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Everything posted by rippinlipsfishingteam

  1. Bahahaaa... classic.. hilarious that they probably fight as hard as any freshwater fish yet we always give those poor guys a bad rap... we definately got some huuuuge ones this year but I didn't have any release shots hahahaaha... Thanks guys !
  2. Its Niagara ! hahahaha..
  3. Yes...and they aren't even my kids hahah... We learned an early lesson "DONT TELL PEOPLE WHERE I AM TAKING YOU FISHING" hahahaha
  4. Well I know the season isn't even over yet hahaha... but I had to wade through enough footage as it was from this season. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone I fished with this year.... I learned something everytime I went out (even if it was 'what NOT to do' haha) All I can say as that we are lucky in southern Ontario to have this at our fingertips ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ng2Qb5gDpo&feature=youtu.be
  5. Hahahaha, yeah buddy.. if anyone knows this you would for sure... lots of these beasts around... especially when you are not looking for them !
  6. Yes... 8 LB fluro on a spinning reel ! It is not a tiger, a true tiger has rounded fins... This ski is from the Niagara river, it is a 'barred' muskie. I didnt weigh or measure it, I wanted to get it back as quick as possible. We only measure the giants haha
  7. Hahahaa.... yup... we woulda had some problems... All I cared about was landing it so it didn't break me off and have a jerkbait as jewelery for life
  8. Bass fishing ... 8 LB floro ... musky crushed my jerkbait.. Thanks to my netman for the 'scoop' ! Definately gives me some confidence with fluorocarbon ... it was wrapped in its teeth like dental floss and held up well ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUuv7P3yNDc
  9. I wont lie, it hurts my feelings and brings a tear to my eye when people hate on things but hey, some love, some hate... Its funny, my grandma was from Angus and she thought it was funny... and she is 94 years old with no legs ...she doens't know what bandwith is but she disagrees and thought it wasn't a waste...lol .. . Kickinfrog... it does get better after the 30 second mark hahaha... its all good.. I will post some serious stuff in the future that I hope 'helps' people...
  10. Im sorry, I was hit in the head with an oar as a child Just a little wednesday afternoon humour...cabin fever has set in ... time to get out fishing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liXj01xJnaA On a serious note I am going to try and provide updated reports this season for Erie and Niagara (The greatest smallmouth fishery in the world - Lake Erie
  11. We fished both the US and mexican side. Yes is 'THE' Falcon lake, however as far as I know there was one isolated incident. However having said that, if you go with an experienced guide down there you wont have a problem. There are lots of border patrol etc out there so not once did I feel uncomfortable.
  12. Just got back from the now annual trip to Lake Falcon ! Man what a place. We unfortunately had some bad weather roll in on us which made fishing really tough. 2 out of the 3 days were cold windy and rainy. We had one nice 90 degree day, then the temps dropped to 40 degrees with rain and wind. We still managed some nice fish but unfortunately none over 10 Lbs... which for Falcon seems to be the bench mark for a 'big' fish hahaha... Here is a little footage.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRyRPydpdsQ&context=C49963a0ADvjVQa1PpcFOpP_z0O9YhEv43Fjs6Ci9ta5HpEYTXdt0=
  13. You can use the same gear you use in the fall in the spring... You just have to slow down if the water is really cold. US side is open all year so if you get a US licence you can go out and get them from shore or from a boat. If fishing canadian opener and you dont have a boat there will still be lots of fish shallow so you can walk shorelines and cast jerk baits, lipless cranks and topwater.. the smallies will be there waiting to smash !
  14. I dont know about anyone else but with no ice on Erie this year, its gonna happen earlier than ever and I am dyyyyyin to get out ! Just a little somethin' to get the bass mojo flowin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0e3NLDpyLg&context=C3e1860cADOEgsToPDskKEBz-qtG6wyoCdAzoWdNhu
  15. Big bag... and lots more to come...
  16. Was gonna fish today but when I arrived at a local spot I could not help but be distracted and disgusted.... copious amounts of line, hooks, jig heads, line with hooks attatched.... food wrappers...etc Picked up this bag full in about 20 minutes... Goin back for more this week... If anyone wants their 'stuff' back, feel free to contact me. I would be glad to return it
  17. Thanks guys... we are really lucky. We have one of the best fisheries in Ontario - Lake Erie and the Niagara river. So I will give most of the credit to the fish gods on this one hahaha
  18. Some footage from 2011 Thanks for everyone who put up with me and helped me... never stop learning ! Good luck to everyone in 2012 ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXA_YoegONc
  19. Following you now... Good idea btw for starting this thread...
  20. Following you...of course haha @rpnlipsfshnteam
  21. I already got crushed for the title of this vid because the conditions weren't "crazy" enough to say that lake Erie is 'not for the weak' ...but for anyone that fishes lake Erie, they know that it can get REAL bad and QUICK !... just a few clips of some tourny runs... If you hate it, im sorry in advance hahaha.... it never looks as bad in a video but trust me, being in the passenger seat for some of this was no cake walk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5MMvcAgvx0
  22. Haven't been able to find anything for 2011 yet though
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