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About Bunker

  • Birthday 06/13/1978

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    Port Hope

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. come on Muskie mike please share your thoughts.....
  2. Hi: i've got an entire collection of tying stuff, as well as fly rods and reels if you want to look at it all, just let me know. Cheers:
  3. Thanks for the # i'll try and give him a call... I'll get a list in the classifieds sometime this week....// Fish_Finder I have 15 years of fly tying materials a few rods and reels.. I know I will never get what I paid for the stuff which makes it hard to put a price tag on it... who knows maybe I can get enought to get that really nice spinnin combo that is in the classifieds...
  4. Hello All; I used to fly fish and tie alot of flies but I don't really fish that way any more I have a lot of stuff, I don't really want to sell off piece by piece. But who on earth would buy the whole lot; I guess my question is what or should I do, list it all seperatly and hope that it all goes or list the entire thing and hope that someone is interested in everything? Dave
  5. I managed one last steelie of the season for me anyway and It was a nice one.........
  6. this is just off The top of my head and is just an estimate... the price I was qoute for a while a go for a job was $150.00/meter of concrete 3'x3'x4"..I can't remember if it was 4" or 6" .... Trucks I think can hold 11 yds of concrete. pouring a slab is not that hard you just have to make sure you put your rebar and steel mesh in. doing some research on the net will come up with alot of slab type foundations. The price I gave you is just an estimate from a local concrete guy from around my neck of the woods. I hope this helps: a little
  7. I seen some nice big Ice chunks floating down the river today..
  8. I guess I could always buy a 3 hp 220v 1 phase motor and mount that as another option... Dave
  9. Sorry I forgot to add the volt its 575v, I was hoping to avoid a converter. but if that's the only way I gues I got not choice.. Dave
  10. Hi: all I got this 3phase motor that is on my table saw I have not been able to use the table saw scince I bought it from this industrial sale but it dose run it ran before they sold it. so I know the motor is good. My Question is can it be made to run from my 220v outlet. If it can how? or what is the best way to go about this.. Thanks Dave
  11. I figured The clackin minnow would be a good bet for dirty water for Sheaphead.
  12. I can't wait to try a couple this year... come on spring... here's an other
  13. HI All: Have Any Of you guys/gals used the BLUE BUCKS BAKKEN MINNOW before if you have what are your thoughts.... Cheers: Dave
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