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Posts posted by jeffw

  1. I work for petrocanada and can tell you that the only difference between petro, sunoco, esso and shell is the additives that they put in the fuel. All supreme fuel from all companies has no ethanol in them. Ethanol isn't bad for engines. The only problem with ethanol is that its corrosive when mixed with water. When people started using gas with increased ethanol it simply cleaned there tanks out and this caused problems with there motors. Ethanol has been in fuel for a number of years they have just increased the amount of ethanol in the fuel.

    Cheers Jeff

  2. Hey Jay, check the track for cracks and if its studded check for torn pieces where the studs were. Check the shocks to makes sure they rebound and there not cracked or dented. Last major thing is that the tunnel and heat exchangers are in good shape (they look like mini rads at the back of the tunnel) unless its fan cooled then there won't be any.

    Cheers jeff

  3. Went after work to the canals and was suprised to find that the canals were frozen and the bottom of cooks bay was as well. Two boats were trying to get to the launch ramp and told me the ice was approx 1" thick. Hopefully be on the canals in a week and on the bay in 3-4 weeks.

    Cheers Jeff

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