn from and contribute when I can. You should try to contribute once in a while and see how it feels. Or possibly try trolling a few hockey boards and see how that works for you.

  8. Really now! Can you really dispute that a total mocking isn't warranted after that colossal choke. Never again can a laff fan refer to the SENS (PRASIE ALFIE) as chokers,,,,ever!!!!!

    The laffs have the crown, they have set the bar, the standards have been changed, never to be outdone!

    Yes laff fans, your team will go down in the history books as having pulled off the biggest complete and total collapse in playoff history. For me , the only thing that could be more gratifying would be the SENS(PRAISE ALFIE) winning the cup!!


    Who needs lotto 649 when the laffs are playing :clapping::rofl2::w00t:

    Once again you missed the point. It has nothing to do with hockey it is how you conduct yourself. If you have not noticed all other posts are fairly intelligent yours are just a childish waste of space. Do you post this drivel on the Muskies Canada board Mr.Moderator or is this the only board you do not contribute anything substantial to ?

  9. Have you considered the BB1 in the 5.1:1 for crankin ? It is what I use and it is awesome. It does not have the instant anti reverse and when a fish hits you can actually feel it through the handle as it pops backwards a little. you also get a better feel for the action of your bait. For all my other reels I like the tourney pros.They cast a mile and are VERY smooth. In the past I used mainly Cores and Chronarchs,the old ones when they were still decent, and I like the Lews better.

  10. Can't you balance any rod with the right reel?


    I dunno, you guys can use your fancy stuff. My mixed bag of gear works fine. You'd probably laugh at some of my gear, but the bottom line is I catch fish ;)


    Its not the rods that do the catching.



    Never laugh at a man catching fish !!

  11. I always liked Dion,but he is slow as I really saw last night. I think his heart is in the right place but the Bruins can sure capitalize on a giveaway.And you can't expect reims to stop 40 plus shots every game he can only do so much. I think if the Leafs can stop the giveaways,they may have a chance one game at a time. Without the giveaways last night,they could of beaten these guys IMO.

    with Phaneuf it always seems to be a complete lack of effort. Slow I understand ,effort I dont. He just looks like he doesnt care one way or the other. I was hoping to see the Canucks in the final as they looked to be the best bet for a Canadian cup. Now it looks to be staying in the U.S

  12. Chance thats way to deep man. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. There that feels better right.


    Doesnt change the leaves though....... they still SUCK.

    If you are insinuating I am riled in anyway you have also misread and misunderstood my post. Why would someone be bothered in the slightest by something someone posts on a fishing forum, about, of all things hockey? I enjoy talking hockey and hearing all points of view. However when someone who contributes little or nothing at all to the board in general posts drivel,well as I said in the past ,its a waste of bandwidth. I appreciate your compliment though concerning my deep thoughts,thank you. I do wonder though do all sens fans spell names incorrectly,over use the word SUCK and end all sentences with lolol ?

  13. Your lack of reasoning and your ability to completely ignore the facts makes you quite transparent. Couple that with the lack of ability to put together a competent rebuttal and.......... well I am sure you understand the rest,actually you probably dont. Your main goal in posting is to irritate people,nothing more nothing less.The only issue is your ability to do so and your posts just become a waste of bandwidth. You have what,one maybe a handful of posts in any other thread on the board? There are some great people on the board.Talk to them rather than enjoying trying to irritate them. As far as condescending and trying to "get somewhere with you" is concerned, sounds like you took it the wrong way...again. Enjoy the game,root for your team not the loss of another. Enjoy the company of others , dont try to irritate all the time. Throw out a knowledgeable conversation once in a while.You will be completely amazed at how enjoyable it is.

  14. Dion definitely crapped the bit on that pinch but its hard to blame him entirely. Sure the final goal was his fault, although I wasn't too impressed with Reimer on the 1st two goals. He gave up HUGE rebounds all night.

    Unlike MM who seems to have a severe hate on for the leafs, this sens fan was cheering for the blue and white. I reserve my hatred for the habs... a team worth hating!


    Let's hope the sens can ICE the crybabies tonight!

    I agree Reimer should of had that shot. Phaneuf has a habit of trying to make the huge hit and putting himself too far out of position. I am just hoping some Canadian team can win the cup.Unfortunately it doesnt look good for any of them.

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