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Posts posted by Chance

  1. I suppose the answer would be to take away the non payment option and add this to their taxes.Funding must come from somewhere and a "pay per incident "way of thinking does not even come close to the amount needed.If there were no funding then there would be no argument over who they would rather see pull up to their house fire as NOBODY would be pulling up!

  2. Trucks only carry so much water and without a tanker present or a pond near by when its done its done.If the trailer was a right off then the thought process then turns to saving the exposures or trailers that are not yet involved fully.

  3. its a stratos excursion series. it haunts fishless bodies of water surrounding the hammer. you could have seen it on lake erie from dover to lngpoint, at the bay, on simcoe, etc.

    or parked at a bar between here and there.


    Wouldnt have a IAFF sticker on it by chance would it?

  4. Boy looking at all those little socks brings back memories.I am inthe same boat (pardon the pun)spending alot of time with the kids.It quickly progressed to pens,they either dissapear completely or someone mysteriously drains all the ink from them overnightunsure.gif

  5. most likely rural we would agree? if a structure fire has progressed enough to threaten/ignite adjacent properties its toast. especially with 3 ff's working off a 30 year old firetruck.( in a town whose 2500 residents, lets say own 500 homes, each contributing 75$ = 37500 not enough to cover one ffs wage for the year by the way not to mention half million dollar appparauts). almost ALL rural properties will be destroyed by fire in a rural situation, even in wealthy areas with serious volunteer or composite firefighters. 400 in taxes wont get you fire protection even with a 75 levy.


    as to this happening in ontario? youd have to give me a good ezample, and not soemting you heard from uncle burt. ontario has great funding for small communties and mutual aid agreements exist between communities as well. the fireprotection act allows for ff's to enter and act on lands adjacent to their districts so there is no 'its not in our district'.


    as an example hamilton responds regularlyy with burlington on the QEw, and with grimsby, and with brantford.

    Couldn't have said it better myself thumbsup_anim.gif

  6. To believe that people can just stand by and watch a person's house burn down without helping makes my stomach turn. For $70 they made a house burn down!


    Hmmm...I would say that statement is fairly judgemental AND directed towards the firefighters in attendance.They MADE their house burn down, c'mon now.


    How do you know they could not pay,perhaps they defiantly decided not to pay,you dont know.Once again you cannot judge a situation without all the facts.

  7. Far too many unknowns involved to start judging the firefighters.How far along was the fire,was there anything to save?What threat to life for the firefighters was involved?Hazardous materials,propane etc???Were they fully equiped at that time to fight that fire?Easy for many to sit back and judge without being in their shoes.I am sure each and every one of them would of reacted differently if life were involved.


    I can tell you that if you disobey a lawful order from your superior and do the complete opposite you better have a VERY good reason.If you get injured or injure or kill someone else in the process then forget your reasoning its too late.

  8. First pre-season game and the fans are booing the team off the ice!


    Oh well you can finish low again this year and get a good first round pick...opps sorry Burke traded that pick!!!


    As always if you want the latest Leaf news ask a habs fan.You spend more time watching the Leafs waiting for them to fail than actually watching the habs play.Yes Burke traded away that pick and what did he get in return..Phil Kessel.Hows Gomez workin out for ya??

    If you actually think pre season is a good judge of a team you really need to spend more time watching the Leafs..err sorry I mean the habs.


    As I recall the habs basically played a few more games than the Leafs and neither ended up with the cup soooo not really something to get excited about.


    Just curious why post a Leafs jab in a fishing forum???Kind of like asking what is better for muddy water bass fishing,colorado or willow leaf over at the habs forum.

  9. It's fall

    Time when the leafs fall.

    What do you expect from a team who's name is misspelled!!!! LOL


    Nope...At this time of year the "leaves" fall.The Toronto Maple Leafs are named after the Maple Leaf regiment from world war one.This would be a noun and "Leafs" would be the plural form.

  10. A friend has a Mustang floater coat labelled"Cruiser Class" and I cannot seem to find any info on them.I am considering buying it from him but would like to know if ity is suitable for me or not.He knows nothing about it since it belonged to his brother who is now overseas.


    Any help would be appreciated.



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