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Posts posted by chong

  1. Went to pick up my reel on Friday because i need it for a fishing trip but the reel hasn't been repaired yet,when I walk in to the repair shop I see about 5 quantum reels on the counter and the owner is on the phone with a client.

    Owner gets off the phone and we started talking and he tells me all the reels have the same problem as me a defective anti-reverse bearing,and the bearings are still backorder and not sure when he will recieve them.blink.gif

  2. 65 lbs go up to 80 or 100 65 will break with a back-lash, next what water do you want to fish? No sense buy baits that work great for St.Clair if you never going to fish there. A very good bait that can be cast or trolled is a spiner bait, please get a good net and tools for releasing the fish.




    I fish in the montreal area.I have all the proper tools and I use a cradle for release.



    I went out this morning had 4 attacks on a seducer but couldn't land them.Is there a lure for fishing in heavy weeds?



    Thanks for the advice about proper release.

  3. I will be blunt - I only wanted 10 lures, to many different scenarios. The guys have given you some great advice. If I had one lure only (Decent Rod, Reel, Net, pliers, Bolt cutters, torch etc) it would have to be a bulldog - you just cant beat it. If your casting and retrieving you never know - deep water to shallow. Troll it if you feel inclined. Get a silver coloured one


    musky fishing is a passion. I know I have two much stuff already, yep some hang in my tackle box but let me tell you the other thing that everyone forgets - decent leaders. All the best lures are crap when you loose them in mouth of musky.


    Secondy make sure you have the gear to release sucessfully. I know I got advice here when i started and I bought the release gear before more stuff. I am proud of my release technique now Good luck.




    I'm pretty sure I have the right equipment:


    Rod:Techna AV med/hvy

    Reel:Abu Garcia Record with 65lbs line

  4. there are topraiders and super top raiders. try both. depends on the time of year, water you are fishing, time of day, weather... there is no easy out. go out and spend your money. if you are getting into musky fishing you are not going to be saving your $$$. so go out and buy one of each and try them.


    if you cant afford it, you wont have the right equipment and should wait until you have the proper tools to target them.


    sorry if i sound like an ass, just stating the facts. Welcome to an entirely new world of fishing for hours and hours and hours without any results. dont get discouraged.


    I wanted to know if one company's model is better than another.

    It's not that i don't want to spend the money (muskie=$$$),i don't want to but a bunch of lures and have 75% of them hanging in the tackle box.


    I want to get 10-15 lures.

  5. This is the email sent to quantum






    It is NOW May 27....I would like to know WHEN you will recieve the anti-reverse bearing for my reel??




    These are due in at the end of next week. Thank you,



    Not even a sorry for the backorder,any compensation, regrets or replacement of the reel.

    No more Quantums for me,Shimanos from now on

  6. Thanks guys Ill try him out. I just got an email from quantum telling me to buy a new reel, they told me we dont make parts nor stock spares for this reel. Its only 3 years old i didnt think it would be that far outta date.


    I have been waiting 9 months for an anti-reverse bearing for my energy pti reel that's not even a year old,sent emails every month they say it'll be in next week. I recently sent an email about their poor customer sevice and never got a reply.


    If you get a new reel stay away from Quantum.


    I am still waiting for the part....

  7. Awesome...


    A file folder box from Staples?



    Got the box at Staples,it was on clearance for $2.00



    Looking good but here's a thought. You should have left over material, enough for 10 2" sections... stagger the tubes and use the 2" sections as spacers. Use the left over tubes to make a third row.


    tube - spacer - tube - spacer - tube

    spacer - tube - spacer - tube - spacer

    tube - spacer - tube - spacer - tube


    I thought about making it that way but didn't have enough surface to glue the tubing together.I kept some space to store pliers,gloves and other stuff.

  8. I'm just started to fish for Muskies and didn't want to have a huge box for 50 lures and don't think i will buy that many,

    so i made my own total cost $12.00,the box was on sale.

    Here are the pics.



    Box $2.00




    Square tubing $10.00/10'

    Cut to 10"




    Grooved on table saw 3/16"




    Final prouduct


  9. I want to start making leaders for muskies,I have dbl barrel sleeves but not sure what is the proper way to crimp them.

    I went to 2 different tackle stores and i get 2 different versions.


    One told me to crimp in the center with the sleeve like this 00 and the other told me to crimp the round part of the sleeve like this 8,what is the proper way??


    Will these pliers be ok for crimping??carbide_pro_pliers.png

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