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Posts posted by Pikeslayer

  1. I am very lucky, I have a very good friend that takes care of our insurance needs and I trust her implicitly! She was very thorough in explaining limitations and exclusions to us and suggesting limits of coverage when we signed up with her and it turned out that we got better coverage and saved money from our previous insurer.


    Sorry for the rant but it really bothers me when I see anyone being taken advantage of.


    Sounds like you found a gem there Cliff ;)

  2. Very nice. Have you Googled the reel name and manufacturer? Reel is listed on eBay for $23 US. Couldn't find much on the rod.


    Did a little bit of research but not overly concerned with value as the story behind the combo is 'priceless'.


    Our son Sean bought the combo from a neighbours garage sale just about 20 years ago. He was 5 or 6 at the time and paid a whopping $4.00 for it :)

  3. Based on advice here & some internet research, I'm going to clean with Murphy's Oil diluted with water & a non abrasive cloth to remove dirt & grime and not compromise the patina ;) here's some more pix;


    Reel has what appears to be some kind of braided line...







    Reel Patent Dates



    Mar. 8 '87

    May 25, '97





  4. Nice looking combo, do you have any info on it ?



    Not sure about vintage rod/reel combos but with firearms it's a NO NO to clean them up. If you do, you lose a LOT of the value if you sell it. You might want to check on that before doing anything to that combo.


    It has late 19th & early 20th patent pending dates. I'll post some detail pics later. I was wanting to basically clean the dust & grime without compromising the finish?


    a mr.clean magic eraser will do wonders on the cork, as for the shiny parts i would try a mothers power ball does wonders on a snowmobile tunnel then polish with microfibre cloth.

    Actually it is not cork, rather a very dense, deep colour hard wood. I don't think chemical based cleaners are part of the equation here?

  5. Thought I would pass this along...

    I noticed this during my drive home today and thought I'd pass it along to the Credit steelheaders. This is a popular parking spot with access to the Lower Credit River and the City of Mississauga has shut it down effective immediately. Signs posted (in the last 2 days) state that parked vehicles will be towed.

    I'm not going to post any specific location details, but those of you who have used this parking area should recognize it accordingly. With the oncoming river season opening up, hopefully some of you will avoid disappointment and a potential tow.





  6. Pikeslayer, at those prices we have all sorts of stuff for you to buy. There was many manuals for sale at the fishing swap meet in Hamilton a few Saturdays past for less than $50.00, my pal was looking for 1 to make a planner board set up with one. I don't know about the electrical downrigger though.

    Hey there Old One ;)

    I've done my fair share of buying & 'stealing' trolling gear, just ask Spincast :). I'm the proverbial 'picker' ;). If the OP can pick up the package at suggested prices (especially at the lower end) it is definitely a steal and he'll more than get his money's worth. As mentioned, it would be easy to part that package out on Spoonpullers & profit ~ $200. Especially with the price of gear increased due to the CA $$$ these days.

    As an aside, my Walkers are coming up to 25 yrs old. Built right here in Ontario with GM Caddy power window motors. BULLET PROOF!! I wouldn't trade them for any other DR on the market.


    BTW, nice to make your acquaintance :)


  7. Hmmm,

    If your boss just wants to 'get rid' of the stuff cause it's just laying around, and you want to 'steal' it and mess around with trolling;

    Whole package with 2 Walker downriggers with swivel bases, $300-350

    Whole package with 1 Walker downrigger with swivel base, $250-300


    The Walkers were 1st gen manufactured in Mexico & are somewhat prone to motor burnout. If listed on Spoonpullers, he could probably part everything out & get upwards of $500+ but if he's asking you, he probably doesn't want the hassle. If those chrome sharks are more than 10 lbs, I'd be leary of running them on those Walkers. If they are12 lbs, I'd offer you $60 for the pair.

    If you're not interested in purchasing the package, I certainly would be ;)

  8. Nice catching Pump :)


    PUMP KNOWS............

    1. how to show everybody his fishing spots


    2. how let a fish roll around in the grass and net for way too long


    3. the improper way to practice catch and release

    Is this really called for??

    1. Fishing an inner harbour is hardly a secret fishing spot ?

    2. Would it be preferred to have the fish roll around on the pavement? Can you enlighten us on the rule/regulation that determines "too long"?

    3. He caught, released and the fish swam away. What is improper here? Again, the rule/regulation that defines "improper" would be beneficial.



  9. Raycaster,

    For your consideration, I’d like to add the following:

    There is a severe shortage of ‘truly’ accessible cottages/resorts for those with mobility access challenges (ie wheelchairs/walkers). The ones that are truly accessible are in high demand and short supply. Many of them are advertised/booked through various associations such as March of Dimes, MS Society et al.

    That said, there are many cottages/resorts that advertise as “wheelchair accessible” but the majority of these are limited to entrance ramps and grab rails in washrooms. Speaking from experience, for those who are challenged with mobility, a truly accessible cottage/resort experience would include:

    · Entrance ramps and grab rails where required.

    · 34” doorways

    · Turning space for wheelchair in bedroom, living areas and porch/deck

    · Patient lift availability (these can be rented as needed)

    · Large walk in/wheel in shower area

    · Screened in porch/deck

    · Access to common areas. ie campfire, recreation hall etc.

    · Access to dock

    · Access to a pontoon boat would be nice

    · ‘Access’ means the ability to push a person and their wheelchair (200 lbs +) with relative ease (no steep grades) to go where any able bodied person may.

    · Cottage should be within 30 minutes of a regional health care facility/hospital.


    Here is an example of one of the better accessible cottages I researched (but it is still lacking in total access): http://www.willowbeach.com/cottage-handicap-accessible.php


    Also of note:

    · Quality used accessibility equipment (grab rails, patient lifts, portable ramps etc) are readily available at reduced prices through various organizations online as well as Kijiji

    · Typically, extended family and caregivers vacation with those that are mobility challenged as these are ‘special’ events. Chances are that if you are renting an accessible cottage, you would need a standard cottage to accommodate larger parties.

    · Truly accessible cottages can justify ‘premium’ rates.


    Long story short, if I was to consider purchasing a ‘resort’, I would most certainly want to target a ‘unique’ clientele. As mentioned, this is a high demand industry (unfortunately) with an extremely low level of supply. IMHO, this is a promising business opportunity.



    As an aside, our family is currently planning & looking for a suitable property for our son. Minimum 5 bedrooms, < 3 hour drive and within 30 minutes of regional hospital. It will likely include one of these:


    Our intention is to purchase and modify/renovate a property that is truly accessible from the front door to the pontoon boat. We will also make the property available for rental through various associations/foundations to allow families to enjoy an all inclusive cottage experience. I have no doubt that we will be able to achieve a 90% or better occupancy for whatever rentals we make available.


    Best of luck to you. Resort ownership can indeed be profitable with a proper business plan.

  10. I would suggest that you not pick a location by committee, but simply pick one. Dictate the time, the place and format, and everyone who is interested will fall into line. I'm at the head of that line BTW. Great idea!


    Sage advice Albert and see that DB has followed.


    Is there sufficient parking area for a tailgate tackle swap?? I got a lot of gear @ garage sale pricing I'd like to see repurposed.

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