Each side of this issue has their own valid points, but the one that sticks out is "the lake doesn't care who has the right, the fish don't care either". This is all to true. I was at Nipissing this summer and enjoyed the fishing. I don't target walleye (pickeral I'm Canadian hey!) and like bass. Still, when I';m out fishing I'll keep maybe two fish for a meal and the rest get released. If I catch a larger fish, it's a picture if I can get it done and not harm the fish. It doesn't matter if it's perch, pickeral, bass , pike or what, the joy is in the hunt , yes I agree with keeping some to eat, but not to excess. I saw a fisherman keep a 47", 25lb. Muskie to have stuffed. I dont' class him as a sportsman. We need to appreciate the resource and treat it with respect. That basic attitude will go farther than any legislation. This applies to everyone, if you are a commercial fisherman, you won't be for long if the resource crashes.