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About booda_11

  • Birthday 11/14/1963

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    Niagara Falls

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  1. I added a radio to my boat of simular design. I cut the radio into the front of the rear seat as well as the speakers into the same area. I used a weather proof radio cover that I picked up from a local marine dealer. Wasn't to expensive. The only problem is the rear seat area was filled with foam. Had to be careful to cut out enought to allow for cooling as a lot of the new units do give off a bit of heat. The foam made a good enclosure for the speakers and it sounded good. If you go with a cd type there not made for the rough bouncing that the water will give it. The Card type is a good choice. John
  2. I think not only is the brain dead someone removed it for Dr. Frankenstien's research. No Brains
  3. Has anyone been out to port lately? A few questions, Hows the water and what's working? Going to try and get out tomorrow and was wondering. Thanks
  4. Some people just have no brains. John
  5. Try an upholstry supply shop. I am not from your area but I am sure you will find something in the yellow pages. Cya!
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