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Posts posted by majorlifts

  1. Issues with trespass and navigable water ways has been an issue that plagues fisherman everywhere in Ontario. I used to have a copy of the waterway trespass act and navigation, but now cant seem to find it. I got it here on OFC, this piece of paper is worth its weight in gold. If anyone has a copy please post it here, I would be most appreciative.


    Thanks everyone here and have an awesome weekend.

  2. OMG, !!!The best day in at least 2 years, I mean cmon we`ve had some good days out there on Lake O, but this was phonominil. Double header!! I can`t wait to go again.


    Strange though, one year browns, one year walleyes. That Lake sure does throw you for a loop sometimes. ya never know what yer gonna get.

  3. Fantastic fish Ehg. Looks as though the Muskies are back. I can remember pulling 5 a day in, and they were biting everything, top waters, spinnerbaits, heck one even bit my thumb, remember me in the BiG H gettin stitches. Well worth it though. Great Job!!!on that beaut!!!

  4. HEY THATS ME!!!! Just jiven, lol, to bad you didnt catch em with the fish in the pic. I think that would make the case stronger. I think they call it evidence. lol hey dude just bustin chops. pretty brave good think they were`nt choice or angels, That could have been messy.

  5. Ya good stuff dude. You took off too early I was just making espresso when you disappeared. The nice thing is about the island is there is pike everywhere, and there is so much room to move around. There could be a hundred folks lined up on shore and you could still find a spot untouched and full of fish.

  6. I had an experience with a muskie that left me with a feeling of great respect for this fish and pike. I caught a muskie, and forever have used a glove till one fine day I thought, hey im too good at this game to wear protective gear. Tisk tisk tisk, the grave mistake killed my afternoon of amazing muskie action in the hospital getting 4 stitches in my thumb.


    Great care and respect is required when handling fish this size. No doubt about er.

  7. Dont worry about backgrounds, every one knows about To Island pike, Dead horse. further in where the first main bridge is to the island you will find the pike get bigger. Ehg and I have caught pike 42". Although we were in a boat, and casting like mad men. Plenty of double headers and plenty o fish to go round there was. Nice job, Key ingredient, move around.

  8. I actually did ponder that. in fact I was hoping maybe after I could try to get a few at Birds just to have some good eats. because I love rainbow trout. Fillet it, shake some flour on it, a little salt and butter BAMM!! some of the best eatin right there. omega 3, omega 6, tons a protein, and best of all, essential amino acids the body requires to repair muscle tissue.


    Call P3TA and tell them I found out why they all got arms like a 12 year old school girl.

  9. Troupers man I tell ya. Im happy you got some action. Bly sorry about the knee, sacrifices pain and work, all this just to have a little fun. To me its always worth it. Take another look at those great pictures, in 40 years you will be happy you could even balance that good. lol

  10. Ya, ok so my buddy sais, to much rain + crazy crowds = unpleasant experience. dont go to the eastern tribs, try the credit for res fish, "trust me you wont catch nothing" NOT TRUE, NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!! He was right about one thing, I didnt catch anything, GOING TO THE CREDIT that is!!! water was toooo cold and really high. Area north of hwy 25, Caledon.


    MY POINT, ccmt`s post


    siverstreek`s post


    fang`s post, and so on. Just look at some of the posts made by canadian copper in the last 2 months, bly and the rest of em, what great trekers they are, my hats off to them all. People go on and on about how they dont look forward to the huge crowds on the tribs and whine about spots being given out and blah blah blah. If kicking a dead horse pleases you then have at er. I think I speak for many when I say "Its boring the hell out of us all" But I for one will not be taking advice from anyone in future, and I suggest you all do the same. Just go out and get er. Give 100% and dont expect anything. Go with your gut feeling, and you will find fish.


    Oh, and follow MNR regs thats always important.

  11. All talk no action? Tisk tisk, you really dont know me that well enough to make such hasty comments clamp it so behave yourself and let me explain.


    A: The old man that was there seemed to have a handle on things before I could make any of the right decisions as to what to do. He arrived just as I was looking at the fish and making comments about the fact they were using live bait. The guy with the fish argued with him in a kind tone. He never got out of hand and consequently left when they were told by the old man what they were doing was illegal.


    B: Out of respect for the old guy I think keeping cool was the educated thing to do.


    C: people carry guns these days and have killed for less, upset the wrong guy, follow him to his car, take down his plate, and take a piece of lead in the face for three oos fish. No thanks. I think how it was handled was good enough, I think these guys will not make the same mistake twice. Not there at least.

  12. Ok so Im at the Credit today, fly fishing,and I spot to guys working a pool, so I kindly approach and ask hows the luck. Well they were all smiles and pointed to the fish they caught.


    To my shock they had a brown 18 to 20 inches a speck at 12 to 15 iches and would you believe, a speck at 3 inches!!! The worse part is they kept them in a NO KILL ZONE of the Credit!!! On top of that they were using live bait in an area were that is banned. I was soooo ticked. My buddy and I went all day playin it strait and only caught 1 speck about 6 inches. The next time I see that crap and I full and well know the rules, Im gonna start throwin rocks in the water to spook the fish, then Ill think about smashin heads.


    Huge ass signs right in the entrance where these guys parked, fully stating the rules.


    Some guy was there and told them they better get the hell out of there before MNR shows up. Because he also saw as I did the fish were already dead and nothing could be done.


    Jag asses, what can ya do.

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