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Posts posted by majorlifts

  1. When I was just a pup, we used to snag suckers down at Bowmanville creek. All because some one said they killed trout. I didnt know crap back then, still dont. haha.


    One time A mnr guy nailed me, I caught a fish south of the ladder in Bville creek. I caught it in the safe zone far away from the ladder in fact I was 20 yards from the boarder line. the unfortunate thing is I was fishing with light gear and this fish went 15 20 lbs it was huge, and it dragged me into the boarder and thats when the mnr guy first walked up.


    I tried to explain but he wouldnt have it. He took my gear and gave me a fine with a court date. I gathered witnesses who saw what happened and they were nice enough to show on my court date. I was cleared and got my gear back a week later.

  2. If everyone remembers correctly, back in 94 or 95 first nations in North Bay were angry with governmental ruling somewhere in the fisheries act. So to protest and get back at fisheries they netted hundreds maybe more, trout and other fish from local lakes and dumped them in dumpsters and in the streets.


    If you boast traditional rights because of cultural identity, and you are clearly acting as your neighbor by committing the same abuses, where is the purity and divinity in such tradition and culture? When told buy first nations that the waling industry has placed a great strain on wale populations, a waling ban was in place for all. 2 months later we hear the first nations are waling because it is a known tradition and their right. Where is the logic?


    This is not a race issue, this is one of cultural and traditional rights. I have a great respect for the first nations. You have to, anyone who can tough out our winters hunting and fishing for food and clothing to survive a hundred or so years ago, deserves it. But when you are held in such high esteem by others you must walk the walk. Keep your band card in your pocket and show me where your real loyalties are, to great mother earth or to the almighty dollar. Everyone knows you cannot serve two masters.

  3. Lucid is not a newbie, Im sure you already knew that, and pike unfortunately closed early this season for lake Ontario. I have been going down to the spit, and the Islands for 8 years now maybe longer, EHG would know, but I have not seen more than two people at one time fishing there. Overexposure? doubt it. Have no fear Lucid you will have plenty of room on shore. I also have a little tip for you. if you dont already know, when bass opens there is some nice 5 pounders there as well. Bob Izumi did a show there once, and Im not talking the carp one.

  4. The place I go on the Gany is surprisingly clean. In fact last time I was there I traveled 1 km on the Gany and only found a pair of socks on shore. I guess some one fell in and forgot their socks haha. This was a week after the opener.

  5. Ok tonyb, I guess all that work those scientists did, all the research, it was all for nothin. I guess they should have just called you. This is a dead subject dude, Scientist have proved without a doubt fish do not have pain receptors in the mouth area. However there is some pain receptors in the body. In fisherman posted there findings with trusted scientific research.

  6. WHERE the fish feels pain, is the important question for fisherman. Its no question a fish would feel pain if I stuck a hook up his ars, but they are predators, plain and simple. They are designed for their environment. A cheetah has to be fast to catch its meal, a fox has to be cunning, and a fish has to have less pain receptors in its mouth and track to devour live and kicken creatures, like crab fish with scales and teeth.


    Imagine trying to down a bone fish whole, without feeling pain, Ha, not gonna happen.

  7. The In-fisherman did a great article on the subject. Even had scientific evidence that proved fish do not feel pain around the inner and outer areas of the mouth.


    Musky bites walleye, if musky felt pain, how the hell would he get those damn prickly fins past his gullet? Hahahaaa Damn fish got me 4 stitches and I dont think he felt a darn thing.

  8. Is that Frank Rizzo or Paul Rizzo?


    Whats up there jerky, I guess you never watched the old Canadian sport fishing show eh tough guy. Trowin fish around like freekin jag asses if ya know what I mean.


    Funny stuff, eh. Well I like the dancin man myself, only I heard his old lady catches more fish then Darryl Cronzie. hahaaa

  9. An interesting thing is that a lot of famous people have been right there at Vimy memorial, countless memorial services and visits by King and Queens. Hitler visited there more than once. This as you know was a 1st world war memorial. Imagine the history, imagine standing right there where many had been years before, looking at the same area, place, or memorial ground. Its very aw inspiring.


    It would be a great thing to see in person. I think it would be a great thing for you to experience. Take lots of pics and dont forget to paste them here.


    Remember, a lot of those men were just boys, young healthy boys who never even had a chance at life. What a sad time for all. Even for the axis.

  10. I am sorry fellow fisherman, but after seeing this video I am quite convinced that they are already here. Asia so kindly gave us the rat and the mouse through our wonderful fur trades. England suffered the black plague, which was a result of rat and mice infestation. The bee problem the United states is having right now does not just effect honey supply, it effects pollination and other very important aspects of nature. This is also a doomed species.


    I am saddened greatly by this invasion of Asian carp, because there has never in history been positive results from human intervention in the environmental aspect, there is always a downside or cost, And when I say cost I DON'T mean monetary.


    Enjoy it now, because tomorrow......................

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