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Everything posted by thebigcatch

  1. Your jocking right!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  2. Am I the only one that is excited about the B.A.S.S classic?!?
  3. And I love ever min of it.... that's what it's all about...... I'll be goin into my 3 year of guiding.
  4. 100% WRONG! It's the best job goin.... And the pay is GOOD
  5. Look on noto.net lots of stuff like that on there
  6. I got it for 9.95 last year 35.00 WOW that's a lot
  7. IMO the arctic cat crossfire 800 or the k1 (k1000) is the one for me !!
  8. I'm getin them oh my nitro in may I'll let you know how they work !!!!
  9. Yeah some of them have to be staged ....... But it's still funny stuff
  10. To funny ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1lBoEeUiGk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. Well at last you have the best 1 frist lol that's where I do my guiding
  12. More like 2 moth for me
  13. Ha like them eh!..... Let's see your plastics? (and socks) lol
  14. Go to hawk lake the worlds best fishing !!!!!!!!!!
  15. LMAO hahahahahaha
  16. A bit of it yes
  17. Look in ur pm
  18. I NEED HELP ....K guys here is SOME of my plastics... I'll post more tomorrow
  19. Ok I'll get them up tonite for yea!
  20. I would show it off but you guys don't have 4 days to spare ! Do yea? Lol
  21. LMAO haha thaxz for that one!
  22. Any one up for going in the am!?
  23. Nice pics guys!! And good lookin fish!! WTG
  24. Sorry guys a Z1 is a arctic cat snowmobile 1056cc (Z1)
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