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Everything posted by JenTavolacci

  1. aaaaaaahhhhhh ha ha ha!!!!!!! great photo Terry!!!!!! And I agree....THAT is a beanie!!!!!!!
  2. whatever happened to the old reliable word..."hat".....hats, beanies, skull caps, toque, skidoo caps, watch cap......aaarrrggggg!!!!
  3. The one Pete is wearing is a knit cap....it may be a Toque but maybe not, its not a skull cap though. We do have others at petemaina.com that I think for sure are Toques. Is that the plural? I tried to find out so I could put it on the site but Miriam Webster didn't give a plural for it. The others on the site are fleece....here is a photo: Crocodile Hunter?? Funny! -Jen
  4. Yeah, we figured that, well...... as long as its bringing joy.
  5. AHHHH....and that would be why I did not remember it!!!! That seems to be it! I looked it up: Toque: soft hat with a narrow brim worn especially in the 16th century, from Old Spanish toca headdress 1 : a woman's small hat without a brim made in any of various soft close-fitting shapes 2 : TUQUE 3 : a tall brimless hat worn by a chef -- called also toque blanche THANKS!!!!!!
  6. Hi everyone! So we have some new products and I have a question that the Canadians should be able to help me with....I have attached a photo of Pete wearing what we call a "beanie". To my question... a couple of years ago I was at a trade show and met some people from Canada and they did not call this a "beanie", they called it something else that for the life of me I cannot remember. I had never heard the word before. Could someone tell me what these hats/caps/beanie things are called in Canada? I would like to add it to the product description....plus I am not so sure I like the name "beanie" for them. Thanks!!!! -Jen Oh yeah..... Marc Thorpe - no comments on what the arrow is pointing to!!!! Ah....forget it - go for it!
  7. amazing.....they are so prehistoric too, look at the armor on the one in the photos....pretty cool even though they are a pain.
  8. ooohhhhh boy........
  9. Hey I don't know if anyone is interested but last summer while fishing we had some unwelcome company....and I had my camera...... Check out those nails and his tail had a huge moss buildup... -Jen
  10. Yes it is! And here is the photo from that post.......Thanks Joey for taking that photo so everyone can see it on a person!!!! Here is the link to the post itself, its a great Secret Santa story. Joey's post -Jen
  11. Thanks T.J.! Sorry but I love these smilies!!! -Jen
  12. Hi everyone! The coupon code mentioned above is valid at www.PeteMaina.com - just enter it at checkout. The code is: ofnmember -Jen
  13. Hey Secret Santa! Since this is the "Thank You" thread.....I wanted to say my own thanks for your gift........as Joey said, it made both of our days. It was such a genuine, kind thing that you did......to me, the gift was the act, so thanks Secret Santa -whoever you are ....... Joey- the shirt looks GREAT!!! Thanks for posting the photo!!!! -Jen
  14. ......poor piggy. Jen
  15. Thanks Art!!!!!!
  16. Oh ggggs Art! If I send Joey one then I have to send you one for your great comment then the next person and the next person and the next!!! Then there won't be any left and we will go belly up!!!! Now you don't want that do you??? -Jen
  17. Pickin on me already huh???? See if you get anything next year..... Jen
  18. It's on the way T.J.! Glad you like it!!!! Jen
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