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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. Our guys played very well, but up against some tough opposition. Swedes & Fins! Penalties once again were our worst enemy. Our guys had 9 penalties. Virtanen's 4 minutes in the box didn't help the cause. 3 different times we had a man advantage only to be followed by a Canada penalty. Well, it's definitely a learning experience for next year.

  2. That would be an excellent choice to keep your cable from seizing up. A few years ago I had a rusted cable on an older boat. I removed the cable, then removed the fitting at the end of the cable which provided an opening to pour transmission fluid into the cable casing. I let it sit on a flat surface for 2 -3 days. Then I carefully bent the cable in various directions to allow the oil to work it's way into the various rusted areas. You would not believe the rust & particles that appeared when I poured the oil out. This procedure did work, saved me the price of a new cable! Good Luck!

  3. Yup be careful when purchasing on line from the USA. I just learned the hard way. New inflatable PFD regular $200 on sale 1/2 price - $99.00. with shipping 26 bux + exchange on the dollar they billed my visa $176.00! That's not all. I just received a bill from UPS. The bill states I owe them another $41.00 for import duties & brokerage fees & of course HST! So the total for a 99 dollar PFD is now $217.00! Do your best to shop at your local tackle shop.

  4. Yes unfortunately for our guys Sweden is a powerhouse. Stevens goal in the first period is a prime example of getting more shots on the net. A shot from the point & Stevens nets a nice rebound. You can't score against Sweden with a man is in the box! 3 Canadian penalties - 3 goals for Sweden! We had a 2 man advantage for :54 seconds , followed immediately by a 1 man advantage & couldn't score. That's the proof! We also had an opportunity when Sweden was short handed, but we didn't even get 1 shot on their net. Going to be another great game against Finland tomorrow. Go Canada Go!

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