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About southpaw24

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  1. Okay guys, looking for some clarity.... Right now can I fish along the owen sound harbour? im trying to figure out if its open or not
  2. Thanks everyone for your replies. The pond in question is just west of owen sound. Shawn what are the prices like? I don't remember how many he was thinkiong of stocking, what would be looking at per fish?
  3. Hey guys been a while since Ive been on here. I'll cut to the point though. My brother in law has a pond thats about 20 feet wide 5o' long and 15-20 foot at the deepest point. Its spring fed and keeps pretty cool all summer. He's wanting to stock it with some rainbows or rock bass something that will thin out the frog population there. Does anyone know any places in Grey/Bruce to buy some stock? The closest I found searching online was Primrose. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. Those deliverance guys were hilarious.... "what are we gonna do glen?" "were gonna catch some bait, to catch some bait, to catch some gar" "mmmm gars good eating"
  5. I want to buy you a beer now lol. I am also a huge dog lover, my wife and I have 2 golden retrievers, and have adopted another dog that her mother stole from us. It was half great pyrenese/something else just showed up at our house one day. We put signs up for a month around the area and a radio add for a bit as well. No-one ever claimed him so we were going to keep the big guy, but then my wifes parents golden died of cancer and they wanted another one, so she stole him from us.
  6. Hey all, I just moved back to Ontario from Brandon, Manitoba. While I was out there some of my buddy's got into fishing and for the past couple of summers have been going up to Lake Talon near North Bay for a weekend. Now I think in the last 2 years they have only caught two pike and on small walter. Before I moved out to Manitoba I was living in Sioux Lookout and got absolutely spoiled with the fishing there. I want my buddies to get a good fishing experience in. Is there any place preferably in the Sudbury/North Bay area where the fishing is above average? Also a cabin rental nearby would be nice. I'd like to show the boys a shore lunch and just have a good time. So any suggestions are welcome and thanks in advance. SP24
  7. Georgian Bay? From the footage that where it reminds me of
  8. out on georgian bay in an hour for the derby.... pumped

  9. That 30" blue is beautiful, nice fish... looks like you had a blast
  10. Hi all, been a while since I posted in here because I have moved to Manitoba but anyways. Today I bought a 15.5' coleman canoe from a gent who bought it a few years ago but never put it in the water. Im just wondering if its possible to put a small trolling motor in it to help me boogey around the small lakes here in MB. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
  11. Ok guys here is the deal just moved from Sioux Lookout to just outside brandon manitoba and now I have the assiniboine river to fish, but I have no idea what to use for bait or a setup for cats and carp and hopefully sturgeon. Any help or tips would appreciated
  12. Saw this on another forum, pretty easy just say what the weirdest thing you've ever reeled in. I brought in a nice fishing net once with a 6' handle on it, from 45 feet deep... pretty weird also caught a small walleye which was maybe 10 inches long that had a baby snake maybe 16 to 17 inches hangin out of its mouth... that one startled me a bit... but whats your weirdest?
  13. Come up to anywhere around Sioux Lookout..... you can catch all three from shore at one spot.
  14. So I had friday off and with none of my friends who own boats around went down to the local fishin spot and spent a few hours fishing. Caught a bunch of nice walleye, and a few pike.... if some of you saw my status on friday I had a monster pike break my rod, which was a bit of a piss off but came home got a back up and just slayed the fish... anyways heres some pics ....... good old frog rapids..........
  15. I thhink Musky Hunter is still on, its just late friday nights whn it airs
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