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Posts posted by Chance

  1. Funny that my review sounds like a 12 year old's, when I'm the one who can actually spell... Unless English isn't your first language, then I apologize. It's quite clear who the immature one here is so I'll leave it at that. Have a good day bud.

    I was not aware that a 12 year old could not spell,learn something every day.

    I find spelling really takes a back seat in importance to reading comprehension. For instance this statement "it sounded like a 12 year old girls review on Justin Bieber"

    has nothing to do with maturity or an insult as you perceived.Rather it points out the blind exuberance one feels when media hype ie trophies ,awards etc. are involved

    If poor spelling is a sign of immaturity what does poor sentence structure indicate?

  2. Haha yep, I'm convinced Scott Stevens was a good player. I guess I'm just like a 12 year old girl, as is every single hockey analyst out there apparently. Nice that you have to resort to childish insults since you can't actually refute anything that I've said. I feel so bad though that you called me a 12 year old girl, almost as bad as I feel when my 5 year old niece calls me silly.


    Thats strange I read your post sounded like a 12 year old girls review not that you were one.Guess you see what you want.

    Sorry if taking the word of erics brother is not good enough but then again ya sees what ya wants ta see.

  3. I don't like the thought of contact being taken out of kids hockey. When I played, contact started in PeeWee and went on from there. Peewee was what? 12 and up? Taking out of Peewee and even Bantam but allowing it in say Midget is a recipe for disaster. You need to learn how to give and take a hit when you're younger, just like riding a bike. You get those big boys up in Midget that have never hit before and you're going to end up with some serious injuries. I realize this is way off topic, but tb4me hit on a pretty good point. Teach the kids young and it won't be a big deal once they start getting bigger and stronger.

    The only problem you run into Bill is the size difference of the boys at that age. You have 5 foot tall 125 lb boys skating with 6'4" 185 lb kids.It is manditory though that they go through a hitting clinic. I do agree with you though.

  4. Ahh of course you aren't interested in his trophies, they prove that your argument that Stevens wasn't a good player but just a predator on the ice holds no merit. You're wrong. He's in the hockey hall of fame for crying out loud. Hows that for being respected by his peers and people who played and coached in the NHL? Funny that such a useless player who only managed to hurt people in his 1635 game career managed to fool so many people (who actually know hockey) into thinking he was a good player. Slava Kozlov himself stated that he thought Stevens hit was clean and that he was a clean player. Strange that TSN even celebrates his career by showing "Top 10 Scott Stevens Hits" on national TV. How dare they admire that monster?!!! Ahhh, the good ol' meathead line. If you don't like our wanting to change the game that has been physical and tough since it was created, you must be (insert insult here).


    Tie Domi basically "ended" Ulf Samuelsson's career (if we use your benchmark on what constitutes "ending" a career) because Ulf called him Dummy. Seriously, he hurt his feelings so Domi hurt his face. Yes, Ulf was dirty but that was still way dirtier than anything Stevens did.


    Lindros suffered his 4th concussion (2nd of the year) in March of 2000 (year of the Stevens hit). He criticized the trainers for not diagnosing his concussion, he suffered another concussion while training to get back in the lineup (his 5th), then returned in the playoffs, only playing two games before the Stevens hit (his 6th concussion). He received 4 concussions that season, was playing while still having post concussion syndrome. The Stevens hit was such a small part of why he had all of those issues. It was Lindros' fault, as well as his trainers/team doctors for even playing before he was ready. But oh, lets blame Stevens because he had a highlight reel hit in the playoffs, he's such a big meanie! I guess Stevens should just have avoided touching Lindros because he had concussions before. Oh wait, even that wouldn't have helped him much because Lindros gave himself one of his concussions while THROWING a hit. Oh, you're right, Stevens' peers all hated him because he hit them too hard in a CONTACT sport. Yep, you're spot on. It's pretty clear you have no idea what you're talking about so I'll just leave it at that and let you have your "victory". Too bad for you Scott Stevens still has his 3 Stanley cup rings, Conn Smythe trophy, made the all rookie team, was a 1st team all star once, 2nd team all star 3 times and played in the all star game 14 times. Oh and was the longest serving captain of a team he helped go from a "mickey mouse organization" to one of the most successful franchises of the last 20 years while being in the hall of fame and is very well respected in the hockey community.

    i am sure you put alot of effort into your post but it sounded like a bit ;like a 12 year old girls review on Justin Bieber so I gave up reading She is convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt he is a super star and there is no changing her mind. Oh ...he has lots of trophies and awards as well as total respect of his peers in the music industry so he must be amazing.

    I thought I was to the point on the Lindros issue...guess not so here goes nothing.I was at a hitting/concussion seminar years ago and one of the speakers was Brett Lindros. He commented that we do not fully understand head injuries or their long lasting effect. He then said Eric was never the same after the Stevens hit.

  5. How about his Conn Smythe trophy? There's your individual trophy. Best defenseman on a cup winning team 3 times. Edmonton DID win without Gretzky but that didn't diminish how great he was, so your point doesn't matter. New Jersey never won a cup without Stevens, by the way. That's a fact, not a what if or maybe.


    Domi...now THERE'S a guy who added nothing but ending players careers. Literally, unlike Stevens who never ended anyone's career despite your claim. What Stevens did was within the rules of the game. His peers respected him which is why he was never named as one of the dirtiest players in the NHL on any player polls.


    Lindros ruined Lindros. Like I stated earlier, the Stevens hit wasn't his first concussion. Wasn't even his 2nd. Kasparaitis gave Lindros his first. He's 5'11", Lindros is 6'4". He caught Lindros straight on the jaw despite never leaving his feet. How did that happen? Because Lindros had a bad habit of keeping his head down. Should people have let up on poor little old LIndros because he looked at the puck? Because Lindros certainly never held up on the forecheck. I seem to recall Lindros playing after the Stevens hit too, and getting more concussions after that. Stevens never ruined him, despite your claim. The facts suggest otherwise. It was one of many concussions Lindros received in the middle of his career. Just so happened to be his most famous.


    Yes, I WILL applaud Stevens and his career. I was never a Devils fans (quite the opposite) but I enjoyed the way he played the game. Don't like it? Go watch soccer.

    Not really interested in how many trophies he has lining his case,he was nothing more than a predator. Many many so called highlight reels of him hitting the other teams players and them laying on the ice dazed or being carried off. Every hit a hit with the intent to injure.If you like that style of hockey hopefully you will also enjoy a league with nothing but meatheads picking off the stars one at a time.Whose career did Domi end,out of curiosity,not a fan of his either.

    What facts suggest that Lindros was fine after the hit? I was told he was never the same after that hit but if you know better then maybe he was wrong.

    Using the argument of a player poll,yeah thats solid,you might want to look up how they are conducted.Respect of his peers,like who,curious to know who told you that?


    Ahhh the good ole macho line....if you dont like our manly way of doing things then go watch (insert any sport the manly men think is for sissys)

  6. Thanks.... Some days I think it would be nice to take parts of todays game and some of the days of old and put them together.You cant beat the speed and skill of players now but back then I think they were alot tougher. I can still remember Terry O Reilly challenging the entire bench to fight LOL How long do you think Matt Cooke would last with the likes of Tony Twist chasing him down. Ahhh to dream...

    Other than that I think its status quo for Canadian teams.The Leafs make the playoffs and drop out first round,The Sens try and try but still nobody cares and the habs have a good run but just cant seem to pull of another cup.

  7. In both instances neither player can see the hit coming and therefore is classed as vulnerable to injury.


    As a coach your first concern is the well being of the player on the ice and your player. Your player can be affected at the sight of someone he has hit being carted off on a stretcher. As to a good hockey play its hard to say without a bit more info. If a player is coming out of his zone with the puck head up and gets cranked shoulder to shoulder etc and the puck is turned over then sure good move kid,mission accomplished. The object of hitting is to separate the player from the puck. If he takes himself well out of position to make a useless hit then no "bad hockey play" key the Dion Phaneuf montage. the fact that the other player was knocked out cold was unfortunate and a penalty and or discipline in general should not rely on the outcome of the act.

    Dont get me wrong I love a good hit and a fight even better. I am a staunch advocate of fighting in hockey at the correct level.It controls the game.


    Below is a quote from one of the greats,Larry Robinson that might explain my point.


    Robinson’s era was as violent a time the NHL has known, but the former Habs’ great insists despite all the violence, players had respect for each other back in the good ol’ days. He told the Mercury News, “There were situations where guys put themselves in a vulnerable position, where if you did make contact, there was a possibility he’d get hurt. Back then, some guys were stupid enough not to wear helmets, and you’d ease up.”

  8. I am on topic ,I believe it might actually be your comprehension. I was discussing respect and vulnerable hits of which hitting from behind is one example.

    I am sure it has been part of the game since you were a kid but not knowing your age I dont know how much emphasis was placed on it.I also do not know your level of experience or how you formulate your opinion,but I do respect it.

    I played for many years at several levels

    with the exception of one. I now coach children and can tell you the difference between now and then is astounding.When I was younger it was barely mentioned now a weekend is spent on it at every level of minor coaching. Delivering hard hits are fine,knock em out if thats your thing. Look for a player with his head down and hit him hard. Like I said there are many things in the game that are okay by the letter of the law. I do not believe in hitting in a vulnerable position but thats just my opinion.


    Enough with this whole 'respect' thing... You don't think a hard hit has the same game turning effect as a good puck play does? A hard hockey hit is a good hockey play, debate that all you want. If you think it's disrespectful to lay a perfectly good hard hockey hit, perhaps hockey isn't your sport.

    Yeah your right who needs respect of others anyway. With a bit more respect perhaps Thornton would not of done what he did. Orpik was vulnerable laying on the ice and Thornton cranked him a few more times but that was wrong of course,wasn't it ? You can justify it all you want calling it the good ole big hockey hit.

    Respect is something that is being drilled into our children in minor hockey.Respect your coach,the refs and of course your opponent. Pick up any OMHA,Alliance or GTHL mag or better yet go to a few coaching courses and you will hear about the whole 'respect thing'. Included are sessions on hitting when your opponent is vulnerable to injury.

    Have you noticed the stop signs on the back of jerseys lately? Why the emphasis at the grass roots of the game ? The growing lack of respect for others at the upper levels.

  10. Stevens added nothing to the game other than ruining careers? Hmmm, tell that to the New Jersey Devils and their 3 Stanley Cups in a 9 year span. The guy was a great defenseman. There's tons of big hitters, the Leafs have had their share. Stevens was just the best at it. Elbows? Show me where he elbows somebody. The guy had 2 elbowing penalties in his entire career. He always tucked his elbow in and threw it out after contact to explode the guy off of himself. Teams used to have to game plan to avoid Stevens' side of the ice in the playoffs, people were afraid to carry the puck across the ice coming into their zone. His hits had a huge effect on the GAME. Besides, he didn't ruin Lindros' career, Lindros did that himself. His concussions started when he got hit by Kasparitis, not Stevens. Guy just couldn't keep his head up.

    3 cups in 9 years....last I checked it was a team cup not individual. Could they won without him,maybe.

    Counting penalties in a league that judges everyone differently is silly. Do you think the refs looked at Gretzky the same way they did Domi? Stevens threw plenty of elbows,you want to see them feel free to search. OF COURSE they avoided his side of the ice for fear of getting decimated. He went out to injure plain and simple so if you want to applaud that style of hockey its all yours. Oh and he certainly did ruin Lindros and a few others.

  11. Soooo if you see a player coming towards you with his head down you do all you can to rock him as you put it? Or do you maybe back off a little,separate him from the puck and cause a turnover ? A player with his head down is vulnerable,regardless of who put him in that position he is vulnerable and open to physical harm. If you respect another player and care about his well being you back off if not you step in hard.

    And yes if he had skated away it would of still shown lack of respect. You do not judge the act by the outcome.

  12. Why should Orpik have to fight after tossing a perfectly legal bodycheck? Thornton was in the wrong here from the beginning. Also, if you want to fire up your team go after someone who ACTUALLY FIGHTS! (Like you mentioned above... tough guy vs tough guy)


    Orpiks hit was 100% legal, no headshot, no nothing. It's a contact sport, guys get hurt. If Eriksson gets up after the hit and skates away, no one says anything about it. But because he got his bell rung, then all of a sudden people start questioning the hit? Eriksson should be pissed at his D man who set him up on a play like that.

    As I mentioned there are things that are legal and things that are done without thinking of the other players well being.You see a guy is vulnerable and regardless of if it is legal or not you back off.

    I think you missed my point.I am not saying Thornton was correct in what he did,quite the opposite actually. Put it this was if Orpik doesnt fight and Thornton does not throw him to the ice do you not think someone would of had a run at him some time during the game? In hockey it is easier to take your lumps right away rather than lets say wait to get run from behind into the boards. Its all about retribution like it or not it is going to happen.

    As far as Thorntons actions they had nothing to do with firing up his team or doing his job.If it was he would not of gone after him a second time. He saw a player get hit in a vulnerable position and was pissed,he wanted that retribution.

    You can be as pissed as you want at the guy giving you the puck but it does not change the fact that lack of respect was at the root of the hit. There are many disrespectful things you can do on the ice that are within the rules.

  13. Stevens was a predator plain and simple,added nothing to the game other than ruining a few careers. He would wait for a player to be in a vulnerable position and either leave his feet,throw an elbow or shoulder to the head. He was on the ice to hurt people not separate them from the puck. That is NOT part of hockey.


    Its all about respect and the lack of it is getting worse every year. Years ago if you threw a hit when a player was vulnerable you got a beating. Regardless of using the excuse of a bad pass the defensive player still has the option to hit hard or let up,Orpik chose to hit hard. Thornton tried to get Orpik to fight ,not because it was his job he was pissed about the hit. That is extremely important and at the root of the ordeal.Orpik turned down the invite which if he was smart he would of fought. Hockey is a game of retribution,sooner or later you or someone else is going to pay the price.If he fought that would of been the end of it. As for Thornton he let his emotions get the better of him and did something stupid.What should of happened and was the way things DID happen "back when" was Thornton or Lucic went and beat their tough guy silly. You then skate by the bench and give Orpik the wink letting him know that was for him. What Orpik did was within the "rules" but remember so is Chara fighting Nathan Gerbe. There are things that just should not happen in a game where one player should respect the other regardless of what colour they wear.

  14. If you ever have something that's big and needs gone, just post it as FREE and it'll be gone within 24 hours! I've done that for old appliances that no longer work, a trampoline and a swing set. Just say first to take it away gets it....saves you a bunch of physical labour and potential waste transfer station charges if it was going there anyways!

    I find it easier to leave it at the curb with a sign saying $30. Guaranteed someone steals it overnight. :)

  15. Listing on kijiji can also be good for a laugh from time to time.


    I recently lIsted my Ranger on there and got a reply from an "interested" buyer named Terry. I told him the price and he said it was cheaper to buy new.Hmmm okay I will play.....do tell.He then went on to mention a bass guy ,by name I might add who uses his Rangers for a year and then sells them.Carry on I says ......... he has a one year old Ranger Z22 for $18 K and to him that is a much better deal.Heck ya I says...please tell the guy with the boat I will be right over and heck i will drop far more than his asking price in his lap.

    Amazing how people never seeing an item or knowing the seller and his experience are quick to tell you the price you "should" sell to them for.

    Strange never heard back from my friend Terry,but still waiting and hoping for my new Z22!!

  16. I am in Hamilton.

    They came last night with a 300 foot snake and a camera.Snaked the drain and then put the camera down.Came up with a mass of tree roots and after the fact the camera was put down the drain.


    I just spoke to another plumber,friend of a friend and after a lengthy description of what was being done he said that quote is decent. He said the company i choose are licensed to do the work and being right beside a huge tree adds to the hassle. I dont mind paying if that is the going rate I just dont want to fund someones vacation .

    Backflow valves are great but in my understanding if the problem is between the street and your house the backup must go somewhere. i would guess out the toilet ,might be wrong but it makes sense to me. I will ask the plumber about it today and if it will help I will be getting that installed as well.

  17. Yes they dig up the lawn ,pipes are down 6.5 to 7 feet.Replace that 4 foot section and clear all the roots etc from the remaining drain pipe from house to the street.

    once done a city inspector has to come by and give it the nod before it can be backfilled. I have never had any experience with this before and it just seems like a huge chunk of change for what is being done.

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