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Everything posted by Pspoons

  1. Found out the last minute from an insider it's gona sit beside my hds 8 on the dash of my boat
  2. As far as i kno if you get the LMMS unit u can network and share info from one to the other! Waiting for my new boat to arive and i have a hds 5 and an 8 plus LMMwaiting to get hooked up and I was told I would need only one card for both.
  3. marina is open and out in the bay ther is just slush remaining couple hundred feet from shore, one more day and it should all be gone"
  4. Have you looked into a tracker targa 17?? great fishing family boat.. did a lot of research and i'm switching from a legend 16 to a targa 17 go online and check the specks before u make a deision!!
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