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About ontariofisherman

  • Birthday 07/05/1968

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  1. they suck, plain and simple
  2. OMG Toronto Won, don't know how.
  3. there's always next year for the leafs. lol
  4. It cost more than $35 to do this. $70 to do your finger prints ( must do ) $45 and up to get court record (must do ) and you need to send a fee to process the paperwork, can't remember how much.
  5. http://www.assuredpardons.com/canadian_pardon_details.php?_kk=%2Bpardon&_kt=3af530de-71eb-45df-a7aa-d9376e445cbe&gclid=CJ7g3MichaQCFRD75wodlnD1HQ I used these people ( stupid things when we are younger ), they where the cheapest and did exactly what they said they would do. You are looking at a min. of 8 months to get it done right now. The only other thing you need to pay for is your prints.
  6. I would say there roll has come to an end
  7. looks like the roll can to an end.
  8. yeah the leafs maybe on a high for now, but we all know how that turns out. they won't win the cup.
  9. don't laugh to much they do that up here. I know here in Toronto they always ask you for your insurance info so they can bill them. It's kind of funny we pay for the trucks and their salaries from our taxes and we still end up paying more.
  10. thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this time, things will get better.
  11. That's what I was thinking that I'm just missing the basics, I went to bps and they just tell me to buy some more lures and other stuff and $500-600 later and no fish. garry2rs I will call you later in the week, I have have some time off next week.
  12. I was just using that as an example for learning ( bass, pike,walleye ), I just think that if I could learn how to catch one species of fish I could apply that to others and don't really care what I catch. just want to catch some fish with the wife. we don't get to spend much time together during the week with work.
  13. ok so I went out again this saturday and got skunked again. is there anything like this in ontario and maybe a little cheaper in ontario. Bass coach I have tried to go to chapters and find books to read and nothing ever there. ( books or magazines ) tried to read what I can find on the internet but I don't find that I really learn to much from that.
  14. to bad I will be up at scugog tomorrow.
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