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Everything posted by Grandman

  1. hey guys, anyone know where there is a good "bed and breakfast" close to Gilford, or something I can bunk for a couple nights. not overly expensive, thinking of heading up in a couple weeks for some ice fishing. Any replies greatly appreciated.
  2. Maybe you should un-develop your shoreline and pull that dock. Or just get used to it, water is public domain.
  3. Hey "PURE" where 'bouts you live in caledonia? I live just past the high school
  4. Me and F7 Firecat came to the conclusion that there's no fish to be had there. My grandfather fished there back in the 70's. I'll look at his maps tonight and PM you some of his spots.
  5. hey steve - thanks alot for giving up that spot for me and my buddy sunday afternoon. Buddy landed a 23.2 pounder there at about 9:30 pm on fermented cut bait. We ended up both popping PB's about 20 minutes apart. Sorry , no pictures- don't have a digital camera yet. We don't have derby tickets though. THANKS AGAIN MAN.
  6. well, with some time to burn this afternoon, I headed out to the local fishin' hole with my rod and a couple jigs in my pocket. Two hours later I was done fishing, with a couple nice walleye for dinner. I also released a OOS rainbow (about 9 pounds) and a OOS smallmouth (15 inches). Not bad for just burning some time.
  7. Terry- I know what you're saying. I was shi*ing my pants in the cop shop at 4:30 in the morning being interviewed by two 6'2-250 pound officers that figured I had beat a woman.
  8. Thanks Richard. Anyway, charges were dropped. The nut grabber is the one in trouble now- unlawfull entry and assault.
  9. I was sleeping in my bed at my house. It was an ex girlfriend who decided to break into the house @ about 2:30 am.
  10. I just got back from the 'cop shop'. It's 5:30am. Apparently, pushing someone off of you after they woke you up by pulling you out of your bed by your nuts and proceeding to kick you in the face is illegal. HUH. Yup,,,,,
  11. the issue with the obrien fish was the scale it was weighed on. I can't remember exact details but I'll give a shot (maybe TITAN can fill in the blanks) The scale that was used had a valid Canadian inspection sticker, but the IFGA requires yearly (?) inspections of scales (in the states??) The fish was weighed 65 # even. 65 POUNDS EVEN. The IFGA tested the scale at 65 pounds and found it to be within 2 ounces of true weight. Therefore the fish weighed between 64 pounds 15 ounces and 65 pounds 1 ounce. BETWEEN 64 POUNDS-15 OUNCES AND 65 POUNDS-1 OUNCE. Wow, what an uproar.
  12. you ever weighed a fish right after the catch, and then a couple hours later? it loses weight bud. The Barefoot muskie weighed 59-11 - eleven ( If I remember right) days after it was caught. It was refridgerated that time- experts figure that fish easily went over 65 FISH DRY OUT WHEN NOT IN WATER
  13. this is really bothering me, and I'll probably lose this post- SOME OF YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS why argue facts???? Obrien's fish was caught the same day a muskies canada outing was being held. The fight was witnessed by a few boats, the measuring and weighing of the fish was witnessed by almost the WHOLE group. The record application form was signed by a biologist, and you guys still repute this. Get a life boys. Facts are facts. (GBfisher- that fish is long and has a nice girth- but 27 inches?? Think at least 30-32+ inch girth for 60 pound class)
  14. the first picture of the Obrien fish is the last of the set of three up there to be taken. You guys ever hear of VERTICAL HOLDS?????????? the guts in that fish have obviously ripped themselves free of the head area and dropped into the end of the body cavity, making the fish look skinnier through the front half of the fish- instead of some dimwit's idea that the fish got fatter. GIVE YOUR HEADS A SHAKE AND THINK ABOUT IT you guys are really too much sometimes- the term "INTERNET EXPERTS" comes into play here. THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE
  15. A foot on either side of that big cow's head and down comes the anchor...... Just to quiet down those Americans.
  16. Lake St Clair ??????????? Give your heads a shake. Good bets- Georgian Bay Eagle Lake Nip Lake O Lake E (Niagara in December) Larry Ottawa Quinte Lake X (F7 firecat knows)
  17. Mirror Carp are awsome! My brother (AKA BRAD) caught a beauty of about 16-18 pounds about 10 years ago. Way to go man!
  18. Deepest sympathies for you and your family Lew. Our prayers over here are with you.
  19. Great time yesterday BRAD! Maybe except for getting caught in those two thunder storms.
  20. Caledonia bud, on worms
  21. Got off work early because of the heat (we were pouring cement ) Met up with my buddy Corey and headed down from 3-6 for some afternoon action. Ended up with about a dozen nice male walleyes all about 14-18 inches, another dozen mooneye, and a couple big channel cats. Took home my limit of walleye (4 here). Dropped off some fish to Grandma and Grandpa and called 'er a night. Not too shabby!
  22. Sounds like the time a family of "east indians" let about 6 dozen nice medium minnows out of our bait buckets last fall up in the Kawartha's. They said they thought they were trapped.
  23. I'm from caledonia bud, I'll PM you when we start lightin' them up Sorry to hear about your divorce man.
  24. No letting go of this secret bud, jumbo crappies can be fished out in 2-3 years easily on ANY lake
  25. Myself and a buddy went out to try a little known "backwoods" lake another friend of ours discovered last year.A long drive north and a two hour walk through the bush rewarded us big time. We ended up catching about 50 beautiful crappies and a couple oos bass. Came home with 15 big slabs measuring 12.5 all the way to 16.25 inches!! The big girl was the largest either of us had ever seen (too bad it was on his line not mine). This fish looked like it had eaten a couple golf balls! It weiged over 2 pounds on the digital scale. Anyways, I'll post pics when I develop my film of it (don't have a digi camera) Later
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