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Posts posted by Chance

  1. I disagree. He's got speed and is a really great play maker also. I also like it when he rushes up the ice, slams on the breaks, waits for support to come in and makes great plays. He's the only leaf player that does that. He got spooked in the Boston game and he let them get under his skin. Once he picks himself up, he will be racking up the points.



    You have a good point.Hopefully he keeps improvingb that part of his game,we need all the up ice rushes we can get.

  2. Kessel's problem is that the rest of the league figured out that he is the only Leaf that can score (I'm still waiting for the wheels to fall off MacArthur).


    As soon as Phil has a REAL CENTER to play with him, who is an equal threat, then we'll see some numbers.



    True....I think MacArthur is alot like Stempniak,trouble scoring until a team change.Still seems like a flash in the pan though.

  3. That's right. Time to ship Kaberle NOW for a consistent forward! If he continues to play the way he has been playing? No one will want him. Is he doing it on purpose so he doesn't get traded? dunno.gif


    And yes, Burke still has enough money to pick up a top Goal scoring free agent.


    I just dont know what to do with Phaneuf? He's an expensive liability. And like I said. When Johnson comes back, he better be producing at $3 mil.


    All the bad mouthing about Kessel?I was looking at Kessel's stats. He has 8 goals and 2 assists, but if you look at all the times he perfectly fed his team mates and they screwed up? You would know that his points should be higher. Kessel will evolve into Toronto's francise player. Especially when he gets some support.

    Unfortunately I think Phaneuf will be around for years to come.At times he seems to try too hard to contribute offensively which leads to struggles defensively.If he could get rid of this part of his game he would be fine.

    Kessel as everyone points out is very one dimensional.Fortunately that one dimension is goal scoring.As you mentioned with a good supporting cast he will start scoring on a regular basis.Not sure if he will be a franchise player but he will find the back of the net plenty of times.

  4. Nope, not a Loaf fan and honestly couldn't care less about them. But I live in the GTA, and it's all people around me talk about - even on internet fishing boards.


    That's one reason I can't help snickering when I hear Loaf fans get all excited when they win a game or two. Loafs started the season by apparently winning three games in a row. People all over the GTA were talking about playoff match-ups. I mean, it's only three games into the season. But they weren't joking - they were perfectly serious. Talk about desperate.


    Loaf fans make me laugh. What more can I say?



    Go Leafs go whistling.gif

  5. w00t.gifw00t.gif Sens, Habs win....laff loss...all is well in hockey land!! thumbsup_anim.gif


    2 points out of last place and closing in fast..... w00t.gif


    Does anyone know what the longest losing streak of the laffs is? I'm guessing they are not close yet but stand a chance of beating it with the team they have now.



    Is it just me or does Burke look about 40 yrs older than he did 12 games ago w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif


    Once again....As Leaf fans we KNOW the Leafs suck right now.We HOPE for better in the future but dont necessarily expect it.So continue to point out the obvious but next time put a little bit of thought into it please.

  6. Allow me to correct myself.


    Now that the Loafs have dropped EIGHT straight, and lost - ahem - 11 of their last 12 games ........


    In the words of Tom Petty: Freeee fallin'



    Ahhh I see, starting to show your true colours.Posting constant updates,another closet Leafs fan.You certainly do follow them closely. whistling.gif

  7. You are missing the point, the organization is afraid to let the team be terrible (more so) for a few years, a terrible team will likely get a number of high draft picks which could in time become members of a good team. Instead they continually attempt and fail to rebuild without draft picks in an effort to give fans something to hold on to thus keeping the building full in hopes that this year will be better than last. If you just allow yourselves to stay in the basement while not giving away assets for ex. Kessel, then in 5 years you might have something, but the investors are concerned that a prolonged period of no hope, no chance to make the playoffs would hurt margins so they don't allow it to happen knowing full well that leaf fans are so dedicated they will keep coming as long as there is any chance. Maybe that doesn't make any sense, maybe it isn't true, but what other possible explanation could there be for the wealthiest team in the NHL to have not won or hardly done anything in the playoffs for more than 40 years? Look at how this team has been put together in recent history, notice how it is the same pattern, the same type of rebuilding under every gm?



    I dont think I am as I understand his point completely.I also understand your point and do agree somewhat.In the pre cap days there was no need for the leafs to concern themselves with draft picks.Silly yes but they had cash to spend instead.Having a few down years,drafting correctly,building,making a cup run and then selling off all your high priced talent after the cup seems to be the norm.The Leafs in the past have decided to do it differently and it hasn't panned out...I agree.To say that if the seats were empty this would all change is dilusional at best.

    Everyone seems to point to the kessel trade as the marker for going back to the old ways.They miss the fact that he is still VERY young and IS a proven commodity of the highest quality.I know I know people will argue and say what has he done this year but he has done it in the past and will in the future.They also have kadri,schenn,gunnarson and many of their other picks in waiting.If you remember correctly Burke has tried two years in a row to trade up in the draft.Not exactly signs of a team that has the old mentality of draft schmaft.He also cleared out the old team and brought in younger players.

    Burke wanted kessel at all costs and was willing to give up kaberle at the draft.Now ask yourself this,if burke knew this theory of minimum risk maximum return do you really think he would of given up what he did for kessel?

    Everyone and his brother will tell you burke is one arrogant dude,a guy that like to be the king of the show.Does this sound lie a guy who would step into the lead role knowing its all about the cash and not about the cup?

    My point in all this is the Leafs are a disfunctional organization we all know this.I think they are on the right road and the kessel trade is not a sign all is going to hell in a hand basket.

  8. Chance:


    Ah my friend, if only it were all so simple! The one and only goal for Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment is to earn the maximum profit for their shareholders while minimizing capital risk. That the team would earn more money by playing post-season games is obvious. But what you don’t grasp is that the investment required to attain that represents a level of risk those investors are not prepared to take. Why accept an elevated level of risk when you’re already making record profits right now?


    You’re right - the NHL is a business, and the goal of any business plan is to earn maximum profit at minimal risk. Spending money to build a team on the hope that they might win and bring you a big payback is not a valid business plan – it’s a gamble, and no different than sending your shareholders off to Casino Rama for the night.




    We have the same scenario here with the Blue Jays. No wins = no fan support. But Loaf fans are different, somehow. They fanatically and blindly support even the worst teams. It’s like they’re possessed by Satan or something. Can’t explain it. They totally defy logic and common sense.


    Mike Pike:


    I’m not talking about salaries for current roster players, but investing throughout the organization to develop talent at all levels. With the salary cap, the farm system has become more important than ever, and its one place the Loafs have neglected for decades.




    Thanks for the support!




    Bottom line: as long as Loaf fans keep giving these bozos all their money, the ownership won't change a thing. Why should they?


    I would be very interested to see some factual numbers pointing out how the Leafs are not investing in the team.Sure maximum return minimum risk,sounds awesome but isnt that your original point.No matter what they put on the ice ( this would represent the minimum financial risk you speak of) and the mindless leaf fans would still fill the rink(this represents the maximum return you speak of).Last I looked Toronto was 5th in league spending and planning on spending more,doesn't fit with the minimum risk maximum return theory.

    My guess is if your theory is true and just then I highly doubt it would be a secret only discussed on fishing boards.Everyone in the hockley world would be privy to this...no??So in fact all the players Toronto have signed or will sign must be content with the fact they are just there to bring home the cash and put in time.You actually believe every last player there is ONLY in it for the money and do not care about a cup run??

  9. You Loaf fans really do make me laugh.


    You blame various players. You blame Wilson. You blame Burke. You blame Peddie. You blame anyone and everyone, except the true source of the problem --> LOAF FANS.


    Yes, Loaf fans are the problem. They fanatically support the team regardless of how badly is does. They buy Loaf hats, and they buy Loaf jerseys, and they buy Loaf license plate holders, and they drive all over town with those idiotic Loaf flags clamped in their car windows. This year's Sears holiday catalogue has pages of Loaf stuff in it, and as always, they will sell it all.


    The Loafs make record profits every year because Loaf fans continue to support the team, sell out the ACC every night, and buy tons of its crappy merchandise REGARDLESS OF HOW BADLY THEY SUCK. So what is the incentive for the Loaf owners (i.e. Teacher's Pension Fund, etc) to change anything and invest in building a better team? That would risk profits, and as long as they're making maximum profits with a crap team, they won't change a thing.


    You want a better team? Stop giving them your money. Send them a message that it's time to deliver.


    But Loaf fans will never do that. They love their little car flags. And so the Loafs will remain in the basement forever.


    End of story.


    You cant possibly believe that...can you ??If the seats sat empty you somehow believe they would magically put a better team on the ice? They would mysteriously draft great players?Do you have any idea what a single home playoff game is worth?More games more money.A cup win for Toronto would be worth millions in revenue,mechandise etc...Yet you believe they are willing to overlook all that because we buy flags?

    If that were the actual case you would have a team full of ECHL players making league minimum would you not?You could fill the rink and save millions in salaries.Buuuuuuut you dont,you have high paid players not living up to expectations most nights.You have those at the top wanting more and more money and a GM trying to produce.

    Point fingers where you like but NHL hockey is a business and ALL teams are run as such.If filling seats and selling flags was the ultimate business plan in the sports world do you not think other pro teams would of caught on by now?Do you think the other NHL board members are at this minute firing everyone with the exception of ushers and flag makers.

    Sounds great blaming the fans and that story has been around for years but when you really look at it it doesnt make for a strong business plan now does it?

  10. Alfie is the best example of a franchise player you will find, 1000 games with one team, hometown discount, leads by example.


    Admitting you are a frustrated Leafs fan is the first step,good for you.Not to worry you are not alone we are all frustrated with them.On the other hand to say Alfredson is the best example of a franchise player who LEADS by example...welll..thats just funny and gives an insight into your overall hockey knowledge.He is a decent player without a doubt but hardly a role model.

    A good example of his "non leadership" abilities can be found here


    Elimination game and you wave your stick at a season ending goal.Not much of a franchise player leading by example,then again they have been following that early exit example for years.

    You want players that lead by example,take a look at brendan shanahan,mark messier,steve yzerman,joe sakic,henri richard,jean béliveau... those are a small sampling of guys that lead by example.


    As Leaf fans we KNOW the Leafs suck right now.We HOPE for better in the future but dont necessarily expect it.So continue to point out the obvious but next time put a little bit of thought into it please.

  11. Hi Lazlo,


    I also have a weimaraner and agree they are wonderful caring dogs.I cannot stress enough to those considering a weim that they do need that exercise.Once the exercise session is complete they go right back to being couch potatoes lol.


    Have you contacted your breeder as most will take dogs back regardless of age.I purchased my pup years ago from a gentleman by the name of Tom Lyons from weatherrun weimaraners.He has been breeding weims for over 40 years and could possibly provide you with a new home for your girl or might know someone who would. Worth a call.



  12. Naw, no empty seats ,just the start of the period ,fans not back yet.

    Actually the Leafs did not suck tonight as you so eloquently put it,they just had a hard time putting it in the net.

    Speaking of planning the parade awful giddy aren't we after beating the Leafs?Definitely shows how important they are in your world.I do however sympathize and understand your bitter obsession with the Leafs.It must be tough going to a sens game only to be out numbered by Leaf fans at your home rink.





    Man am I happy the Sens won!!! No leaf wrath tonight!! w00t.gif


    I didn't rule out a loss but then again the laffes sucked soooo bad tonight,,,i should have known. w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif Anyone see all the empty seats?


    Phanus hurt!that's too bad..never like to see guys out...but at least they can't boo him now.


    6 losses in the last 7 games....I can smell the fresh parade pavement now w00t.gif


    Boooooooooed again in their own rink!!!


    bwahahhaahhahah w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

  13. thats what being a leafs fan is all about!!! lol


    im a die hard leafs fan... have been my whole life. this is one of the best looking teams ive seen in a loooooong time.


    the only fans that can talk playoofs and be made fun of, are leafs fans. if it was someone talkin about montreal, or ottawa or any other team in the league, there would be nuthin. ppl like to bash the leafs. it happens. fact of the matter is, through the first 3 games... they have been the best looking team in the NHL and theres no reason why that trend wont continue all season long. they have a good, young, fast, skilled group of players, one mean looking defence and 2 goalies who can play and steal a game away.


    so, all u others, keep making fun... except for u habs and sens fans... win a game or 2 first, then talk trash.



    Agreed......This is the best looking team the Leafs have iced in years.We KNOW its only three games in so to those who find the need to point that out,just allow us a bit of optimism would ya.As Leaf fans we are well aware they have stunk the joint out nightly for the last umpteen seasons.Once again is there really a need to point this out to us??Do you REALLY think we did not know this?There is an old saying "when one does not feel good about his position in life he looks to bring down those around him"So forget about the Leafs and concentrate on supporting your team ,you will find it far more enjoyable.

  14. Actually I just get enjoyment reading the replies of leaf fans who get their feather all ruffeled when someone comments about how brutal their team is.....live by the sword die by the sword I guess.


    One thing I do have to give credit for is the ability(or sickness) to stand by a team that sucks that bad...my hats off to ya. Even tho it is a sens hat... w00t.gif


    I would be interested to hear how the team,as you put it"sucks that bad"when they have not lost a game.As far as standing by a team that "sucks that bad"how are the sens doing thus far???

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