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Everything posted by Canadave

  1. HI Tennessee ... Unfortunately I had to put Sam down on October 19. We kept him going as long as absolutely possible on a day to day basis but on the 19th the decision was obvious. He had difficulty even standing and easily fell over. On the 19th we even had to carry him out to do his business which he then couldn't do. He was getting dehydrated so his whole system was shuttung down. His sight and hearing was also bad. It's one of the worst days of your life when you have to do it. He was 2 1/2 when we rescued him 12 years ago, the day before he was going to be put down at the local pound where he ended up after being abandoned so he had 12 more years of being spoiled rotten. He now lives in an urn in the living room. aplumma ... I checked out the Elite-5 DSI but $700 is more than a smidge beyond my $330 maximum camilly ... I've had my eye on the Humminbird 565 for $200 U.S. and I also found a 580 on the net for the same price. Billy Bob ... I checked out that bbcboards.net site which is great and should be helpful. I'll certainly spend some more time on it. Gerritt and Beans ... Looking forward to throwing McSquinty out ASAP. He always reminds me of one of those creepy geeky psychopathic liar jerk guys we all knew in school who brown-nosed up to the teacher and was his/her informer while pretending he was everyone's best friend. No wonder he was a politician. gbfisher ... I bought a Harbercraft 1625 TE back in 2001. As you likely know they're built like a tank, all weld with double thick sides and hull. It would stll be in mint condition if a tree beside the dock hadn't fallen on it and destroyed the windshield. Fortunately my insurance covered it. When I took it out three days ago I backed it into the garage and broke the centre window on the garage door opener but I figure I can get it fixed for a couple hundred bucks. Hi Roy ... Jeez I'm amazed you're still alive. I should talk though, I had an appendectomy on March 29 and they found a Goblet Cell Carcinoid Tumour in it which is a rare (only 600 cases world-wide)aggresive form of cancer. Fortunately it was found early so my chances are very good. The oncologists think there's only about a 20% chance of it recurring and if it does there are other treatments available. I consider myself lucky when I see the shape other people are in at the cancer centre in Kingston General Hospital. I just finished my 6th of 12 chemotherapy treatments which I get every two weeks and am having minimal side-effects so far. It seems like Lowrance and Humminbird are the favourites here with one recommendation of Garmin 300C by Perch Thug. I'll check it out too. I was cruising the site and saw some pictures of PJ and family. My God his kids look like they're all grown up which shouldn't come as a surprise cuz 10 years can do that. Is it just my imagination or did TJ put on about 200 pounds?
  2. crap!!! I just did a huge Damn reply to just about everybody and then itv all just disappeared. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
  3. Holy smoke!!! There's a lot of newbies here now but then again it's been so long since I've posted that maybe I'm the newbie now. Anyway, my fishfinder bit the dust after 10 years so it's time to get a new one assuming it doesn't make sense to get my bit the dust Lowrance repaired. Being a cheap bugger I don't want to spend a lot of loot, mind you those $10,000 suckers are pretty cool. For whatever it's worth I've been advised to avoid Garmin and stick to Humminbird, Lowrance, Eagle and Furano but that's only one person's opinion. I've seen something that was tempting for $160 U.S. considering my needs are fairly minimal with a 16 foot Harbercraft fishing mainly on a chain of 4 inland lakes. I would consider going up to $300 or a smidge higher if necessary. Any suggestions or recommendations?
  4. Hi TJ!!! You look like a real dork with that dorky hat. Canadave
  5. Hi Gerrit ... I hope things are better for you now. No one should have to go through what you did. Time is a great healer. Musky Man ... A gallon of coffee seems to work for me.
  6. Hi Fish Farmer ... The Harbercraft is fine at least it is now after getting repaired. Last fall I went down to take it out on a beautiful fall day with the fall leaves at their best for the last boat ride of the year when I discovered that a tree had fallen on it which totaled the windshield. The insurance covered it but the canvas didn't fit as well after it was repaired. This fall I was out when the back canvas slipped over the stern and the prop wrapped around it so the back curtain ain't quite as cute now as it was.
  7. Thanx Irishfield Hey gbfisher ... was that site by any chance all about striking muskies? Hey Tennessseeeseeese ... Sam's doing great although at 13 he's not as fast and frisky as he used to be. He's never been sick a day in his life and he can still run but not like he used to ... sort of like me. Now we both run like Walter Brennen. Unfortunately our cat Maggie disappeared on Labour day so we believe she was likely killed and eaten by a fisher. The government in their retarded wisdom decided to mess with nature and introduce fishers to control the porcupines and they immediately decided to eat everybodyies cats and small dogs. In their infinite wisdom they decided to introduce cougars to control the fishers and now they wonder why everybody's dogs, cats, goats, sheep and cattle are disappearing. We'll be really relieved when the government introduces elephants to stomp out the cougars. I can hardly wait for the government to raise taxes and throw billions out the window so they can placate the global warming chicken littles and crap artists like Al Gore and accomplish nothing but don't get me going ... unless you want to of course.
  8. The short story is on the "Car Problems" thread. A few days ago I received an email from some site called spoonpullers that even knew I was Canadave and asked me to register. You guys probably got it too. I went to it but it was a pain in the butt and took forever but it at least reminded me of OFC so I though I'd drop in. I only checked a few threads and noticed that there are lots of new guys but a lot seemed to have disappeared but I could be wrong. The wife and I almost went up to Lakair last June but didn't. I can't remember why ... probably because I'm so cheap. Anybody know how Kevin and Leslie are doing these days? With the economy and Canadian dollar I suspect business was down this summer. A fishing camp on near by Red Horse lake was down about 20% this year but with the U.S. buck up 20 %, hopefully 09 will be better for them. They're good people. My fishing skills have dramatically improved this year. I caught two pike. One was 8 pounds 12 ounces which is the biggest fish I ever caught in my life. It wasn't all that exciting. Most of the time I thought I was trying to get free from a snag. I can't remember if I mentioned it before but last year I upgraded my 40 HP Yamaha to a 50 HP. I always had trouble starting the 40 which is rare as Yamahas are good motors but the 50 is electronic fuel injected whatever that means and always starts on the first crank. Another neat thing is that a supermodel bought the house next door but unfortunately she's too young to realize that guys in their 60s like me are actually hotter than young pups in their 20s like her new husband. I figure that by the time she finally figures it out I'll be about 103 and she'll be a prune. Life just isn''t fair. I can hardly wait until my next life.
  9. Hi Roy and TJ ! It's been a long time since I poked my nose in here. The last time was at some point when some kind of changes were made on the site and it took forever to download which in part may be related to my stupid dial-up although for the first several years I never had the problem. Also around that time some newbies started whining about rants and started threatening to lodge a complaint with the thought police and it got so ugly that TJ almost closed the site down and as a last resort passed the ball to Speil and Roy knowing that since they don't have a life they wouldn't mind carrying the ball. Who do you call when you want to carp to the thought police anyway? Probably Bob Rae. Now there's a useless turd for you. Some people think he's a genius and some sort of messiah even though he had to hit 60 before it finally started sinking in that his flavour of the month socialism would never get him to his goal of forcing the unwashed masses to genuflex to his fat ass every day but I digress. As I recall, the whiners went berserk if any topic didn't relate to stupid fishing and I figured that if you can't rant, cuz that's what life's for, then what's the point. I prayed to the Good Lord that whoever those whiners were, they would get cancer and die a painful death and rot in hell for eternity. I noticed that there is some ranting going on here now but it's nothing compared to the good ol' days so maybe the Grand Poo Bah in the sky answered my prayers sorta kinda. Maybe the whiners left and signed up at www.shitforbrains.com where they can share their miserable lives with other whiners but I digress. I noticed that a lot of the old regulars aren't here unless I just haven't checked the threads enough. Good to see that douGUH is still here. I wonder what happened to DILIGAF? I guess he was finally committed.
  10. Holy crap Roy you're still breathing. I thought you probably died a long time ago
  11. I can't believe it Spiel ... you're still alive. I thought you would have rotted away a long tome ago. I guess Roy's dead eh? He looked pretty pathetic the last time I saw him.
  12. It's been close to forever since I checked out the site. I thought I might as well since the Lakair gig must be coming up. Holy sheet !!! Everything's new and all fancy schmancy. Hell, it's taking forever for a technopeasant like me just to figure out how to work the damn thing. I'll bet ol' TJ must be hauling in the loot from showing Sea Doo videos and stuff. I'll bet these days he's driving around in a V 12 Masarati SUV and out trolling with two of those spiffy new 300 HP Yamaha 4 strokes on the back of his 16 footer. I can't believe all the newbies who by now must mostly be oldbies. I thought by now that maybe most of the oldbies would be bored yacking about stupid fish every night and moved on to check out more important things like the hot new porn sites out there or the latest interesting postings on www.rotten.com. It's good to see that Roy's still around. He looks so old I thought he'd probably be dead by now. Living out in the boonies north of the 1,000 islands I still can't get high speed so I'm stuck with snail speed until Sympatico gets caught bribing the CRTC to not forcing them to provide modern service to this area. In the meantime it takes forever to download OFC so unless I fork over a bundle to Ripnet, a local wireless ISP in Brockville to bring me into the 21st century there's no point in dropping in to say hello too often. I might just sign up with them even though by the time they've hooked up all the necessary hardware onto the roof, my house will look like the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier in the middle of the woods. Hey GaryV!!! Is that your black lab in the picture?
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