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Posts posted by buick14

  1. Hello

    I am looking for only one of these guides 

    FUJI CLNAG8J chrome 

    anybody know of a place locally or online (that doesn’t charge $30 to ship!)?  My biggest issue is many ppl have guides they jam into boxes (unlabelled), and try to find the best fit.  I’m looking for exact match.

    Locally meaning somewhere not too far from Toronto type deal.

    thanks !  

  2. 1 hour ago, Kawartha Kev said:

    Pretty disappointing day at the show today not a lot to see or do just a couple big tackle dealers mostly JB's and Naturals not very busy was in and out in a little over an hour no deals to be had for what I was looking for.

    Kawartha Kev

    I have to agree with you.  Total waste of time and money.

    although I’m not a Muskie Guy, handlebarz baits booth had some good looking stuff, and also the perfect jig had some cool stuff.

     Everything considered I would pass on going next year.

  3. 25 minutes ago, grimsbylander said:

     I don't see where anyone is giving him a hard time. What I see is people offering up financial advice based on experience. An alternative way of thinking only gives him more options.

    Oh, and in my case, you'd lose your bet, badly. 

    Bloomberg's Financial tip of the week: Don't take financial advice from a guy that says things like " Buy the boat dude... who cares!" lmao



  4. Hello

    i have looked online and there seem to be a decent amount of tackle stores in Hawaii.  I will not be allowed to hit them all, however I will be allowed to go a few.  I don’t really need anything, but it would be nice to go to some stores which have high end equipment and a good selection of everything.

    is there any input from somebody who has been?  The internet reviews and pics are good intel, but I’d like to hear any personal opinions.



  5. So I think what you forgot to mention was 

    buy x it costs almost twice as much as buying x but it technically oftentimes lasts twice as long, however not necessarily 

    and I'm still holding strong especially when it comes to atv etc ppl tend to be way to brand loyal which is fine, but tend to enjoy hearing only the bad.  There are crummy models throughout all of the lineups and years, make sure you compare apples to apples 

    you stick to any of the big companies,  weigh the pros and cons, do research on particular models your interested in and look at the history of those and u should be doing well.

    arctic cat electric issues one several model years i've heard are a problem, and have also heard it's straight forward and cheap to fix.  For a while some of their motors were Suzuki which was top shelf, so again I'm not sticking up for cat it's just an example of understanding.  Electrical issues can be common, man it's junk. Nevermind that Suzuki in there, or that there are easy fixes that last ...just look at the bad 

    Whatever you do, I hope you find what you want and that it will be relatively trouble free for years to come


  6. I owned a Polaris, now own an arctic cat and a can am....according to some these are the worst out there.  I have had no major problems.  If you want to be a fool, be brand loyal.  Only thing to stay away from is beaten up not taken care of units, particular models which have known issues and kinda no name Chinese manufacturers.

    high kms is relative, look for a clean non beat up non rusty unit which isn't caked with mud.

    and nevermind the brand loyal Bull.  If somebody got an "x" model, it would be the next best unit because they owned it.

  7. 11 hours ago, chris.brock said:

    True story.

    I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

    I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

    A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.



    Did he rob you 

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