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Everything posted by JenTavolacci

  1. OH MY!!! I love that dancing Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Ggggs Roy, I was hoping that when he was done wearing it around the yard that he might give it to me! Although, he sure seems to like it and may not give it up! Jen
  3. Hi everyone- Pete had put up a post a couple of days ago about a fishing song from Schramband. The song - Now We're Fishin' can be downloaded from our homepage at www.PeteMaina.com Anyway, Pete received a Schramband hat and we took some SUPER funny pictures of him wearing it....we thought you would get a kick out seeing them, so here they are! -Jen
  4. Hi everyone..... If you are looking for a good laugh read this thread (or just look at the pictures): Funny Thread It was SOOOOO funny, I sat in front of my computer giggling with every new picture. I have something new to add to it but since it was so long, I thought I would start a new topic. Ready? Here goes..... WE NOW HAVE GIRLIE TOQUES!!!! Sorry Pete...but at least it's camo.
  5. Nothing wrong with that!
  6. Yeah they are comfy aren't they? I have a 1 of the hooded sweatshirts, great for the weather here! Warm and comfy! Remo- are we going to turn you into a Muskie man? Jen
  7. Would it help if I told you that we appreciate your purchase????
  8. Maybe he would rather have a Walleye shirt? We have those too......and a New Year's Sale going on.... -Jen
  9. We have a winner!!!! Remo Carpeneto of Mississauga is the winner of the www.PeteMaina.com Muskie T-shirt Contest! (Contest Page) Congratulations Remo! Thank you to everyone that entered the contest! -Jen
  10. I'm likin' the dual view of the boys....... -Jen
  11. I just think that we may get a response from the Elf himself soon....
  12. get ready........
  13. I have to say....after this post, I cannot wait for other holidays.....especially Easter. Hmmmmm.....I am thinking Big Pink Bunny Pete. -Jen
  14. Marc are those jazz hands I see???? Were ya doin a little dance?
  15. Joey I HAVE to agree!!!!!! I am thinking he might get a good giggle when he sees it! Although he may complain about the tights.....but hey he brought up tights right? I am thinking it would be a GREAT holiday card for next year? Hey Marc - how about just tell him it was all your idea? At least I didn't do pearls right? Thanks Ernie!!!! -Jen
  16. I was actually sitting here cracking up in front of the computer while making this. I hope you all get a good giggle too! He's gonna strangle me when he gets back in town....but I couldn't resist.....
  17. yep...you are jinxing yourself.....
  18. Sorry Pete....but at least I didn't make you into a girl....instead you are a manly santa!
  19. a buncha giggles!
  20. Thank you for making my day!!!! and I AM saving these to my computer....never know when I may need them! -Jen
  21. isn't that a big sled?
  22. oh gggs.....I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!!! Thanks Pam....what we have are definately toques then....we have both knit and fleece. -Jen
  23. I also want to remind everyone that I created a special coupon for OFC members to use on www.petemaina.com. The coupon is for $5 off any order over $50. There is still time before the holiday to get some great gifts or....tell someone to get you a great gift!!! The coupon code to use at checkout is: ofnmember Maybe someone you know needs a couple of toques so they don't get a NUMBskull! But if you are looking for one of those beanies with a twirly thing -- we don't have 'em. -Jen
  24. You all crack me up!!!! We need them here in Northern Wisconsin too!!! High is 14 today, low -1 with lots of wind....bbrrrr!
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