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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. Good question. I feel u need different boots for different situations. I'll add my opinion for ice fishing/waterproof boots. "Nats" are all rubber, lightweight & warm, with removable liners. Also grip the ice & snow similar to winter tires. I couldn't beleive how light they are when I first tried them. Best rubber boot I ever used! Reasonably priced at $90.00.

  2. Hey skipper I fish Erie Alot. I use 1 1/2 oz bottom bouncers up to 30 depth. If deeper I go to 2 oz. Roy I have to disagree as well, I've caught lottsa walleye in 25 fow,trolling & we get the ones that are hugging the bottom. I've never had good luck targetting suspended walleye. Just my opinion but the proof is in the freezer!! LOL

  3. Thanx Lew, pic is awesome. I had a similar real life experience while in Sudbury. In my experience the dog was barking from a short distance, momma bear let out a noise & instantly the 3 cubs scampered up nearby trees. The momma stayed on the ground to fend off the dog. Interesting to see mother nature at work. Don't ever think if u encounter a bear that by climbing a tree you'll be safe. They r extrememly fast tree climbers. Maybe false info here. Whether they would chase u up a tree I'm not sure!!

  4. I run premium grade Shell gas in my out board motor. Shell burns cleaner because it does not contain ethanol. Also if the gas is going to sit for a while I add gas stabilizer to the tank but make sure U run the motor for a couple minutes to ensure the stabilizer has run thru the gas lines, carb etc. Stabilizer ensures the carburetor parts & other motor parts do not gum up. Good luck

  5. Hi my real name is Brian. My home is in Fonthill which is south of St. Catharines. I work as a crane operator, but some long time members may remember I also operated a DJ busines for many years. I love fishing the small lakes of northern Ontario near Gogama. I target walleye in open water , love perchin throught the ice. When at home I chase the big walleye Lake Erie has to offer

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