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Posts posted by majorlifts

  1. It sucks, I think they should not have closed it so early, if conservation has been the main focus of fisheries Canada, CATCH AND RELEASE! and every one understands and follows the rule, then what the hell man. The season is later now because of the change in weather patterns. I say close the season later. Or just don't close it at all. To all you nay sayers, just stay at home and watch fishin vids till you feel the time is conservationally correct to fish lake Ontario for pike. (if thats even a word "conservationally").

  2. I have some nice spots (you would have to guess where they are) with pics of nice steel, but they are to large to post. Any way around that?


    We could have some fun with this. Sorta like Irishfield and the guess that area game, that was fun.


    PS: Irishfield cracks me up.

  3. I worked with one of the guys (west Indian guy) many years ago who (with 3 buddies) got stuck out on ice that had separated from shore, (maybe you remember the story in the paper) but were rescued later that day. Funny story, but scary @ the same time.

  4. HOLY!!!!! I have a new found respect for my wrap around polars. ffeewww!!! ..........................JEEESSSSSSSS......................OOOOOOOOHHHMAN.........Oh man I cant stop oh man that is....................................ooohh man!! DAMMM!!!!

  5. Another quick reply, (sorry) but I have to say, Im really surprised by the responses of some of the others. I thought thats what this board was for. Trust me if your scared some newbie is gonna come out fish you in your spot, you should re evaluate your tackle, if you know what I mean. I fly fish most of the season, and there is so many tribs and rivers and systems connected to systems you would have to be a complete nob to worry about some guys taken your spot. And dont give me that crap about one day ya posted then the next day 5 guys were there on your spot. Ive been lifting Iron for many years now and in the first year I put on 50 lbs of hard core muscle and people always ask me how desperately they could make such gains, I tell them, and would you believe 99.9 times out of a hundred they do the same old crap that gets em nowhere. they want to but somehow never do.


    My point is all that work you put in to the spot, they dont wanna do that, so 99.9 times outa 100 they will fail miserably. Trust me this still takes work well after the tip is given, and most people dont wanna work for anything.


    Besides I would share secrets with many on this board, I think most people here are good people.

  6. I like your drive CC, determination, and willingness to pound the pavement in search of steel. You should write a small book, paperback, called "The Riddle Of Steel", and tell all about your great adventures unraveling the riddle of steel. Every detail, because thats what keeps the reader reading.I would buy it. I always said, "if I was as good at catchin steel as I was at catchin bass I would write a book.



    Similar read would be Fly fishermans Odyssey by Robert Mengel.

  7. Grimace, with all due respect I think you missed my point and didnt clearly read my second reply. This wasnt a complaint, more of a debate on the issue. Garyv, I discussed the bit about ashes with my girlfriend and it seems I would have to agree with you. Ashes to ashes dust to dust and so forth, not much impact on the environment, unless someone has any good stats on that type of thing.


    We are all interwoven into the fabric of society, whatever we do effects everyone indirectly. I do believe this to be true.


    Peace fellow humans.

  8. Danubian, I read also that jewelry and yes plastic figures and candles have been put afloat to the Credit. Now if we do for the Hindus ( of which I have great respect for, being a believer in many of the teachings of Shakyamuni, and yes Buddhism and Hinduism share many ideas coming both from Sanscrit) I believe we would have to do for the Shintoist, the Chinese and many others who each year put little paper boats with candles in the rivers for those that have past. Then.


    Yes on top of the reckless Canadian youth dumping bikes, and careless people dumping garbage by the 14th st bridge on the Rouge, (ya you know who you are), On and on and on we will all put things into the earth, hoping they will by some divine intervention disappear, till the day will come when the fish no longer produce, the rivers flow in waste (human or otherwise), and the children no longer play outdoors due to the stench of backed up sewers, because some one thought it was right to put culture and ideas above what we knew to be common sense and environmental soundness.


    Peace fellow humans.

  9. If your a fly fisherman, or just love the Credit river for its natural beauty and tranquil spots to pick up the odd trout with a panther martin, this might twist your colon in a knot.




    Ya know, it seems people just cant wait until everything is ruined. I guess they figure, hey, its my right, and I have religious freedoms and customs that allow me to destroy in the name of God and in the sake preserving my culture.


    I wonder if I went to, oh,... lets say Rome Italy, waved my ethnic flag, then went and did half the crap people do here, how long dya think Id last before ya found me swimmin with the fishes?


    I respect everyone, no matter where you are from, or what your race, religion or otherwise. But I also respect the Earth and all its creatures, so I must protest these actions.


    Peace fellow humans.

  10. Thank our wonderful past mayor Lastman. who sat on his ass and did nothing about gridlock. Now we got another clown mayor Miller. Tell me one thing this guy has done for the city of Toronto to ease gridlock, and dont give me any crap about downloading from the Province, this mayor had millions and decided to spend it fighting bridge construction to the islands.


    Chicago has it right, no major truck deliveries in the am or pm rush hour, anyone caught pays huge fines and is removed from the road. this eases city and hwy traffic for the most part.

  11. Even if the roof of the ACC were to break apart and kill ten fans a week, people would still show up in droves. This is hockey country, and although I havent seen a game since 1982 @ the Montreal Forum, (because the game just bores me now) I believe if you like something, no matter who wins, its the game that is to drives you. total excitement and power hitting scores, teams pushing it to the edge of human ability. Making you want to see whats going to happen next.


    Thats worth paying for.

  12. I pledge to be an ethical angler. I have always had a great love for our great Canadian spaces, and in the past have contributed time to the plant trees in the rouge project, and garbage pick up for Bowmanville creek.


    What bothers me is we dont have enough signs reminding people to pick up their garbage, and of course not enough enforcement. I cringe every time I see garbage and Im compelled to pick it up. Specially near fragile environments like our rivers and streams.


    Great post Rick!!!!

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