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Everything posted by waki5

  1. its interesting. i know when we start a job (MTO)we sometimes have to do winter sand removal. This has been on the side of the road for 10 to 20 years built up at guardrails. We the contractor have to dispose this contaminated stuff on site. i'm sure this in time is getting into our waterways. if its from sitting on the side of the roads or after our its been relocated. i wish the MTO would reuse this stuff and maybe save us tax payers a few dollars
  2. is there a news article somewhere? i'd like to read some more on this. it would suck not able to fish in ontario again. but i tell you one thing, i'd be moving to another province
  3. you wondering why the criminals are still criminals. in this case not even a slap on the wrist. sad. i like the comment "make them wear their pants at a respectable height until they are 20".
  4. looks good on the guy. i like hearing our outdoor card/license money working and catching the guys that don't pay
  5. the sad thing is that its happening everywhere. i was fishing in port hope one day and it was verbal abuse in this case. i couldn't believe the number of people that didn't say anything. i had enough and spoke up. the guy had a few choice words for me and left. people need to get a life. the funny thing is i believe the Chinese guy was working with a CO. he had bought a fish off a guy for 50 bucks and left. but 5 mins after the CO came straight up to the guy and charged him. i can't believe they are using Asians for this. with all the problems they've been having the MNR needs to stop. in order for this to stop we (anglers) need to step up to the plate and put this people in there place.
  6. it looks good on them
  7. i hope it made it back to go up on the wall. what a fish. hears hopping one day. i too one day catch one like that.
  8. what a story. the odds of that happening again are slim to none
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