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About MuskiesnLakers

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  1. Like a lot have mentioned, small jigging spoons have worked well for my. Also tipping with minnow halves is great, and those Gulp alive maggots in the little jars work really well. Make sure the lid is on properly if you're going to put them in your pockets, though!!!
  2. Whoops, Misfish, I left out the "not" part in the part that you quoted there! I gather you knew what I meant, though!
  3. Timmeh, first time hunters would be the ones that should know BEST to not hunt like that... in order to get a hunting license you need to take the hunter's safety course, which presumably, would outline those kind of things. Unless, of course, one took the course, and didn't hunt for another 20 years after, and would hence forget. I have no problem with the deer being shot, if done so in a legal manner (as some have pointed out). I mean, kids who live on farms befriend lots of animals that end up on the dinner table. People own dogs and cats, and they don't live forever either. You want a deer for a pet -- an animal with a legal hunting season -- then you will always risk experiencing that kind of loss. But hunting is not the "old wild west," and there are rules that must be followed -- for the safety of everyone. And not retrieving the deer... I mean, what the heck is that all about? They obviously knew they were doing something wrong and should be treated accordingly.
  4. I was also accepted. Been a while since I have been here. I've done a bit of lurking over the last few days, but haven't responded to anything. Going to have a more steady access to the internet from here on in, I think. Esp. after Feb. Hope all are doing well MnL
  5. Jonaton... most people who live in big cities do.
  6. I would have said an early ice-out, but with the turn back to cold, I would say that it still has a chance to be a normal ice-out time, but expect it to be more on the late side than early. It's supposed to start warming up again this week (although with lows in the -teens). If it turns warm after next week, it could still be normal, but if it stays cool, I'd bet on a late ice out. I'm out in Winnipeg, and have been dying to get at 'er, so I've been watching the conditions religiously of late. (Not for Red Lake, though... I want to get going SOONER than that )
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