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Posts posted by jeffw

  1. Did you buy a floating, weight forward or double taper line as they all have different characterisics when cast and depending on what temp of water they are supposed to be used in. I use a surgeons knot to attach the line to the leader.

    Cheers Jeff

  2. I was at basspro yesterday and they got some nice waders and good prices on there wading boots. I would take a look there. I'm pretty sure they sell bare there. I have a pair of 5mm neoprene chestwaders and the only problem that I have had is that sometimes they are to warm. I've in fished on many occasions around the minus 10 temps and never had a problem.

    Cheers Jeff

  3. I bought a model 20 for $45 at a hock shop and have found it by far to be the best spinning reel that I have ever used. The guy didn't really know what it was and was supprised at how fast I grabbed it off the shelf. It was also loaded with powerpro 20 lbs.

    Cheers Jeff

  4. I work for petrocanada and I can tell you there is definately no gas shortage. The reason we pay so much for gas is because alot of our crude oil is sold to the states where they refine it and sell it back to us at an inflated price. And as everyone knows more than half the price of gas is tax.

    Cheers Jeff

  5. I'd give mountain a try but you will get fish in gull there is just alot more pressure on gull.If you are going through norland I would get large minnows there and use a swivel, couple foot long flourocarbon leader, split shot and a good sharp baitholder hook. If you don't have a sonar then I would just bring the minnows a few feet off bottom. Montain also has whitefish.

    Cheers Jeff

  6. I took out my sisters boyfriend today as he had never icefished before. We got to miners bay at 10 is and fished till 4:30. We were fishing in about 70ft and ended up catching two in the slot with a ton of misses. All fish were caught on a swivel split shot and a large minnow.

    Cheers Jeff

  7. I would make up afew 2-4 foot leads with a pearl tied on to the end of a treble hook to tie on to the end of your williams. Then you can jig the williams off bottom for lakers and have the treble with the pearl on bottom for whities. I would also bring some hooks and spilt shot to use. Make sure there good hooks like daichi or gamakatsu.

    Cheers jeff

  8. I have fished nassau for bones and permit on a 8 wt flyrod and had good luck with crab, shrimp and attractor patterns. As far as catching them goes look fro really shallow flats where with polarized glasses you should see them tailing and mudding up the water. lots of cudas, jacks and groupers off the reefs. I would get a cast net if you can and catch some small baitfishfor bait of the reefs and dop offs. If you can find some floating structure offshore with birds flying around it throw some bait in the water and you will get a feeding frenzy. Then throw bait on a hook and you should get some fish. You should get some jacks and maybe some dorado. I would get some berkley big game for your reels.If you have anymore questions send me a pm as I could go on forever with tips.

    Cheers jeff

  9. I went out with troutologist today and fished a small lake off 35 north of minden. We found a average of 3' but some places had 2" and some had 4". After about 4 hours of fishing he caught a nice fat 16" splake and I had 2 hits. All an all a good day and thanks again troutologist for the good day.

    Chhers Jeff

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