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About fliptheslop

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  1. Being from Alberta myself fishing access is much easier there as the goverment owns all the lakes, therefore the people have access to them all, southern Alberta has probaly the best pike fishing anywhere as fishing pressure is very low, I never needed a boat there as shore fishing is very easy to find, the lakes guys are speaking of that get alot of pressure are the ones very close to the cities, the Alberta Goverment stocks a great number of lakes with rainbow trout, and if you want steelhead and salmon take a four hour drive from Edmonton and see what real steelhead and salmon look and fight like, the walleye fishing in some areas now is seconnd to non as out there,as they close lakes for some species, stock them, let them grow and take hold, than open them up, not like ontario where they let them get fished out than put limits on, word of advice, if your akin to trees,youll get lonely but if you like wide open spaces where you can see the world for miles, than you will love it. Also you will never hear a debate there about what to do if you see a poacher or someone breaking the law well fishing, they take their land and wildlife very seriously and youcan bet if you call a game warden will come, and will come fast,
  2. I was just tslking to someone who lives near erie and he said someone told him that an 11lb largemouth was caught on Scugog, anyone heard or know if this is true
  3. they saynone of the lakes that areaffected posse any risk, Im not sure how they make this claim, but cant tell anyone what the problem is
  4. They dont really even look like duck feet more like chicken
  5. Has there been any mentionif any other lakes are seeing this in other parts on ONT. such as near ottawa, as it seems to be happeningin the ST Lawance?
  6. I guess it comes down to whatever you feel as in everything else, some think leaders are better some dont its one of those things that is impossible to tell for sure if I use a leader do I get more bites than if I dont, well not sure because I dont fish without one, how many bites will you get with one rig or the next no one can be sure you can think you did but unless the conditions are exactly the same you will never know, yes you can guess maybe one way is better than another, so it comes down to confidence,I believe any time you can take a hurdle out of the way the more you tip the odds in your favour,so because of that I feel if a fish has a harder time seeing my line the better off I am.
  7. one word DROPSHOT, a long way from the boat, if you see them, they see you and they aint gonna bite, but you didnt hear this from me oh ya and the best dropshot baits are made by Mark K.
  8. IT does apply to larges as well depending on what your fishing with, not so much when flipping as this is a reation bite, when finesse fishing with tubes, senkos, or any soft bait it does make a difference, 15 pound should work just fine, also you may want to maybe use florocarbin as it has a little more stretch, braid has no stretch, so a lot of the breaks will come from the hook set. Largies have the same eye sight as a smallie so if a smallie can see the line so can a largemouth.
  9. Acually it can be spelt both ways in the english language, so we will let this go this time seeing your from Que. lol
  10. Their cousins, GOBIES
  11. QUoting things from 1897 and you call them facts, and you have me pegged, get someone to bring you into the the twenty first century, what a freekin joke. 100 years before they even knew the problems the carp could cause and thats what you have to call me stupit, wow your right your far to smart for me. IM done go catch your carp take a nice picture and throw them back (cus they arnt good for nothing) and let them live longer and cause more damage And my facts were a direct quote from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, but I guess they are stupit to and they just hate carp I guess the problem is my reading is just fine and I have the mantality to be able understand,but hey go with the name calling and such cus it really seems to be the only come back someone that doesnt have a clue resorts to, good thing I get it or I would have to act like a 2 year old as well
  12. Good post ccm, and you didnt even have to call anyone stupit
  13. Hers some facts: FRom the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The exact locatin and year of introduction of common carp, Cyprinus carpio, is unknown, but sources from Fuller(1999) say the common carp came from Eurasia for use as a food fish. Sources report that the common carp was transported to the U.S. around 1831 from France into New York, into Connecticut in the 1840s, in1872 from Germany into California, and in 1877 from Germany into several states in the U.S. The international release and escape of carp into several other water bodies has also helped this species to multiply in almost every state except Alaska. The common carp can thrive in lakes, rivers, and streams and is a well known bottom feederthat roots up vegetation and stirs up sediment on the bottom of water bodies. This creates poor water clarity and light penetration for other fish. Common carp are very produtive spawner and can over populate an area rapidly. Fishermen see the common carp as a nuisance fish because it depletes good fishing habitat and crowds out sport fish. And contrary to what you believe it is a fact CARP DO EAT FISH EGGS. Photz before you go calling someone stupit maybe you should get the facts, but im sure an expert like yourself has all the facts and knows that carp are great for our lakes, so that gives you the right to call someone else stupit. So I guess if having a clue as to the adverse affects carp are having on our lakes that your right IM as stupit as they come. And I dont care what the brits do, I care about the lakes in CANADA and the carp are hurting them. So with that said, I can find all kinds of info that shows carp are not good for lakes, do me a favor and show me how much smarter you are and lets have a little info on why carp are good for our lakes. And quoting a bunch of mags from Britian that are trying to sell people trips to Canada for thousands of dollars aint to scientific, But hey Im the stupit one
  14. Amasing how guys come out with (what do you have to back up your position) but yet your opinon doesnt need any support at all, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that to much of one thing in any aspect of life has an adverse effect on its surroundings. SO lets see your data that shows carp have no effect on the lakes they are infesting. Thats right infesting, and next time your Dad tells you your opinion is the only one that counts, tell him I disagree. Sorry I dont share your passion for carp. And as far as tourism I havent seen that great numbers of folks are flocking to the Kawarthas to go carp fishing, compared to the numbers that fish for what are classed as sportfish in Ontario. This is may OPINION and its not the same as yours but with the logic you respond with I guess that makes me wrong.
  15. The cleanup continues, not sure how a transducer can get riped off, as it should be higher than the bottom of the boat, or he was backtrolling really really fast.
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