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Everything posted by rhymobot

  1. Gonna spend a weekend on the strip in The Falls this summer. Know of some good spots I can fish within a 20 minute drive? What about from shore in Niagara River rapids next to Whirpool golf course for trout? Anywhere to put an inflatable boat in and go for walleye, bass, or pike? I know there is this park with a big pond that holds carp but not too interested in that. Thanks for any help.
  2. Not that I expect to get much info on this topic. But does anyone live around Kingston and know about fishing from shore in the downtown area? I will be training it to Kingston and will have no access to a car and the hotel is right on the foot of Johnston St. Hoping I can find some pike or bass wandering around shore.
  3. Thank you to everyone for this very valuable input. Now I got a lot of thinking and checking around to do now that I see there's so many options.
  4. Hello anglers. I have an inflatable right now powered by my arms and I'm looking to upgrade and put a troller on it. There's a 12 foot Jon boat on sale at Cdn Tire right now for $599. It says it's 120 lbs. Jon boat link Since I don't have a trailer and really don't have the space to keep one, I need a boat that I can mount on my car roof and store in my garage standing up. So... 1. Do I need a boat made out of fibre glass (aluminum too heavy right?) so me and a buddy can mount and dismount the boat from the roof? 2. Can I find something like that used and in working condition for much cheaper than $600? 3. Do you think this boat at Canadian Tire is worth it? Thanks.
  5. Yup, pretty much anywhere on the Toronto water front from leslie spit to the exhibition i've seen them surfacing and rolling. Up to 25lbs I've seen. Last summer I was at queens quay a few times and always saw a few of them. I always see them here: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=queens+quay&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=44.273191,135.087891&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Queens+Quay&ll=43.639127,-79.377543&spn=0.001508,0.004123&t=h&z=19 In that rectangular area. Especially in that pocket in the corner.
  6. Lots of crappie from shore but pretty small. I don't target them but I've seen people catching them and nothing bigger than your hand from what I've seen.
  7. Hey pikeslayer. 2. I haven't been there to do this but I have been there to see the steep view of the credit and Streetsville. You can park on Drenkelly at the end. It's a court. There's a catwalk there that takes you to a cemetery and a path down to the river but this path is blocked by a locked up gate. 4. Which is why I guess you have to arrive before 5pm.
  8. Another question. How long does it typically take? I know there's a locked gate that blocks the access to the path at the top of the cliff so let's say if I have to leave after an hour, I wouldn't be able to get back to where we park? And are there any pictures from previous years of you guys doing this? That would give us a better idea of what it's like and perhaps encourage other people. I'm not much of a river guy so I have no idea really what's happening at these fish lifts.
  9. I too can only come on the weekend. And was wondering about the waders thing too. What would we be doing? Picking fish up with our hands or a net?
  10. Thanks for your help a couple of days ago identifiying the Spotted Trunkfish. So, what is this? Caught in Punta Cana. But I also caught one in Holguin last year.
  11. Caught it in Punta Cana, D.R. A Boxfish?
  12. So are the channel cats in the Grand in Dunnvile there year round? Should I still be able to catch them this time of the year?
  13. Is it illegal to just "net" a salmon when wading in the river as opposed to legitimately hooking one? Also, it is illegal to just stand over a salmon and snag him in his mouth right?
  14. Anyone been to these two places lately? I know by October you can walk across their backs in the Etobicoke but anyone manage to get out there in the past few days?
  15. This place is only 15 mins from my house in Brampton so I fished there about 8 times this summer on my inflatable. Half the times it was after work so I only got 1.5 hours in those times. Everytime I go I get hits from at least 1 pounders and reel them in half those times. But so far I've only landed two decent fish. A 1.5 and a 2. Both times it was while I was trolling with a senko on my way back to shore. But I do see people pull in pike too but none bigger than 2 lbs so far. It's a good local spot to kill a few hours but not the most productive place. More for casual anglers.
  16. I live around the corner from Heart Lake so I ride my bike in from the south side where there's no fence. So I don't pay. Here's what I've caught this summer. Mind you, the fishing is pretty slow here but the more I go the better chance I have of hooking into decent fish.
  17. Saw it at Ken Whillans Resource Management Area in Caledon. It was doing better than I was.
  18. night fishing eh? another thing i regret not doing. i need to go back there and fulfill a dream fishing trip.
  19. ya i know what you mean. i totally lacked foresight when i went down there. i should have done research on the net first and come down with some heavy tackle. i was so envious watching people pull up big fish while i was catching 1 to 2 pounders.
  20. There's a guy from quebec who goes there twice a year and he's going in april. check out his site: Cuban Fishing check out all the pics he's got on there. they catch all these bad boys from shore and catamaran. i went in september/october and the fishing was on fire.
  21. I know there's been past topics about fishing the keys of Cuba from shore on the causeways and what not, but why don't any of us who are interested get organized and book a trip down there? If you've heard about it or seen the pics then you know the fishing is abundant and you can even catch 80lb tarpon from shore and 'cudas are plentiful. I went last September and wasn't prepared at all. Had a simple retractable and was limited to 1 to 3 lb snappers, jacks, cubaretes, etc. But those who were prepared were pulling in cudas, tarpon, grouper, tuna, etc. The best part is that I only paid $508 all inclusive to 4 star resort leaving from Toronto. We just borrowed the resort's bikes for free and rode a few minutes to get to the spots. Or pay for the guy to take you out on catamaran. Anyone interested?
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