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About cynmar

  • Birthday 09/01/1951

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  • Location
    Acton, Ont
  • Interests
    Fishing , Golfing and having enough A535 to move

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  1. It was a tough year , the 2nd week in July on the south shore of Nipissing the Big mother bass were still on the nest. I couldn't believe it. Pickerel were few and far and not even the perch were great. Could also be because of the ghost gill nets they've been finding as well though.
  2. Stayed on Nipissing just west of Callander near Wasi Falls this year Pickerel limit of 2 and had to be over 18" killed us. Fished pencil reeds and deep drop off in central channel to Callander Bay and nothing. Beautiful little resort, fishing was slow and hard. There the 2nd week of July.
  3. Got a pair of Tifosi sunglasses at the local golf store. $134. great polarized glasses, hard case with three different sets of lens and the lens have a breathing vent near the rim. Love them. Bill
  4. Springs coming I need to fish, stress is killing me.

  5. I love my new Compres but for longevity I've got a Daiwa Swinger rod Light action that I have used for almost 40 years. This little spinning rod has handled everything from panfish to a 41 " Northern and still is solid. Don't make them like they used to. Still use it with my Shimano Saros spinning reel.
  6. I own Cynmar Cleaning Inc. which is a privately owned janitorial company serving the Region of Halton, including, Oakville, Milton, Georgetown, Acton , Halton Hills, Burlington as well as the Guelph and Mississauga areas. We provide janitorial and floor maintenance services to the residential, light industrial , commercial, retail, institutional and residential markets . We also offer window cleaning to a maximum of 2 stories and have recently added lawn and garden maintenance. Give us a call. Thanks Bill
  7. Two unique experiences one when I was working around Englehart as a junior forest ranger we're out clearing weed trees from a reforested area. All of a sudden we hear crashing and look up, here is this big bull moose running through the bush being chased by a pack of wolves. Ran right through the area we were clearing and didn't even notice us. At the same location, we were coming to the area we were working on an a bull moose is standing in the middle of the road. Bus driver decides to blow the horn and the damn moose charges the bus. Another instance we're staying at a cottage on the French River and notice these two small animals. Turns out their mink and would try and raid minnow buckets or any fish parts left down by the dock. Beautiful little animals. Love the north except for the damn black flies. Bill
  8. Given the way the body frame looks in the picture and the brindle colouring I'd say a greyhound mix for sure.
  9. Thanks for the information guys, thinking of going up for a day instead of Simcoe. Staff was there at an uncle's cottage and caught two six pounders. Looks like a nice little lake. Can't blame them for wanting to keep it to themselves. Looks like a lot of cottages on the lake. google Earth shows some nice spots . What are the rivers coming out of it? Looks fairly large. Bill
  10. Does anyone know if there is a public boat launch on Lake Eugenia? Heard it has some good bass fishing.
  11. Each side of this issue has their own valid points, but the one that sticks out is "the lake doesn't care who has the right, the fish don't care either". This is all to true. I was at Nipissing this summer and enjoyed the fishing. I don't target walleye (pickeral I'm Canadian hey!) and like bass. Still, when I';m out fishing I'll keep maybe two fish for a meal and the rest get released. If I catch a larger fish, it's a picture if I can get it done and not harm the fish. It doesn't matter if it's perch, pickeral, bass , pike or what, the joy is in the hunt , yes I agree with keeping some to eat, but not to excess. I saw a fisherman keep a 47", 25lb. Muskie to have stuffed. I dont' class him as a sportsman. We need to appreciate the resource and treat it with respect. That basic attitude will go farther than any legislation. This applies to everyone, if you are a commercial fisherman, you won't be for long if the resource crashes. Bill
  12. Nipfisher, I should have tried to set up a date in North Bay, didn't think we'd be going there but the 19 year old Diva had to get something she had forgotten at home. We could have met up and I wouldn't have had to brave the mall with the girls. Nice weather but that Lake does get up when the wind blows from the west doesn't it? Bill
  13. I must be sooooooo cheap because if I had reels like that they'd never see the light of day. They'd be sitting on a pedestal by my desk so clients could ooohhhhaahhhhh at them.
  14. I'm sorry, I think a fish that size HAS to go back to breed another day. Quick picture and have a replica made. I couldn't convince this guy from the other cabin any different . I hadn't checked the regs and figured it's up to the camp operator to make an issue of it if its under the size limit. Just figure and I operate like this with any species, the healthier , larger fish need to remain in the population to breed another day.
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